blob: 9ffb6975a0f9fde853c437d23f098d74113c0801 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// On Mac, shortcuts can't have command-line arguments. Instead, produce small
// app bundles which locate the Chromium framework and load it, passing the
// appropriate data. This is the code for such an app bundle. It should be kept
// minimal and do as little work as possible (with as much work done on
// framework side as possible).
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "chrome/common/app_mode_common_mac.h"
namespace {
// Checks that condition |x| is true. If not, outputs |msg| (together with
// source filename and line number) and exits.
#define CHECK_MSG(x, msg) if (!(x)) check_msg_helper(__FILE__, __LINE__, msg);
void check_msg_helper(const char* file, int line, const char* msg) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d): %s\n", file, line, msg);
// Converts an NSString to a UTF8 C string (which is allocated, and may be freed
// using |free()|). If |s| is nil or can't produce such a string, this returns
// |NULL|.
char* NSStringToUTF8CString(NSString* s) {
CHECK_MSG([s isKindOfClass:[NSString class]], "expected an NSString");
const char* cstring = [s UTF8String];
return cstring ? strdup(cstring) : NULL;
// Converts an NSString to a file-system representation C string (which is
// allocated, and may be freed using |free()|). If |s| is nil or can't produce
// such a string, this returns |NULL|.
char* NSStringToFSCString(NSString* s) {
CHECK_MSG([s isKindOfClass:[NSString class]], "expected an NSString");
const char* cstring = [s fileSystemRepresentation];
return cstring ? strdup(cstring) : NULL;
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
app_mode::ChromeAppModeInfo info;
info.major_version = 0; // v0.1
info.minor_version = 1;
info.argc = argc;
info.argv = argv;
// The Cocoa APIs are a bit more convenient; for this an autorelease pool is
// needed.
NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// Get the browser bundle path.
// TODO(viettrungluu): more fun
NSString* cr_bundle_path =
app_mode::kAppPrefsID) autorelease];
CHECK_MSG(cr_bundle_path, "couldn't get browser bundle path");
// Get the browser bundle.
NSBundle* cr_bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:cr_bundle_path];
CHECK_MSG(cr_bundle, "couldn't get browser bundle");
// Get the current browser version.
NSString* cr_version =
[cr_bundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"CFBundleShortVersionString"];
CHECK_MSG(cr_version, "couldn't get browser version");
// Get the current browser versioned directory.
NSArray* cr_versioned_path_components =
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:cr_bundle_path,
NSString* cr_versioned_path =
[[NSString pathWithComponents:cr_versioned_path_components]
CHECK_MSG(cr_versioned_path, "couldn't get browser versioned path");
// And copy it, since |cr_versioned_path| will go away with the pool.
info.chrome_versioned_path = NSStringToFSCString(cr_versioned_path);
// Get the current main bundle, i.e., that of the app loader that's running.
NSBundle* app_bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
CHECK_MSG(app_bundle, "couldn't get loader bundle");
// Optional, so okay if it's NULL.
info.app_mode_bundle_path = NSStringToFSCString([app_bundle bundlePath]);
// Read information about the this app shortcut from the Info.plist.
// Don't check for null-ness on optional items.
NSDictionary* info_plist = [app_bundle infoDictionary];
CHECK_MSG(info_plist, "couldn't get loader Info.plist");
info.app_mode_id = NSStringToUTF8CString(
[info_plist objectForKey:@"CrAppModeShortcutID"]);
CHECK_MSG(info.app_mode_id, "couldn't get app shortcut ID");
info.app_mode_short_name = NSStringToUTF8CString(
[info_plist objectForKey:@"CrAppModeShortcutShortName"]);
info.app_mode_name = NSStringToUTF8CString(
[info_plist objectForKey:@"CrAppModeShortcutName"]);
info.app_mode_url = NSStringToUTF8CString(
[info_plist objectForKey:@"CrAppModeShortcutURL"]);
CHECK_MSG(info.app_mode_url, "couldn't get app shortcut URL");
// Get the framework path.
NSString* cr_bundle_exe =
[cr_bundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"CFBundleExecutable"];
NSString* cr_framework_path =
[cr_versioned_path stringByAppendingPathComponent:
[cr_bundle_exe stringByAppendingString:@" Framework.framework"]];
cr_framework_path =
[cr_framework_path stringByAppendingPathComponent:
[cr_bundle_exe stringByAppendingString:@" Framework"]];
// Open the framework.
void* cr_dylib = dlopen([cr_framework_path fileSystemRepresentation],
CHECK_MSG(cr_dylib, "couldn't load framework");
// Drain the pool as late as possible.
[pool drain];
typedef int (*StartFun)(const app_mode::ChromeAppModeInfo*);
StartFun ChromeAppModeStart = (StartFun)dlsym(cr_dylib, "ChromeAppModeStart");
CHECK_MSG(ChromeAppModeStart, "couldn't get entry point");
// Exit instead of returning to avoid the the removal of |main()| from stack
// backtraces under tail call optimization.
int rv = ChromeAppModeStart(&info);