blob: 3d63bb2e95239585d0564528e1f01f07431dad90 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import common
# If something adds a static initializer, revert it, don't increase these
# numbers. We don't accept regressions in static initializers.
'chrome': 4,
'nacl_helper': 4,
'nacl_helper_bootstrap': 0,
def run_process(command):
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout = p.communicate()[0]
if p.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(
'ERROR from command "%s": %d' % (' '.join(command), p.returncode))
return stdout
def main_mac(src_dir):
base_names = ('Chromium', 'Google Chrome')
ret = 0
for base_name in base_names:
app_bundle = base_name + '.app'
framework_name = base_name + ' Framework'
framework_bundle = framework_name + '.framework'
framework_dsym_bundle = framework_bundle + '.dSYM'
framework_unstripped_name = framework_name + '.unstripped'
chromium_executable = os.path.join(app_bundle, 'Contents', 'MacOS',
chromium_framework_executable = os.path.join(framework_bundle,
chromium_framework_dsym = os.path.join(framework_dsym_bundle, 'Contents',
'Resources', 'DWARF', framework_name)
if os.path.exists(chromium_executable):
# Count the number of files with at least one static initializer.
si_count = 0
# Find the __DATA,__mod_init_func section.
stdout = run_process(['otool', '-l', chromium_framework_executable])
section_index = stdout.find('sectname __mod_init_func')
if section_index != -1:
# If the section exists, the "size" line must follow it.
initializers_s ='size 0x([0-9a-f]+)',
word_size = 8 # Assume 64 bit
si_count = int(initializers_s, 16) / word_size
# Print the list of static initializers.
if si_count > EXPECTED_MAC_SI_COUNT:
print('Expected <= %d static initializers in %s, but found %d' %
(EXPECTED_MAC_SI_COUNT, chromium_framework_executable, si_count))
ret = 1
# First look for a dSYM to get information about the initializers. If
# one is not present, check if there is an unstripped copy of the build
# output.
mac_tools_path = os.path.join(src_dir, 'tools', 'mac')
if os.path.exists(chromium_framework_dsym):
dump_static_initializers = os.path.join(
mac_tools_path, '')
stdout = run_process(
[dump_static_initializers, chromium_framework_dsym])
print stdout
show_mod_init_func = os.path.join(mac_tools_path,
args = [show_mod_init_func]
if os.path.exists(framework_unstripped_name):
print '# Warning: Falling back to potentially stripped output.'
stdout = run_process(args)
print stdout
return ret
def main_linux(src_dir):
def get_elf_section_size(readelf_stdout, section_name):
# Matches: .ctors PROGBITS 000000000516add0 5169dd0 000010 00 WA 0 0 8
match ='\.%s.*$' % re.escape(section_name), readelf_stdout,
if not match:
return (False, -1)
size_str = re.split(r'\W+',[5]
return (True, int(size_str, 16))
def get_word_size(binary_name):
stdout = run_process(['readelf', '-h', binary_name])
elf_class_line ='Class:.*$', stdout, re.MULTILINE).group(0)
elf_class = re.split(r'\W+', elf_class_line)[1]
if elf_class == 'ELF32':
return 4
elif elf_class == 'ELF64':
return 8
raise Exception('Unsupported architecture')
ret = 0
for binary_name in EXPECTED_LINUX_SI_COUNTS:
if not os.path.exists(binary_name):
# NOTE: this is very implementation-specific and makes assumptions
# about how compiler and linker implement global static initializers.
si_count = 0
stdout = run_process(['readelf', '-SW', binary_name])
has_init_array, init_array_size = get_elf_section_size(stdout, 'init_array')
if has_init_array:
si_count = init_array_size / get_word_size(binary_name)
# In newer versions of gcc crtbegin.o inserts frame_dummy into .init_array
# but we don't want to count this entry, since its always present and not
# related to our code.
stdout = run_process(['objdump', '-t', binary_name, '-j' '.init_array'])
if '__frame_dummy_init_array_entry' in stdout:
si_count -= 1
# Print the list of static initializers.
if (binary_name in EXPECTED_LINUX_SI_COUNTS and
si_count > EXPECTED_LINUX_SI_COUNTS[binary_name]):
print('Expected <= %d static initializers in %s, but found %d' %
(EXPECTED_LINUX_SI_COUNTS[binary_name], binary_name, si_count))
ret = 1
if si_count > 0:
dump_static_initializers = os.path.join(src_dir, 'tools', 'linux',
stdout = run_process([dump_static_initializers, '-d', binary_name])
print '\n# Static initializers in %s:' % binary_name
print stdout
return ret
def main_run(args):
if args.build_config_fs != 'Release':
raise Exception('Only release builds are supported')
src_dir = args.paths['checkout']
build_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, 'out', args.build_config_fs)
if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
rc = main_mac(src_dir)
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
rc = main_linux(src_dir)
sys.stderr.write('Unsupported platform %s.\n' % repr(sys.platform))
return 2
'valid': rc == 0,
'failures': [],
}, args.output)
return rc
def main_compile_targets(args):
if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
compile_targets = ['chrome']
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
compile_targets = ['chrome', 'nacl_helper', 'nacl_helper_bootstrap']
compile_targets = []
json.dump(compile_targets, args.output)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
funcs = {
'run': main_run,
'compile_targets': main_compile_targets,
sys.exit(common.run_script(sys.argv[1:], funcs))