blob: 14f0d9311f7ff5603148874868e5a039ab4eb8b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ntp_snippets {
namespace prefs {
extern const char kEnableSnippets[];
extern const char kSnippetHosts[];
// The pref name for today's count of NTPSnippetsFetcher requests, so far.
extern const char kSnippetFetcherRequestCount[];
// The pref name for today's count of NTPSnippetsFetcher interactive requests.
extern const char kSnippetFetcherInteractiveRequestCount[];
// The pref name for the current day for the counter of NTPSnippetsFetcher
// requests.
extern const char kSnippetFetcherRequestsDay[];
// The pref name for today's count of requests for article thumbnails, so far.
extern const char kSnippetThumbnailsRequestCount[];
// The pref name for today's count of interactive requests for article
// thumbnails, so far.
extern const char kSnippetThumbnailsInteractiveRequestCount[];
// The pref name for the current day for the counter of requests for article
// thumbnails.
extern const char kSnippetThumbnailsRequestsDay[];
extern const char kDismissedRecentOfflineTabSuggestions[];
extern const char kDismissedDownloadSuggestions[];
// The pref name for the time when M54 was first started on the device.
extern const char kBookmarksFirstM54Start[];
// The pref name for the discounted average number of browsing sessions per hour
// that involve opening a new NTP.
extern const char kUserClassifierAverageNTPOpenedPerHour[];
// The pref name for the discounted average number of browsing sessions per hour
// that involve opening showing the content suggestions.
extern const char kUserClassifierAverageSuggestionsShownPerHour[];
// The pref name for the discounted average number of browsing sessions per hour
// that involve using content suggestions (i.e. opening one or clicking on the
// "More" button).
extern const char kUserClassifierAverageSuggestionsUsedPerHour[];
// The pref name for the last time a new NTP was opened.
extern const char kUserClassifierLastTimeToOpenNTP[];
// The pref name for the last time content suggestions were shown to the user.
extern const char kUserClassifierLastTimeToShowSuggestions[];
// The pref name for the last time content suggestions were used by the user.
extern const char kUserClassifierLastTimeToUseSuggestions[];
} // namespace prefs
} // namespace ntp_snippets