blob: ba7d1f2b09546ee86d3e396775d521ab2fb0aa55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Implements the Demuxer interface using FFmpeg's libavformat. At this time
// will support demuxing any audio/video format thrown at it. The streams
// output mime types audio/x-ffmpeg and video/x-ffmpeg and include an integer
// key FFmpegCodecID which contains the CodecID enumeration value. The CodecIDs
// can be used to create and initialize the corresponding FFmpeg decoder.
// FFmpegDemuxer sets the duration of pipeline during initialization by using
// the duration of the longest audio/video stream.
// NOTE: since FFmpegDemuxer reads packets sequentially without seeking, media
// files with very large drift between audio/video streams may result in
// excessive memory consumption.
// When stopped, FFmpegDemuxer and FFmpegDemuxerStream release all callbacks
// and buffered packets. Reads from a stopped FFmpegDemuxerStream will not be
// replied to.
#include <deque>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "media/base/audio_decoder_config.h"
#include "media/base/buffers.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer.h"
#include "media/base/pipeline.h"
#include "media/base/video_decoder_config.h"
#include "media/filters/ffmpeg_glue.h"
// FFmpeg forward declarations.
struct AVFormatContext;
struct AVPacket;
struct AVRational;
struct AVStream;
namespace media {
class BitstreamConverter;
class FFmpegDemuxer;
class ScopedPtrAVFreePacket;
class FFmpegDemuxerStream : public DemuxerStream {
// Keeps a copy of |demuxer| and initializes itself using information
// inside |stream|. Both parameters must outlive |this|.
FFmpegDemuxerStream(FFmpegDemuxer* demuxer, AVStream* stream);
// Returns true is this stream has pending reads, false otherwise.
// Safe to call on any thread.
bool HasPendingReads();
// Enqueues the given AVPacket.
void EnqueuePacket(scoped_ptr_malloc<AVPacket, ScopedPtrAVFreePacket> packet);
// Signals to empty the buffer queue and mark next packet as discontinuous.
void FlushBuffers();
// Empties the queues and ignores any additional calls to Read().
void Stop();
// Returns the duration of this stream.
base::TimeDelta duration();
// DemuxerStream implementation.
virtual Type type() OVERRIDE;
// If |buffer_queue_| is not empty will execute on caller's thread, otherwise
// will post ReadTask to execute on demuxer's thread. Read will acquire
// |lock_| for the life of the function so that means |read_cb| must
// not make calls into FFmpegDemuxerStream directly or that may cause a
// deadlock. |read_cb| should execute as quickly as possible because
// |lock_| is held throughout the life of the callback.
virtual void Read(const ReadCB& read_cb) OVERRIDE;
virtual void EnableBitstreamConverter() OVERRIDE;
virtual const AudioDecoderConfig& audio_decoder_config() OVERRIDE;
virtual const VideoDecoderConfig& video_decoder_config() OVERRIDE;
// Returns elapsed time based on the already queued packets.
// Used to determine stream duration when it's not known ahead of time.
base::TimeDelta GetElapsedTime() const;
virtual ~FFmpegDemuxerStream();
friend class FFmpegDemuxerTest;
// Carries out enqueuing a pending read on the demuxer thread.
void ReadTask(const ReadCB& read_cb);
// Attempts to fulfill a single pending read by dequeueing a buffer and read
// callback pair and executing the callback. The calling function must
// acquire |lock_| before calling this function.
void FulfillPendingRead();
// Converts an FFmpeg stream timestamp into a base::TimeDelta.
static base::TimeDelta ConvertStreamTimestamp(const AVRational& time_base,
int64 timestamp);
FFmpegDemuxer* demuxer_;
AVStream* stream_;
AudioDecoderConfig audio_config_;
VideoDecoderConfig video_config_;
Type type_;
base::TimeDelta duration_;
bool discontinuous_;
bool stopped_;
typedef std::deque<scoped_refptr<Buffer> > BufferQueue;
BufferQueue buffer_queue_;
typedef std::deque<ReadCB> ReadQueue;
ReadQueue read_queue_;
// Used to translate bitstream formats.
scoped_ptr<BitstreamConverter> bitstream_converter_;
// Used to synchronize access to |buffer_queue_|, |read_queue_|, and
// |stopped_|. This is so other threads can get access to buffers that have
// already been demuxed without having the demuxer thread sending the
// buffers. |lock_| must be acquired before any access to |buffer_queue_|,
// |read_queue_|, or |stopped_|.
base::Lock lock_;
class MEDIA_EXPORT FFmpegDemuxer : public Demuxer, public FFmpegURLProtocol {
FFmpegDemuxer(MessageLoop* message_loop,
const scoped_refptr<DataSource>& data_source);
// Posts a task to perform additional demuxing.
virtual void PostDemuxTask();
// Demuxer implementation.
virtual void Initialize(DemuxerHost* host,
const PipelineStatusCB& status_cb) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Stop(const base::Closure& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Seek(base::TimeDelta time, const PipelineStatusCB& cb) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnAudioRendererDisabled() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetPlaybackRate(float playback_rate) OVERRIDE;
virtual scoped_refptr<DemuxerStream> GetStream(
DemuxerStream::Type type) OVERRIDE;
virtual base::TimeDelta GetStartTime() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetBitrate() OVERRIDE;
// FFmpegURLProtocol implementation.
virtual size_t Read(size_t size, uint8* data) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetPosition(int64* position_out) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SetPosition(int64 position) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetSize(int64* size_out) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsStreaming() OVERRIDE;
// Provide access to FFmpegDemuxerStream.
MessageLoop* message_loop();
// To allow tests access to privates.
friend class FFmpegDemuxerTest;
virtual ~FFmpegDemuxer();
// Carries out initialization on the demuxer thread.
void InitializeTask(DemuxerHost* host, const PipelineStatusCB& status_cb);
// Carries out a seek on the demuxer thread.
void SeekTask(base::TimeDelta time, const PipelineStatusCB& cb);
// Carries out demuxing and satisfying stream reads on the demuxer thread.
void DemuxTask();
// Carries out stopping the demuxer streams on the demuxer thread.
void StopTask(const base::Closure& callback);
// Carries out disabling the audio stream on the demuxer thread.
void DisableAudioStreamTask();
// Returns true if any of the streams have pending reads. Since we lazily
// post a DemuxTask() for every read, we use this method to quickly terminate
// the tasks if there is no work to do.
// Must be called on the demuxer thread.
bool StreamsHavePendingReads();
// Signal all FFmpegDemuxerStream that the stream has ended.
// Must be called on the demuxer thread.
void StreamHasEnded();
// Wait for asynchronous read to complete and return number of bytes read.
virtual int WaitForRead();
// Signal the blocked thread that the read has completed, with |size| bytes
// read or kReadError in case of error.
virtual void SignalReadCompleted(int size);
DemuxerHost* host_;
MessageLoop* message_loop_;
// FFmpeg context handle.
AVFormatContext* format_context_;
// |streams_| mirrors the AVStream array in |format_context_|. It contains
// FFmpegDemuxerStreams encapsluating AVStream objects at the same index.
// Since we only support a single audio and video stream, |streams_| will
// contain NULL entries for additional audio/video streams as well as for
// stream types that we do not currently support.
// Once initialized, operations on FFmpegDemuxerStreams should be carried out
// on the demuxer thread.
typedef std::vector<scoped_refptr<FFmpegDemuxerStream> > StreamVector;
StreamVector streams_;
// Reference to the data source. Asynchronous read requests are submitted to
// this object.
scoped_refptr<DataSource> data_source_;
// This member is used to block on read method calls from FFmpeg and wait
// until the asynchronous reads in the data source to complete. It is also
// signaled when the demuxer is being stopped.
base::WaitableEvent read_event_;
// Flag to indicate if read has ever failed. Once set to true, it will
// never be reset. This flag is set true and accessed in Read().
bool read_has_failed_;
int last_read_bytes_;
int64 read_position_;
// Derived bitrate after initialization has completed.
int bitrate_;
// The first timestamp of the opened media file. This is used to set the
// starting clock value to match the timestamps in the media file. Default
// is 0.
base::TimeDelta start_time_;
// Whether audio has been disabled for this demuxer (in which case this class
// drops packets destined for AUDIO demuxer streams on the floor).
bool audio_disabled_;
// Set if we know duration of the audio stream. Used when processing end of
// stream -- at this moment we definitely know duration.
bool duration_known_;
} // namespace media