blob: e12af6b81e9294c9c0b407ac746276dc1011a964 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/filters/source_buffer_stream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace media {
// Helper class representing a range of buffered data. All buffers in a
// SourceBufferRange are ordered sequentially in presentation order with no
// gaps.
class SourceBufferRange {
typedef std::deque<scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer> > BufferQueue;
// Adds |new_buffers| into this range. |new_buffers| must belong to this
// range. Garbage collection may occur after Append().
void Append(const BufferQueue& new_buffers);
// Updates |next_buffer_index_| to point to the Buffer containing |timestamp|.
// Assumes |timestamp| is valid and in this range.
void Seek(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// Updates |next_buffer_index_| to point to next keyframe after or equal to
// |timestamp|. If there is no such keyframe, then this range will seek to
// the end and return kNoTimestamp().
// Assumes |timestamp| is valid and in this range.
base::TimeDelta SeekAfter(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// Updates |out_buffer| with the next buffer in presentation order. Seek()
// must be called before calls to GetNextBuffer(), and buffers are returned
// in order from the last call to Seek(). Returns true if |out_buffer| is
// filled with a valid buffer, false if there is not enough data to fulfill
// the request.
bool GetNextBuffer(scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer);
bool HasNextBuffer() const;
base::TimeDelta GetNextTimestamp() const;
// Returns the Timespan of buffered time in this range.
SourceBufferStream::Timespan GetBufferedTime() const;
// Appends the buffers from |range| into this range.
// The first buffer in |range| must come directly after the last buffer
// in this range.
// If |transfer_current_position| is true, |range|'s |next_buffer_position_|
// is transfered to this SourceBufferRange.
void AppendToEnd(const SourceBufferRange& range,
bool transfer_current_position);
bool CanAppendToEnd(const SourceBufferRange& range) const;
bool CanAppendToEnd(const BufferQueue& buffers) const;
// Returns whether a buffer with a starting timestamp of |timestamp| would
// belong in this range. This includes a buffer that would be appended to
// the end of the range.
// Returns 0 if |timestamp| is in this range, -1 if |timestamp| appears
// before this range, or 1 if |timestamp| appears after this range.
int BelongsToRange(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const;
// Returns true if the range has enough data to seek to the specified
// |timestamp|, false otherwise.
bool CanSeekTo(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const;
// Returns true if this range's buffered timespan completely overlaps the
// buffered timespan of |range|.
bool CompletelyOverlaps(const SourceBufferRange& range) const;
// Returns true if the end of this range contains buffers that overlaps with
// the beginning of |range|.
bool EndOverlaps(const SourceBufferRange& range) const;
// Functions that tell how |buffers| intersects with this range.
// TODO(vrk): These functions should be unnecessary when overlapping the
// selected range is implemented properly. (
bool IsStartOverlappedBy(const BufferQueue& buffers) const;
bool IsEndOverlappedBy(const BufferQueue& buffers) const;
bool IsCompletelyOverlappedBy(const BufferQueue& buffers) const;
// Appends |buffers| to the end of the range and updates |keyframe_map_| as
// it encounters new keyframes. Assumes |buffers| belongs at the end of the
// range.
void AppendToEnd(const BufferQueue& buffers);
// Returns the start timestamp of the range, or kNoTimestamp if the range is
// empty.
base::TimeDelta BufferedStart() const;
// Returns the end timestamp of the buffered data. (Note that this is equal to
// the last buffer's timestamp + its duration.) Returns kNoTimestamp if the
// range is empty.
base::TimeDelta BufferedEnd() const;
// An ordered list of buffers in this range.
BufferQueue buffers_;
// Maps keyframe timestamps to its index position in |buffers_|.
typedef std::map<base::TimeDelta, size_t> KeyframeMap;
KeyframeMap keyframe_map_;
// Index into |buffers_| for the next buffer to be returned by
// GetBufferedTime(), set to -1 before Seek().
int next_buffer_index_;
} // namespace media
// Helper method that returns true if |ranges| is sorted in increasing order,
// false otherwise.
static bool IsRangeListSorted(
const std::list<media::SourceBufferRange*>& ranges) {
base::TimeDelta prev = media::kNoTimestamp();
for (std::list<media::SourceBufferRange*>::const_iterator itr =
ranges.begin(); itr != ranges.end(); itr++) {
media::SourceBufferStream::Timespan buffered = (*itr)->GetBufferedTime();
if (prev != media::kNoTimestamp() && prev >= buffered.first)
return false;
prev = buffered.second;
return true;
// Comparison function for two Buffers based on timestamp.
static bool BufferComparator(scoped_refptr<media::Buffer> first,
scoped_refptr<media::Buffer> second) {
return first->GetTimestamp() < second->GetTimestamp();
// Returns the upper bound for the starting timestamp for the next buffer
// in sequence after |buffer|. Assumes |buffer|'s timestamp and
// duration are valid.
static base::TimeDelta MaxNextTimestamp(
const scoped_refptr<media::StreamParserBuffer>& buffer) {
// Because we do not know exactly when is the next timestamp, any buffer
// that starts within 1/3 of the duration past the end of this buffer
// is considered the next buffer in the sequence.
return buffer->GetEndTimestamp() + buffer->GetDuration() / 3;
// Returns true if |timestamp| is the timestamp of the next buffer in
// sequence after |buffer|, false otherwise.
static bool IsNextInSequence(
const scoped_refptr<media::StreamParserBuffer>& buffer,
base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
return timestamp >= buffer->GetEndTimestamp() &&
timestamp <= MaxNextTimestamp(buffer);
namespace media {
: seek_pending_(true),
end_of_stream_(false) {
SourceBufferStream::SourceBufferStream(const AudioDecoderConfig& audio_config)
: seek_pending_(true),
end_of_stream_(false) {
SourceBufferStream::SourceBufferStream(const VideoDecoderConfig& video_config)
: seek_pending_(true),
end_of_stream_(false) {
SourceBufferStream::~SourceBufferStream() {
while (!ranges_.empty()) {
delete ranges_.front();
bool SourceBufferStream::Append(
const SourceBufferStream::BufferQueue& buffers) {
// Check to see if |buffers| will overlap the currently |selected_range_|,
// and if so, ignore this Append() request.
// TODO(vrk): Support overlapping selected range properly. (
if (selected_range_ &&
(selected_range_->IsEndOverlappedBy(buffers) ||
selected_range_->IsStartOverlappedBy(buffers))) {
return false;
SourceBufferRange* range = NULL;
RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.end();
base::TimeDelta start_timestamp = buffers.front()->GetTimestamp();
for (itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); itr++) {
int range_value = (*itr)->BelongsToRange(start_timestamp);
// |start_timestamp| is before the current range in this loop. Because
// |ranges_| is sorted, this means that we need to create a new range and it
// should be placed before |itr|.
// TODO(vrk): We also break out of the loop if |buffers| completely overlaps
// the current range. This is to cover the case when |buffers| belongs to
// the current range, but also completely overlaps it. This should be
// removed when start overlap is handled properly.
if (range_value < 0 || (*itr)->IsCompletelyOverlappedBy(buffers))
if (range_value == 0) {
// Found an existing range into which we can append buffers.
range = *itr;
if (range->CanAppendToEnd(buffers) && waiting_for_keyframe_) {
// Currently we do not support the case where the next buffer after the
// buffers in the track buffer is not a keyframe.
if (!buffers.front()->IsKeyframe())
return false;
waiting_for_keyframe_ = false;
if (!range) {
// Ranges must begin with a keyframe.
if (!buffers.front()->IsKeyframe())
return false;
range = new SourceBufferRange();
itr = ranges_.insert(itr, range);
// Append buffers to the appropriate range.
// Increment |itr| to be the range after |range|.
// Resolve overlaps.
itr = ResolveCompleteOverlaps(itr, range);
itr = ResolveEndOverlaps(itr, range);
MergeWithAdjacentRangeIfNecessary(itr, range);
// Finally, try to complete pending seek if one exists.
if (seek_pending_)
return true;
const RangeList::iterator& range_itr, SourceBufferRange* new_range) {
RangeList::iterator itr = range_itr;
while (itr != ranges_.end() && new_range->CompletelyOverlaps(**itr)) {
if (*itr == selected_range_) {
// Get the timestamp for the next buffer in the sequence.
base::TimeDelta next_timestamp = selected_range_->GetNextTimestamp();
// Then seek to the next keyframe after (or equal to) |next_timestamp|.
// This will allow us to transition from the old buffers to the new
// buffers seamlessly.
base::TimeDelta next_keyframe_timestamp =
// If there's no keyframe after |next_timestamp|, then set flag to wait
// for the next keyframe in this range to be appended.
if (next_keyframe_timestamp == kNoTimestamp())
waiting_for_keyframe_ = true;
// Add all the old buffers up until |next_keyframe_timestamp| into
// |track_buffer_|. If there was no keyframe, then we add all buffers into
// |track_buffer_|.
scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer> next_buffer;
while (selected_range_->GetNextBuffer(&next_buffer) &&
(waiting_for_keyframe_ ||
next_buffer->GetTimestamp() < next_keyframe_timestamp)) {
selected_range_ = new_range;
delete *itr;
itr = ranges_.erase(itr);
return itr;
const RangeList::iterator& range_itr, SourceBufferRange* new_range) {
RangeList::iterator itr = range_itr;
while (itr != ranges_.end() && new_range->EndOverlaps(**itr)) {
DCHECK_NE(*itr, selected_range_);
delete *itr;
itr = ranges_.erase(itr);
return itr;
void SourceBufferStream::MergeWithAdjacentRangeIfNecessary(
const RangeList::iterator& itr, SourceBufferRange* new_range) {
if (itr != ranges_.end() && new_range->CanAppendToEnd(**itr)) {
bool transfer_current_position = selected_range_ == *itr;
new_range->AppendToEnd(**itr, transfer_current_position);
// Update |selected_range_| pointer if |range| has become selected after
// merges.
if (transfer_current_position)
selected_range_ = new_range;
delete *itr;
void SourceBufferStream::Seek(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
selected_range_ = NULL;
waiting_for_keyframe_ = false;
seek_buffer_timestamp_ = timestamp;
seek_pending_ = true;
RangeList::iterator itr = ranges_.end();
for (itr = ranges_.begin(); itr != ranges_.end(); itr++) {
if ((*itr)->CanSeekTo(timestamp))
if (itr == ranges_.end())
selected_range_ = *itr;
seek_pending_ = false;
end_of_stream_ = false;
bool SourceBufferStream::IsSeekPending() const {
return seek_pending_;
bool SourceBufferStream::GetNextBuffer(
scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer) {
if (!track_buffer_.empty()) {
*out_buffer = track_buffer_.front();
return true;
if (end_of_stream_ && (!selected_range_ ||
!selected_range_->HasNextBuffer())) {
*out_buffer = StreamParserBuffer::CreateEOSBuffer();
return true;
return selected_range_ && selected_range_->GetNextBuffer(out_buffer);
SourceBufferStream::GetBufferedTime() const {
std::list<Timespan> timespans;
for (RangeList::const_iterator itr = ranges_.begin();
itr != ranges_.end(); itr++) {
return timespans;
void SourceBufferStream::EndOfStream() {
end_of_stream_ = true;
bool SourceBufferStream::CanEndOfStream() const {
return ranges_.empty() || selected_range_ == ranges_.back();
: next_buffer_index_(-1) {
void SourceBufferRange::Append(const BufferQueue& new_buffers) {
base::TimeDelta start_timestamp = new_buffers.front()->GetTimestamp();
if (!buffers_.empty() && start_timestamp < BufferedEnd()) {
// We are overwriting existing data, so find the starting point where
// things will get overwritten.
BufferQueue::iterator starting_point =
std::lower_bound(buffers_.begin(), buffers_.end(),
// Remove everything from |starting_point| onward.
buffers_.erase(starting_point, buffers_.end());
// Append data.
void SourceBufferRange::AppendToEnd(const BufferQueue& new_buffers) {
for (BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = new_buffers.begin();
itr != new_buffers.end(); itr++) {
DCHECK((*itr)->GetDuration() > base::TimeDelta());
DCHECK((*itr)->GetTimestamp() != kNoTimestamp());
if ((*itr)->IsKeyframe()) {
std::make_pair((*itr)->GetTimestamp(), buffers_.size() - 1));
void SourceBufferRange::Seek(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
KeyframeMap::iterator result = keyframe_map_.lower_bound(timestamp);
// lower_bound() returns the first element >= |timestamp|, so we want the
// previous element if it did not return the element exactly equal to
// |timestamp|.
if (result == keyframe_map_.end() || result->first != timestamp) {
DCHECK(result != keyframe_map_.begin());
next_buffer_index_ = result->second;
DCHECK_LT(next_buffer_index_, static_cast<int>(buffers_.size()));
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::SeekAfter(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
DCHECK_EQ(BelongsToRange(timestamp), 0);
// lower_bound() returns the first element >= |timestamp|, so |result| is the
// value that we want.
KeyframeMap::iterator result = keyframe_map_.lower_bound(timestamp);
// If there isn't a keyframe after |timestamp|, then seek to end and return
// kNoTimestamp to signal such.
if (result == keyframe_map_.end()) {
next_buffer_index_ = buffers_.size();
return kNoTimestamp();
next_buffer_index_ = result->second;
DCHECK_LT(next_buffer_index_, static_cast<int>(buffers_.size()));
return result->first;
bool SourceBufferRange::GetNextBuffer(
scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer) {
DCHECK_GE(next_buffer_index_, 0);
if (next_buffer_index_ >= static_cast<int>(buffers_.size()))
return false;
*out_buffer =;
return true;
bool SourceBufferRange::HasNextBuffer() const {
return next_buffer_index_ >= 0 &&
next_buffer_index_ < static_cast<int>(buffers_.size());
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::GetNextTimestamp() const {
DCHECK_GE(next_buffer_index_, 0);
if (next_buffer_index_ >= static_cast<int>(buffers_.size()))
return buffers_.back()->GetEndTimestamp();
SourceBufferRange::GetBufferedTime() const {
return std::make_pair(BufferedStart(), BufferedEnd());
void SourceBufferRange::AppendToEnd(const SourceBufferRange& range,
bool transfer_current_position) {
if (transfer_current_position)
next_buffer_index_ = range.next_buffer_index_ + buffers_.size();
bool SourceBufferRange::CanAppendToEnd(const SourceBufferRange& range) const {
return CanAppendToEnd(range.buffers_);
bool SourceBufferRange::CanAppendToEnd(const BufferQueue& buffers) const {
return buffers_.empty() ||
IsNextInSequence(buffers_.back(), buffers.front()->GetTimestamp());
int SourceBufferRange::BelongsToRange(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const {
if (buffers_.empty())
return 1;
if (IsNextInSequence(buffers_.back(), timestamp) ||
(BufferedEnd() >= timestamp && BufferedStart() <= timestamp)) {
return 0;
if (BufferedStart() > timestamp)
return -1;
// |timestamp| must be after this range.
return 1;
bool SourceBufferRange::CanSeekTo(base::TimeDelta timestamp) const {
return !keyframe_map_.empty() && BufferedStart() <= timestamp &&
BufferedEnd() > timestamp;
bool SourceBufferRange::CompletelyOverlaps(
const SourceBufferRange& range) const {
return BufferedStart() <= range.BufferedStart() &&
BufferedEnd() >= range.BufferedEnd();
bool SourceBufferRange::EndOverlaps(const SourceBufferRange& range) const {
return range.BufferedStart() < BufferedEnd() &&
BufferedEnd() < range.BufferedEnd();
bool SourceBufferRange::IsStartOverlappedBy(const BufferQueue& buffers) const {
base::TimeDelta start_timestamp = buffers.front()->GetTimestamp();
return BufferedStart() < start_timestamp && start_timestamp < BufferedEnd();
bool SourceBufferRange::IsEndOverlappedBy(const BufferQueue& buffers) const {
base::TimeDelta end_timestamp = buffers.back()->GetEndTimestamp();
return BufferedStart() < end_timestamp && end_timestamp < BufferedEnd();
bool SourceBufferRange::IsCompletelyOverlappedBy(
const BufferQueue& buffers) const {
base::TimeDelta start_timestamp = buffers.front()->GetTimestamp();
base::TimeDelta end_timestamp = buffers.back()->GetEndTimestamp();
return start_timestamp <= BufferedStart() && BufferedEnd() <= end_timestamp;
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::BufferedStart() const {
if (buffers_.empty())
return kNoTimestamp();
return buffers_.front()->GetTimestamp();
base::TimeDelta SourceBufferRange::BufferedEnd() const {
if (buffers_.empty())
return kNoTimestamp();
return buffers_.back()->GetEndTimestamp();
} // namespace media