blob: ed3dfc37fa36a8f9ad6c17b2a9f92183ac1817ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <utility>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "media/base/audio_decoder_config.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/base/stream_parser_buffer.h"
#include "media/base/video_decoder_config.h"
namespace media {
class SourceBufferRange;
// SourceBufferStream is a data structure that stores media Buffers in ranges.
// Buffers can be appended out of presentation order. Buffers are retrieved by
// seeking to the desired start point and calling GetNextBuffer(). Buffers are
// returned in sequential presentation order.
class MEDIA_EXPORT SourceBufferStream {
typedef std::deque<scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer> > BufferQueue;
typedef std::pair<base::TimeDelta, base::TimeDelta> Timespan;
typedef std::list<Timespan> TimespanList;
explicit SourceBufferStream(const AudioDecoderConfig& audio_config);
explicit SourceBufferStream(const VideoDecoderConfig& video_config);
// Add the |buffers| to the SourceBufferStream. Buffers within the queue are
// expected to be in order, but multiple calls to Append() may add buffers out
// of order or overlapping. Assumes all buffers within |buffers| are in
// presentation order and are non-overlapping.
// Returns true if Append() was successful, false if |buffers| are not added.
// TODO(vrk): Implement proper end-overlapping. (
// This may trigger garbage collection.
// TODO(vrk): Implement garbage collection. (
bool Append(const BufferQueue& buffers);
// Changes the SourceBufferStream's state so that it will start returning
// buffers starting from the closest keyframe before |timestamp|.
void Seek(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// Returns true if the SourceBufferStream has seeked to a time without
// buffered data and is waiting for more data to be appended.
bool IsSeekPending() const;
// Fills |out_buffer| with a new buffer. Seek() must be called before calling
// this method. Buffers are presented in order from the last call to Seek().
// |out_buffer|'s timestamp may be earlier than the |timestamp| passed to
// the last Seek() call.
// Returns true if |out_buffer| is filled with a valid buffer, false if
// there is not enough data buffered to fulfill the request.
bool GetNextBuffer(scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>* out_buffer);
// Returns a list of the buffered time ranges.
TimespanList GetBufferedTime() const;
// Notifies this SourceBufferStream that EndOfStream has been called and that
// GetNextBuffer() should return EOS buffers after all other buffered data.
// Returns false if called when there is a gap between the current position
// and the end of the buffered data.
void EndOfStream();
// Returns true if this SourceBufferStream can successfully call EndOfStream()
// (if there are no gaps between the current position and the remaining data).
bool CanEndOfStream() const;
const AudioDecoderConfig& GetCurrentAudioDecoderConfig() {
return audio_config_;
const VideoDecoderConfig& GetCurrentVideoDecoderConfig() {
return video_config_;
typedef std::list<SourceBufferRange*> RangeList;
// Resolve overlapping ranges such that no ranges overlap anymore.
// |range_itr| points to the iterator in |ranges_| immediately after
// |new_range|. Returns the iterator in |ranges_| immediately after
// |new_range|, which may be different from the original |range_itr|.
RangeList::iterator ResolveCompleteOverlaps(
const RangeList::iterator& range_itr, SourceBufferRange* new_range);
RangeList::iterator ResolveEndOverlaps(
const RangeList::iterator& range_itr, SourceBufferRange* new_range);
// Checks to see if the range pointed to by |range_itr| can be appended to the
// end of |new_range|, and if so, appends the range and updates |ranges_| to
// reflect this.
void MergeWithAdjacentRangeIfNecessary(
const RangeList::iterator& range_itr, SourceBufferRange* new_range);
// List of disjoint buffered ranges, ordered by start time.
RangeList ranges_;
AudioDecoderConfig audio_config_;
VideoDecoderConfig video_config_;
// True if more data needs to be appended before the Seek() can complete,
// false if no Seek() has been requested or the Seek() is completed.
bool seek_pending_;
// Timestamp of the last request to Seek().
base::TimeDelta seek_buffer_timestamp_;
// Pointer to the seeked-to Range. This is the range from which
// GetNextBuffer() calls are fulfilled after the |track_buffer_| has been
// emptied.
SourceBufferRange* selected_range_;
// Queue of the next buffers to be returned from calls to GetNextBuffer(). If
// |track_buffer_| is empty, return buffers from |selected_range_|.
BufferQueue track_buffer_;
// True if the next buffer after the end of the |track_buffer_| is not
// buffered yet and we need to wait for the next keyframe after
// |track_buffer_| to be appended.
bool waiting_for_keyframe_;
// True when EndOfStream() has been called and GetNextBuffer() should return
// EOS buffers for read requests beyond the buffered data. False initially.
bool end_of_stream_;
} // namespace media