blob: 136f1de83f0c40b9adf0f8694918ac0400309245 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "base/tracked_objects.h"
#include "sync/engine/sync_scheduler.h"
#include "sync/engine/syncer.h"
#include "sync/sessions/sync_session.h"
namespace syncer {
class SyncSessionJob {
enum Purpose {
// Uninitialized state, should never be hit in practice.
// Our poll timer schedules POLL jobs periodically based on a server
// assigned poll interval.
// A nudge task can come from a variety of components needing to force
// a sync. The source is inferable from |session.source()|.
// Typically used for fetching updates for a subset of the enabled types
// during initial sync or reconfiguration.
SyncSessionJob(Purpose purpose,
base::TimeTicks start,
scoped_ptr<sessions::SyncSession> session,
const ConfigurationParams& config_params,
const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location);
// Returns a new clone of the job, with a cloned SyncSession ready to be
// retried / rescheduled. The returned job will *never* be a canary,
// regardless of |this|. A job can only be cloned once it has finished,
// to prevent bugs where multiple jobs are scheduled with the same session.
// Use CloneAndAbandon if you want to clone before finishing.
scoped_ptr<SyncSessionJob> Clone() const;
scoped_ptr<SyncSessionJob> CloneFromLocation(
const tracked_objects::Location& from_here) const;
// Same as Clone() above, but also ejects the SyncSession from this job,
// preventing it from ever being used for a sync cycle.
scoped_ptr<SyncSessionJob> CloneAndAbandon();
// Record that the scheduler has deemed the job as finished and give it a
// chance to perform any remaining cleanup and/or notification completion
// callback invocations.
// |early_exit| specifies whether the job 1) cycled through all the
// SyncerSteps it needed, or 2) was pre-empted by the scheduler.
// Returns true if we completely ran the session without errors.
// There are many errors that could prevent a sync cycle from succeeding,
// such as invalid local state, inability to contact the server, inability
// to authenticate with the server, and server errors. What they have in
// common is that the we either need to take some action and then retry the
// sync cycle or, in the case of transient errors, retry after some backoff
// timer has expired. Most importantly, the SyncScheduler should not assume
// that the original action that triggered the sync cycle (ie. a nudge or a
// notification) has been properly serviced.
bool Finish(bool early_exit);
// Causes is_canary() to return true. Use with caution.
void GrantCanaryPrivilege();
static const char* GetPurposeString(Purpose purpose);
static void GetSyncerStepsForPurpose(Purpose purpose,
SyncerStep* start,
SyncerStep* end);
bool is_canary() const;
Purpose purpose() const;
base::TimeTicks scheduled_start() const;
void set_scheduled_start(base::TimeTicks start);
const sessions::SyncSession* session() const;
sessions::SyncSession* mutable_session();
const tracked_objects::Location& from_location() const;
SyncerStep start_step() const;
SyncerStep end_step() const;
ConfigurationParams config_params() const;
// A SyncSessionJob can be in one of these three states, controlled by the
// Finish() function, see method comments.
enum FinishedState {
NOT_FINISHED, // Finish has not been called.
EARLY_EXIT, // Finish was called but the job was "preempted",
FINISHED // Indicates a "clean" finish operation.
scoped_ptr<sessions::SyncSession> CloneSession() const;
const Purpose purpose_;
base::TimeTicks scheduled_start_;
scoped_ptr<sessions::SyncSession> session_;
bool is_canary_;
// Only used for purpose_ == CONFIGURATION. This, and different Finish() and
// Succeeded() behavior may be arguments to subclass in the future.
const ConfigurationParams config_params_;
// Set to true if Finish() was called, false otherwise. True implies that
// a SyncShare operation took place with |session_| and it cycled through
// all requisite steps given |purpose_| without being preempted.
FinishedState finished_;
// This is the location the job came from. Used for debugging.
// In case of multiple nudges getting coalesced this stores the
// first location that came in.
tracked_objects::Location from_location_;
} // namespace syncer