blob: aeb5048b9677efa37e2c2bd90fd0cd372827601f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "cc/animation_events.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/layer_animation_event_observer.h"
#include "cc/scoped_ptr_vector.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace gfx {
class Transform;
namespace cc {
class Animation;
class AnimationRegistrar;
class KeyframeValueList;
class LayerAnimationValueObserver;
class CC_EXPORT LayerAnimationController
: public base::RefCounted<LayerAnimationController>,
public LayerAnimationEventObserver {
static scoped_refptr<LayerAnimationController> create(int id);
int id() const { return m_id; }
// These methods are virtual for testing.
virtual void addAnimation(scoped_ptr<ActiveAnimation>);
virtual void pauseAnimation(int animationId, double timeOffset);
virtual void removeAnimation(int animationId);
virtual void removeAnimation(int animationId, ActiveAnimation::TargetProperty);
virtual void suspendAnimations(double monotonicTime);
virtual void resumeAnimations(double monotonicTime);
// Ensures that the list of active animations on the main thread and the impl thread
// are kept in sync. This function does not take ownership of the impl thread controller.
virtual void pushAnimationUpdatesTo(LayerAnimationController*);
void animate(double monotonicTime, AnimationEventsVector*);
// Returns the active animation in the given group, animating the given property, if such an
// animation exists.
ActiveAnimation* getActiveAnimation(int groupId, ActiveAnimation::TargetProperty) const;
// Returns the active animation animating the given property that is either running, or is
// next to run, if such an animation exists.
ActiveAnimation* getActiveAnimation(ActiveAnimation::TargetProperty) const;
// Returns true if there are any animations that have neither finished nor aborted.
bool hasActiveAnimation() const;
// Returns true if there are any animations at all to process.
bool hasAnyAnimation() const { return !m_activeAnimations.isEmpty(); }
// Returns true if there is an animation currently animating the given property, or
// if there is an animation scheduled to animate this property in the future.
bool isAnimatingProperty(ActiveAnimation::TargetProperty) const;
// This is called in response to an animation being started on the impl thread. This
// function updates the corresponding main thread animation's start time.
virtual void OnAnimationStarted(const AnimationEvent&) OVERRIDE;
// If a sync is forced, then the next time animation updates are pushed to the impl
// thread, all animations will be transferred.
void setForceSync() { m_forceSync = true; }
void setAnimationRegistrar(AnimationRegistrar*);
void addObserver(LayerAnimationValueObserver*);
void removeObserver(LayerAnimationValueObserver*);
friend class base::RefCounted<LayerAnimationController>;
LayerAnimationController(int id);
virtual ~LayerAnimationController();
typedef base::hash_set<int> TargetProperties;
void pushNewAnimationsToImplThread(LayerAnimationController*) const;
void removeAnimationsCompletedOnMainThread(LayerAnimationController*) const;
void pushPropertiesToImplThread(LayerAnimationController*) const;
void replaceImplThreadAnimations(LayerAnimationController*) const;
void startAnimationsWaitingForNextTick(double monotonicTime, AnimationEventsVector*);
void startAnimationsWaitingForStartTime(double monotonicTime, AnimationEventsVector*);
void startAnimationsWaitingForTargetAvailability(double monotonicTime, AnimationEventsVector*);
void resolveConflicts(double monotonicTime);
void markAnimationsForDeletion(double monotonicTime, AnimationEventsVector*);
void purgeAnimationsMarkedForDeletion();
void tickAnimations(double monotonicTime);
void updateActivation(bool force = false);
void notifyObserversOpacityAnimated(float opacity);
void notifyObserversTransformAnimated(const gfx::Transform& transform);
// If this is true, we force a sync to the impl thread.
bool m_forceSync;
AnimationRegistrar* m_registrar;
int m_id;
ScopedPtrVector<ActiveAnimation> m_activeAnimations;
// This is used to ensure that we don't spam the registrar.
bool m_isActive;
ObserverList<LayerAnimationValueObserver> m_observers;
} // namespace cc