blob: 81726b8175bdac6f7429fd9256f0a828cb70faad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/layer_impl.h"
namespace cc {
class LayerTilingData;
class DrawableTile;
class CC_EXPORT TiledLayerImpl : public LayerImpl {
static scoped_ptr<TiledLayerImpl> create(LayerTreeImpl* treeImpl, int id)
return make_scoped_ptr(new TiledLayerImpl(treeImpl, id));
virtual ~TiledLayerImpl();
virtual void appendQuads(QuadSink&, AppendQuadsData&) OVERRIDE;
virtual ResourceProvider::ResourceId contentsResourceId() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void dumpLayerProperties(std::string*, int indent) const OVERRIDE;
void setSkipsDraw(bool skipsDraw) { m_skipsDraw = skipsDraw; }
void setTilingData(const LayerTilingData& tiler);
void pushTileProperties(int, int, ResourceProvider::ResourceId, const gfx::Rect& opaqueRect, bool contentsSwizzled);
void pushInvalidTile(int, int);
virtual Region visibleContentOpaqueRegion() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void didLoseOutputSurface() OVERRIDE;
TiledLayerImpl(LayerTreeImpl* treeImpl, int id);
// Exposed for testing.
bool hasTileAt(int, int) const;
bool hasResourceIdForTileAt(int, int) const;
virtual void getDebugBorderProperties(SkColor*, float* width) const OVERRIDE;
virtual const char* layerTypeAsString() const OVERRIDE;
DrawableTile* tileAt(int, int) const;
DrawableTile* createTile(int, int);
bool m_skipsDraw;
scoped_ptr<LayerTilingData> m_tiler;