blob: d17b037914577fc53e67bb06daaea95dd8b216d8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Compare the artifacts from two builds."""
import ast
import difflib
import json
import optparse
import os
import re
import shutil
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import time
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def get_files_to_compare(build_dir, recursive=False):
"""Get the list of files to compare."""
# TODO(maruel): Add '.pdb'.
allowed = frozenset(
('', '.apk', '.app', '.dll', '.dylib', '.exe', '.nexe', '.so'))
# .bin is for the V8 snapshot files natives_blob.bin, snapshot_blob.bin
non_x_ok_exts = frozenset(('.apk', '.bin', '.isolated', '.zip'))
def check(f):
if not os.path.isfile(f):
return False
if os.path.basename(f).startswith('.'):
return False
ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1]
if ext in non_x_ok_exts:
return True
return ext in allowed and os.access(f, os.X_OK)
ret_files = set()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(build_dir):
if not recursive:
dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d.endswith('_apk')]
for f in (f for f in files if check(os.path.join(root, f))):
ret_files.add(os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, f), build_dir))
return ret_files
def diff_dict(a, b):
"""Returns a yaml-like textural diff of two dict.
It is currently optimized for the .isolated format.
out = ''
for key in set(a) | set(b):
va = a.get(key)
vb = b.get(key)
if va.__class__ != vb.__class__:
out += '- %s: %r != %r\n' % (key, va, vb)
elif isinstance(va, dict):
c = diff_dict(va, vb)
if c:
out += '- %s:\n%s\n' % (
key, '\n'.join(' ' + l for l in c.splitlines()))
elif va != vb:
out += '- %s: %s != %s\n' % (key, va, vb)
return out.rstrip()
def diff_binary(first_filepath, second_filepath, file_len):
"""Returns a compact binary diff if the diff is small enough."""
diffs = 0
streams = []
offset = 0
with open(first_filepath, 'rb') as lhs, open(second_filepath, 'rb') as rhs:
while True:
lhs_data =
rhs_data =
if not lhs_data:
if lhs_data != rhs_data:
diffs += sum(l != r for l, r in zip(lhs_data, rhs_data))
for idx in xrange(NUM_CHUNKS_IN_BLOCK):
lhs_chunk = lhs_data[idx * CHUNK_SIZE:(idx + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE]
rhs_chunk = rhs_data[idx * CHUNK_SIZE:(idx + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE]
if streams is not None and lhs_chunk != rhs_chunk:
if len(streams) < MAX_STREAMS:
streams.append((offset + CHUNK_SIZE * idx,
lhs_chunk, rhs_chunk))
streams = None
offset += len(lhs_data)
del lhs_data
del rhs_data
if not diffs:
return None
result = '%d out of %d bytes are different (%.2f%%)' % (
diffs, file_len, 100.0 * diffs / file_len)
if streams:
encode = lambda text: ''.join(i if 31 < ord(i) < 127 else '.' for i in text)
for offset, lhs_data, rhs_data in streams:
lhs_line = '%s \'%s\'' % (lhs_data.encode('hex'), encode(lhs_data))
rhs_line = '%s \'%s\'' % (rhs_data.encode('hex'), encode(rhs_data))
diff = list(difflib.Differ().compare([lhs_line], [rhs_line]))[-1][2:-1]
result += '\n 0x%-8x: %s\n %s\n %s' % (
offset, lhs_line, rhs_line, diff)
return result
def compare_files(first_filepath, second_filepath):
"""Compares two binaries and return the number of differences between them.
Returns None if the files are equal, a string otherwise.
if first_filepath.endswith('.isolated'):
with open(first_filepath, 'rb') as f:
lhs = json.load(f)
with open(second_filepath, 'rb') as f:
rhs = json.load(f)
diff = diff_dict(lhs, rhs)
if diff:
return '\n' + '\n'.join(' ' + line for line in diff.splitlines())
# else, falls through binary comparison, it must be binary equal too.
file_len = os.stat(first_filepath).st_size
if file_len != os.stat(second_filepath).st_size:
return 'different size: %d != %d' % (
file_len, os.stat(second_filepath).st_size)
return diff_binary(first_filepath, second_filepath, file_len)
def get_deps(ninja_path, build_dir, target):
"""Returns list of object files needed to build target."""
NODE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'label="([a-zA-Z0-9_\\/.-]+)"')
CHECK_EXTS = ('.o', '.obj')
# Rename to possibly original directory name if possible.
fixed_build_dir = build_dir
if build_dir.endswith('.1') or build_dir.endswith('.2'):
fixed_build_dir = build_dir[:-2]
if os.path.exists(fixed_build_dir):
print >> sys.stderr, ('fixed_build_dir %s exists.'
' will try to use orig dir.' % fixed_build_dir)
fixed_build_dir = build_dir
shutil.move(build_dir, fixed_build_dir)
out = subprocess.check_output([ninja_path, '-C', fixed_build_dir,
'-t', 'graph', target])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print >> sys.stderr, 'error to get graph for %s: %s' % (target, e)
return []
# Rename again if we renamed before.
if fixed_build_dir != build_dir:
shutil.move(fixed_build_dir, build_dir)
files = []
for line in out.splitlines():
matched =
if matched:
path =
if not os.path.splitext(path)[1] in CHECK_EXTS:
if os.path.isabs(path):
print >> sys.stderr, ('not support abs path %s used for target %s'
% (path, target))
return files
def compare_deps(first_dir, second_dir, ninja_path, targets):
"""Print difference of dependent files."""
diffs = set()
for target in targets:
first_deps = get_deps(ninja_path, first_dir, target)
second_deps = get_deps(ninja_path, second_dir, target)
print 'Checking %s difference: (%s deps)' % (target, len(first_deps))
if set(first_deps) != set(second_deps):
# Since we do not thiks this case occur, we do not do anything special
# for this case.
print 'deps on %s are different: %s' % (
target, set(first_deps).symmetric_difference(set(second_deps)))
max_filepath_len = max([0] + [len(n) for n in first_deps])
for d in first_deps:
first_file = os.path.join(first_dir, d)
second_file = os.path.join(second_dir, d)
result = compare_files(first_file, second_file)
if result:
print(' %-*s: %s' % (max_filepath_len, d, result))
return list(diffs)
def compare_build_artifacts(first_dir, second_dir, ninja_path, target_platform,
json_output, recursive=False):
"""Compares the artifacts from two distinct builds."""
if not os.path.isdir(first_dir):
print >> sys.stderr, '%s isn\'t a valid directory.' % first_dir
return 1
if not os.path.isdir(second_dir):
print >> sys.stderr, '%s isn\'t a valid directory.' % second_dir
return 1
epoch_hex = struct.pack('<I', int(time.time())).encode('hex')
print('Epoch: %s' %
' '.join(epoch_hex[i:i+2] for i in xrange(0, len(epoch_hex), 2)))
with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'deterministic_build_whitelist.pyl')) as f:
whitelist = frozenset(ast.literal_eval([target_platform])
# The two directories.
first_list = get_files_to_compare(first_dir, recursive)
second_list = get_files_to_compare(second_dir, recursive)
equals = []
expected_diffs = []
unexpected_diffs = []
unexpected_equals = []
all_files = sorted(first_list & second_list)
missing_files = sorted(first_list.symmetric_difference(second_list))
if missing_files:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Different list of files in both directories:'
print >> sys.stderr, '\n'.join(' ' + i for i in missing_files)
max_filepath_len = max(len(n) for n in all_files)
for f in all_files:
first_file = os.path.join(first_dir, f)
second_file = os.path.join(second_dir, f)
result = compare_files(first_file, second_file)
if not result:
tag = 'equal'
if f in whitelist:
if f in whitelist:
tag = 'expected'
tag = 'unexpected'
result = 'DIFFERENT (%s): %s' % (tag, result)
print('%-*s: %s' % (max_filepath_len, f, result))
print('Equals: %d' % len(equals))
print('Expected diffs: %d' % len(expected_diffs))
print('Unexpected diffs: %d' % len(unexpected_diffs))
if unexpected_diffs:
print('Unexpected files with diffs:\n')
for u in unexpected_diffs:
print(' %s' % u)
if unexpected_equals:
print('Unexpected files with no diffs:\n')
for u in unexpected_equals:
print(' %s' % u)
all_diffs = expected_diffs + unexpected_diffs
diffs_to_investigate = sorted(set(all_diffs).difference(missing_files))
deps_diff = compare_deps(first_dir, second_dir,
ninja_path, diffs_to_investigate)
if json_output:
out = {
'expected_diffs': expected_diffs,
'unexpected_diffs': unexpected_diffs,
'deps_diff': deps_diff,
with open(json_output, 'w') as f:
json.dump(out, f)
except Exception as e:
print('failed to write json output: %s' % e)
return int(bool(unexpected_diffs))
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options]')
'-f', '--first-build-dir', help='The first build directory.')
'-s', '--second-build-dir', help='The second build directory.')
parser.add_option('-r', '--recursive', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Indicates if the comparison should be recursive.')
parser.add_option('--json-output', help='JSON file to output differences')
parser.add_option('--ninja-path', help='path to ninja command.',
target = {
'darwin': 'mac', 'linux2': 'linux', 'win32': 'win'
}.get(sys.platform, sys.platform)
parser.add_option('-t', '--target-platform', help='The target platform.',
default=target, choices=('android', 'mac', 'linux', 'win'))
options, _ = parser.parse_args()
if not options.first_build_dir:
parser.error('--first-build-dir is required')
if not options.second_build_dir:
parser.error('--second-build-dir is required')
if not options.target_platform:
parser.error('--target-platform is required')
return compare_build_artifacts(os.path.abspath(options.first_build_dir),
if __name__ == '__main__':