blob: 8a033ec632539e7fa8b0a4411fef6222db4bdd60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
namespace cryptauthv2 {
class ClientAppMetadata;
class ClientMetadata;
class PolicyReference;
} // namespace cryptauthv2
namespace chromeos {
namespace device_sync {
class CryptAuthEnrollmentResult;
// Implements the client end of the CryptAuth v2 Enrollment protocol, which
// consists of two request/response interactions with the CryptAuth servers:
// 1a) SyncKeysRequest: Contains the names of key bundles used by us--the
// client--as well as the handles and metadata of any existing keys in those
// key bundles. General metadata about the local device, such as hardware
// and feature support, is also included. Even if new key bundles are not
// being enrolled and no metadata is being changed, the Enrollment protocol
// requires periodic check-ins with the CryptAuth server.
// 1b) SyncKeysResponse: The response from CryptAuth includes instructions about
// what existing keys should be active, inactive, or deleted altogether. It
// also provides information about what new keys, if any, should be
// generated and added to one of the key bundles listed in the request.
// Aside from key instructions, a client directive is returned, which
// provides parameters related to scheduling the next check-in with the
// server.
// 2a) EnrollKeysRequest: The second request in the Enrollment protocol is only
// necessary if the client needs to enroll new keys, as denoted in the
// SyncKeysResponse. The request contains information such as the material
// of the new public key (if it is an asymmetric key) and necessary proof
// for verifying that we indeed possess the private or symmetric key.
// 2b) EnrollKeysResponse: We simply view this response as an indication that
// the EnrollKeysRequest was successful.
// An instance of this class can only call Enroll() once.
class CryptAuthV2Enroller {
virtual ~CryptAuthV2Enroller();
using EnrollmentAttemptFinishedCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const CryptAuthEnrollmentResult&)>;
// Starts the enrollment flow.
// |client_metadata|: Information about the enrollment attempt--invocation
// reason, retry count, etc.--that is sent to CryptAuth in the
// SyncKeysRequest.
// |client_app_metadata|: Information about the local device being
// enrolled--such as IDs, device hardware, and feature support--that is
// sent to CryptAuth in the SyncKeysRequest.
// |client_directive_policy_reference|: The policy reference used to identify
// the last ClientDirective that was received in a SyncKeysResponse. If
// the client has never received a ClientDirective, then this is
// base::nullopt.
// |callback|: Invoked when the enrollment attempt concludes, successfully or
// not. The CryptAuthEnrollmentResult provides information about the
// outcome of the enrollment attempt and possibly a new ClientDirective.
void Enroll(const cryptauthv2::ClientMetadata& client_metadata,
const cryptauthv2::ClientAppMetadata& client_app_metadata,
const base::Optional<cryptauthv2::PolicyReference>&
EnrollmentAttemptFinishedCallback callback);
virtual void OnAttemptStarted(
const cryptauthv2::ClientMetadata& client_metadata,
const cryptauthv2::ClientAppMetadata& client_app_metadata,
const base::Optional<cryptauthv2::PolicyReference>&
client_directive_policy_reference) = 0;
void OnAttemptFinished(const CryptAuthEnrollmentResult& enrollment_result);
EnrollmentAttemptFinishedCallback callback_;
bool was_enroll_called_ = false;
} // namespace device_sync
} // namespace chromeos