blob: 03bf1626e30882cf09b986c8f7f61f28388cce3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_completion_callback.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_instance.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_resource.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/ppapi_shared_export.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/ppb_message_loop_shared.h"
namespace ppapi {
class CallbackTracker;
class MessageLoopShared;
class Resource;
namespace thunk {
namespace subtle {
// For a friend declaration below.
class EnterBase;
// |TrackedCallback| represents a tracked Pepper callback (from the browser to
// the plugin), typically still pending. Such callbacks have the standard Pepper
// callback semantics. Execution (i.e., completion) of callbacks happens through
// objects of subclasses of |TrackedCallback|. Two things are ensured: (1) that
// the callback is executed at most once, and (2) once a callback is marked to
// be aborted, any subsequent completion is abortive (even if a non-abortive
// completion had previously been scheduled).
// The details of non-abortive completion depend on the type of callback (e.g.,
// different parameters may be required), but basic abort functionality is core.
// The ability to post aborts is needed in many situations to ensure that the
// plugin is not re-entered into. (Note that posting a task to just run
// |Abort()| is different and not correct; calling |PostAbort()| additionally
// guarantees that all subsequent completions will be abortive.)
// This class is reference counted so that different things can hang on to it,
// and not worry too much about ensuring Pepper callback semantics. Note that
// the "owning" |CallbackTracker| will keep a reference until the callback is
// completed.
// Subclasses must do several things:
// - They must ensure that the callback is executed at most once (by looking at
// |completed()| before running the callback).
// - They must ensure that the callback is run abortively if it is marked as to
// be aborted (by looking at |aborted()| before running the callback).
// - They must call |MarkAsCompleted()| immediately before actually running the
// callback; see the comment for |MarkAsCompleted()| for a caveat.
class PPAPI_SHARED_EXPORT TrackedCallback
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TrackedCallback> {
// Create a tracked completion callback and register it with the tracker. The
// resource pointer is not stored. If |resource| is NULL, this callback will
// not be added to the callback tracker.
TrackedCallback(Resource* resource, const PP_CompletionCallback& callback);
// These run the callback in an abortive manner, or post a task to do so (but
// immediately marking the callback as to be aborted).
void Abort();
void PostAbort();
// Run the callback with the given result. If the callback had previously been
// marked as to be aborted (by |PostAbort()|), |result| will be ignored and
// the callback will be run with result |PP_ERROR_ABORTED|.
// Run() will invoke the call immediately, if invoked from the target thread
// (as determined by target_loop_). If invoked on a different thread, the
// callback will be scheduled to run later on target_loop_.
void Run(int32_t result);
// PostRun is like Run(), except it guarantees that the callback will be run
// later. In particular, if you invoke PostRun on the same thread on which the
// callback is targeted to run, it will *not* be run immediately.
void PostRun(int32_t result);
void BlockUntilRun();
// Returns the ID of the resource which "owns" the callback, or 0 if the
// callback is not associated with any resource.
PP_Resource resource_id() const { return resource_id_; }
// Returns true if the callback was completed (possibly aborted).
bool completed() const { return completed_; }
// Returns true if the callback was or should be aborted; this will be the
// case whenever |Abort()| or |PostAbort()| is called before a non-abortive
// completion.
bool aborted() const { return aborted_; }
// Helper to determine if the given callback is set and not yet completed.
// The normal pattern is to use a scoped_refptr to hold a callback. This
// function tells you if the operation is currently in progress by checking
// both the null-ness of the scoped_refptr, as well as the completion state
// of the callback (which may still be out-standing via a PostAbort).
static bool IsPending(const scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback>& callback);
bool is_blocking() {
return !callback_.func;
bool is_required() {
return (callback_.func &&
bool is_optional() {
return (callback_.func &&
bool has_null_target_loop() const {
return target_loop_ == NULL;
// TrackedCallback and EnterBase manage dealing with how to invoke callbacks
// appropriately. Pepper interface implementations and proxies should not have
// to check the type of callback, block, or mark them complete explicitly.
friend class ppapi::thunk::subtle::EnterBase;
// Block until the associated operation has completed. Returns the result.
// This must only be called on a non-main thread on a blocking callback.
int32_t BlockUntilComplete();
// Mark this object as complete and remove it from the tracker. This must only
// be called once. Note that running this may result in this object being
// deleted (so keep a reference if it'll still be needed).
void MarkAsCompleted();
// This class is ref counted.
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TrackedCallback>;
virtual ~TrackedCallback();
// Flag used by |PostAbort()| and |PostRun()| to check that we don't schedule
// the callback more than once.
bool is_scheduled_;
scoped_refptr<CallbackTracker> tracker_;
PP_Resource resource_id_;
bool completed_;
bool aborted_;
PP_CompletionCallback callback_;
// The MessageLoopShared on which this callback should be run. This will be
// NULL if we're in-process.
scoped_refptr<MessageLoopShared> target_loop_;
int32_t result_for_blocked_callback_;
// Used for pausing/waking the blocked thread if this is a blocking completion
// callback. Note that in-process, there is no lock, blocking callbacks are
// not allowed, and therefore this pointer will be NULL.
scoped_ptr<base::ConditionVariable> operation_completed_condvar_;
} // namespace ppapi