blob: c95b62ede4efe1342a7f7f1369302111ef86bd6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "cc/layers/layer_lists.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect_f.h"
namespace cc {
class LayerImpl;
class LayerTreeDebugState;
// There are currently six types of debug rects:
// - Paint rects (update rects): regions of a layer that needed to be
// re-uploaded to the texture resource; in most cases implying that they had to
// be repainted, too.
// - Property-changed rects: enclosing bounds of layers that cause changes to
// the screen even if the layer did not change internally. (For example, if the
// layer's opacity or position changes.)
// - Surface damage rects: the aggregate damage on a target surface that is
// caused by all layers and surfaces that contribute to it. This includes (1)
// paint rects, (2) property- changed rects, and (3) newly exposed areas.
// - Screen space rects: this is the region the contents occupy in screen space.
// - Replica screen space rects: this is the region the replica's contents
// occupy in screen space.
// - Occluding rects: these are the regions that contribute to the occluded
// region.
// - Non-Occluding rects: these are the regions of composited layers that do not
// contribute to the occluded region.
enum DebugRectType {
struct DebugRect {
DebugRect(DebugRectType new_type, gfx::RectF new_rect)
: type(new_type), rect(new_rect) {}
DebugRectType type;
gfx::RectF rect;
// This class maintains a history of rects of various types that can be used
// for debugging purposes. The overhead of collecting rects is performed only if
// the appropriate LayerTreeSettings are enabled.
class DebugRectHistory {
static scoped_ptr<DebugRectHistory> Create();
// Note: Saving debug rects must happen before layers' change tracking is
// reset.
void SaveDebugRectsForCurrentFrame(
LayerImpl* root_layer,
const LayerImplList& render_surface_layer_list,
const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& occluding_screen_space_rects,
const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& non_occluding_screen_space_rects,
const LayerTreeDebugState& debug_state);
const std::vector<DebugRect>& debug_rects() { return debug_rects_; }
void SavePaintRects(LayerImpl* layer);
void SavePropertyChangedRects(
const LayerImplList& render_surface_layer_list);
void SaveSurfaceDamageRects(
const LayerImplList& render_surface_layer_list);
void SaveScreenSpaceRects(
const LayerImplList& render_surface_layer_list);
void SaveOccludingRects(
const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& occluding_screen_space_rects);
void SaveNonOccludingRects(
const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& non_occluding_screen_space_rects);
std::vector<DebugRect> debug_rects_;
} // namespace cc