blob: eb8b20c366ca1bb551df2feb0537dfe0d20bed1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/css/cssom/CSSNumericValueType.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace blink {
namespace {
CSSNumericValueType::BaseType UnitTypeToBaseType(
CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType unit) {
using UnitType = CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType;
using BaseType = CSSNumericValueType::BaseType;
DCHECK_NE(unit, UnitType::kNumber);
switch (unit) {
case UnitType::kEms:
case UnitType::kExs:
case UnitType::kPixels:
case UnitType::kCentimeters:
case UnitType::kMillimeters:
case UnitType::kQuarterMillimeters:
case UnitType::kInches:
case UnitType::kPoints:
case UnitType::kPicas:
case UnitType::kUserUnits:
case UnitType::kViewportWidth:
case UnitType::kViewportHeight:
case UnitType::kViewportMin:
case UnitType::kViewportMax:
case UnitType::kRems:
case UnitType::kChs:
return BaseType::kLength;
case UnitType::kMilliseconds:
case UnitType::kSeconds:
return BaseType::kTime;
case UnitType::kDegrees:
case UnitType::kRadians:
case UnitType::kGradians:
case UnitType::kTurns:
return BaseType::kAngle;
case UnitType::kHertz:
case UnitType::kKilohertz:
return BaseType::kFrequency;
case UnitType::kDotsPerPixel:
case UnitType::kDotsPerInch:
case UnitType::kDotsPerCentimeter:
return BaseType::kResolution;
case UnitType::kFraction:
return BaseType::kFlex;
case UnitType::kPercentage:
return BaseType::kPercent;
return BaseType::kLength;
} // namespace
CSSNumericValueType::CSSNumericValueType(CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType unit) {
if (unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kNumber)
SetExponent(UnitTypeToBaseType(unit), 1);
CSSNumericValueType::CSSNumericValueType(int exponent,
CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType unit) {
if (unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kNumber)
SetExponent(UnitTypeToBaseType(unit), exponent);
CSSNumericValueType CSSNumericValueType::NegateExponents(
CSSNumericValueType type) {
std::for_each(type.exponents_.begin(), type.exponents_.end(),
[](int& v) { v *= -1; });
return type;
CSSNumericValueType CSSNumericValueType::Add(CSSNumericValueType type1,
CSSNumericValueType type2,
bool& error) {
if (type1.HasPercentHint() && type2.HasPercentHint() &&
type1.PercentHint() != type2.PercentHint()) {
error = true;
return type1;
if (type1.HasPercentHint())
else if (type2.HasPercentHint())
DCHECK_EQ(type1.PercentHint(), type2.PercentHint());
// Match up base types. Try to use the percent hint to match up any
// differences.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNumBaseTypes; ++i) {
const BaseType base_type = static_cast<BaseType>(i);
if (type1.exponents_[i] != type2.exponents_[i]) {
if (base_type != BaseType::kPercent) {
if (type1.exponents_[i] != type2.exponents_[i]) {
error = true;
return type1;
error = false;
return type1;
CSSNumericValueType CSSNumericValueType::Multiply(CSSNumericValueType type1,
CSSNumericValueType type2,
bool& error) {
if (type1.HasPercentHint() && type2.HasPercentHint() &&
type1.PercentHint() != type2.PercentHint()) {
error = true;
return type1;
if (type1.HasPercentHint())
else if (type2.HasPercentHint())
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNumBaseTypes; ++i) {
const auto base_type = static_cast<BaseType>(i);
type1.Exponent(base_type) + type2.Exponent(base_type));
error = false;
return type1;
void CSSNumericValueType::ApplyPercentHint(BaseType hint) {
DCHECK_NE(hint, BaseType::kPercent);
SetExponent(hint, Exponent(hint) + Exponent(BaseType::kPercent));
SetExponent(BaseType::kPercent, 0);
percent_hint_ = hint;
has_percent_hint_ = true;
} // namespace blink