blob: ff60583716ce75c2bae4cf3d8de19abd64d6cee8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''Runs an exe through Purify and verifies that Purify was
able to successfully instrument and run it. The original purpose was
to be able to identify when a change to our code breaks our ability to Purify
the app. This can happen with seemingly innocuous changes to code due to bugs
in Purify, and is notoriously difficult to track down when it does happen.
Perhaps more importantly in the long run, this can also automate detection of
leaks and other memory bugs. It also may be useful to allow people to run
Purify in a consistent manner without having to worry about broken PATHs,
corrupt instrumentation, or other per-machine flakiness that Purify is
sometimes subject to.
import glob
import logging
import optparse
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import time
import google.path_utils
# local modules
import common
import purify_analyze
class Purify(common.Rational):
def __init__(self):
self._data_dir = None
def CreateOptionParser(self):
self._parser.description = __doc__
self._parser.add_option("-e", "--echo_to_stdout",
dest="echo_to_stdout", action="store_true", default=False,
help="echo purify output to standard output")
self._parser.add_option("-b", "--baseline",
dest="baseline", action="store_true", default=False,
help="create baseline error files")
self._parser.add_option("-n", "--name",
dest="name", default=None,
help="name of the test being run "
"(used for output filenames)")
self._parser.add_option("", "--source_dir",
help="path to top of source tree for this build"
"(used to normalize source paths in baseline)")
self._parser.add_option("", "--exe",
help="The actual exe to instrument which is "
"different than the program being run. This "
"is useful when the exe you want to purify is "
"run by another script or program.")
self._parser.add_option("", "--data_dir",
help="path where global purify data files live")
self._parser.add_option("", "--report_dir",
help="path where report files are saved")
def ParseArgv(self):
script_dir = google.path_utils.ScriptDir()
if common.Rational.ParseArgv(self):
if self._options.exe:
self._exe = self._options.exe;
if not os.path.isfile(self._exe):
logging.error("file doesn't exist " + self._exe)
return False
self._exe_dir = common.FixPath(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self._exe)))
self._echo_to_stdout = self._options.echo_to_stdout
self._baseline = self._options.baseline
self._name =
if not self._name:
self._name = os.path.basename(self._exe)
self._report_dir = self._options.report_dir
if not self._report_dir:
self._report_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "latest")
# _out_file can be set in common.Rational.ParseArgv
if not self._out_file:
self._out_file = os.path.join(self._report_dir, "%s.txt" % self._name)
self._source_dir = self._options.source_dir
self._data_dir = self._options.data_dir
if not self._data_dir:
self._data_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "data")
return True
return False
def _PurifyCommand(self):
cmd = [common.PURIFY_PATH, "/CacheDir=" + self._cache_dir]
return cmd
def Setup(self):
script_dir = google.path_utils.ScriptDir()
if common.Rational.Setup(self):
if self._instrument_only:
return True
pft_file = os.path.join(script_dir, "data", "filters.pft")
shutil.copyfile(pft_file, self._exe.replace(".exe", "_exe.pft"))
string_list = [
"option -cache-dir=\"%s\"" % (self._cache_dir),
"option -save-text-data=\"%s\"" % (common.FixPath(self._out_file)),
# Change the recorded stack depth to be much larger than the default.
# (webkit/v8 stacks in particular seem to get quite deep)
"option -alloc-call-stack-length=30",
"option -error-call-stack-length=30",
"option -free-call-stack-length=30",
# Report leaks.
"option -leaks-at-exit=yes",
# Don't report memory in use (that's for memory profiling).
"option -in-use-at-exit=no",
# The maximum number of subprocesses. If this is exceeded, Purify
# seems to lose its mind, and we have a number of tests that use
# much larger than the default of 5.
"option -number-of-puts=30",
# With our large pdbs, purify's default timeout (30) isn't always
# enough. If this isn't enough, -1 means no timeout.
"option -server-comm-timeout=120",
# check stack memory loads for UMRs, etc.
# currently disabled due to noisiness (see bug 5189)
#"option -stack-load-checking=yes",
ini_file = self._exe.replace(".exe", "_pure.ini")
if os.path.isfile(ini_file):
ini_file_orig = ini_file + ".Original"
if not os.path.isfile(ini_file_orig):
os.rename(ini_file, ini_file_orig)
f = open(ini_file, "w+")
except IOError, (errno, strerror):
logging.error("error writing to file %s (%d, %s)" % ini_file, errno,
return False
if f:
return True
return False
def Instrument(self):
if not os.path.isfile(self._exe):
logging.error("file doesn't exist " + self._exe)
return False
cmd = self._PurifyCommand()
# /Run=no means instrument
if not self._instrument_only:
# /Replace=yes means replace the exe in place
return common.Rational.Instrument(self, cmd)
def _ExistingOutputFiles(self):
pat_multi = re.compile('(.*)%[0-9]+d(.*)')
m = pat_multi.match(self._out_file)
if m:
g = + '[0-9]*' +
out = glob.glob(g)
if os.path.isfile( +
out.append( +
return out
if not os.path.isfile(self._out_file):
return []
return [self._out_file]
def Execute(self):
# delete the old file(s) to make sure that this run actually generated
# something new
out_files = self._ExistingOutputFiles()
for f in out_files:
common.Rational.Execute(self, [])
# Unfortunately, when we replace the exe, there's no way here to figure out
# if purify is actually going to output a file or if the exe just crashed
# badly. The reason is that it takes some small amount of time for purify
# to dump out the file.
count = 60
while count > 0 and not os.path.isfile(self._out_file):
count -= 1
# Always return true, even if Execute failed - we'll depend on Analyze to
# determine if the run was valid.
return True
def Analyze(self):
out_files = self._ExistingOutputFiles()
if not len(out_files):"no output files matching %s" % self._out_file)
return -1
pa = purify_analyze.PurifyAnalyze(out_files, self._echo_to_stdout,
self._name, self._source_dir,
self._data_dir, self._report_dir)
if not pa.ReadFile():
# even though there was a fatal error during Purify, it's still useful
# to see the normalized output
if self._baseline:
logging.warning("baseline not generated due to fatal error")
logging.warning("baseline comparison skipped due to fatal error")
return -1
if self._baseline:
if pa.SaveResults():
return 0
return -1
retcode = pa.CompareResults()
if retcode != 0:
# with more than one output file, it's also important to emit the bug
# report which includes info on the arguments that generated each stack
if len(out_files) > 1:
return retcode
def Cleanup(self):
if self._instrument_only:
cmd = self._PurifyCommand()
# undo the /Replace=yes that was done in Instrument(), which means to
# remove the instrumented exe, and then rename exe.Original back to exe.
common.RunSubprocess(cmd, self._timeout, detach=True)
# if we overwrote an existing ini file, restore it
ini_file = self._exe.replace(".exe", "_pure.ini")
if os.path.isfile(ini_file):
ini_file_orig = ini_file + ".Original"
if os.path.isfile(ini_file_orig):
os.rename(ini_file_orig, ini_file)
# remove the pft file we wrote out
pft_file = self._exe.replace(".exe", "_exe.pft")
if os.path.isfile(pft_file):
if __name__ == "__main__":
rational = Purify()
retcode = rational.Run()