blob: e0374fa907b38fc7ffdc3b56e86b08b4f06de66b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gpu/config/gpu_info_collector.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_tokenizer.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "library_loaders/libpci.h"
#include "third_party/libXNVCtrl/NVCtrl.h"
#include "third_party/libXNVCtrl/NVCtrlLib.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_bindings.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_context.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_implementation.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_surface.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_switches.h"
namespace gpu {
namespace {
// This checks if a system supports PCI bus.
// We check the existence of /sys/bus/pci or /sys/bug/pci_express.
bool IsPciSupported() {
const base::FilePath pci_path("/sys/bus/pci/");
const base::FilePath pcie_path("/sys/bus/pci_express/");
return (base::PathExists(pci_path) ||
// Scan /etc/ati/amdpcsdb.default for "ReleaseVersion".
// Return empty string on failing.
std::string CollectDriverVersionATI() {
const base::FilePath::CharType kATIFileName[] =
base::FilePath ati_file_path(kATIFileName);
if (!base::PathExists(ati_file_path))
return std::string();
std::string contents;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(ati_file_path, &contents))
return std::string();
base::StringTokenizer t(contents, "\r\n");
while (t.GetNext()) {
std::string line = t.token();
if (StartsWithASCII(line, "ReleaseVersion=", true)) {
size_t begin = line.find_first_of("0123456789");
if (begin != std::string::npos) {
size_t end = line.find_first_not_of("0123456789.", begin);
if (end == std::string::npos)
return line.substr(begin);
return line.substr(begin, end - begin);
return std::string();
// Use NVCtrl extention to query NV driver version.
// Return empty string on failing.
std::string CollectDriverVersionNVidia() {
Display* display = base::MessagePumpForUI::GetDefaultXDisplay();
if (!display) {
LOG(ERROR) << "XOpenDisplay failed.";
return std::string();
int event_base = 0, error_base = 0;
if (!XNVCTRLQueryExtension(display, &event_base, &error_base)) {
LOG(INFO) << "NVCtrl extension does not exist.";
return std::string();
int screen_count = ScreenCount(display);
for (int screen = 0; screen < screen_count; ++screen) {
char* buffer = NULL;
if (XNVCTRLIsNvScreen(display, screen) &&
XNVCTRLQueryStringAttribute(display, screen, 0,
&buffer)) {
std::string driver_version(buffer);
return driver_version;
return std::string();
const uint32 kVendorIDIntel = 0x8086;
const uint32 kVendorIDNVidia = 0x10de;
const uint32 kVendorIDAMD = 0x1002;
bool CollectPCIVideoCardInfo(GPUInfo* gpu_info) {
if (IsPciSupported() == false) {
VLOG(1) << "PCI bus scanning is not supported";
return false;
// TODO(zmo): be more flexible about library name.
LibPciLoader libpci_loader;
if (!libpci_loader.Load("") &&
!libpci_loader.Load("")) {
VLOG(1) << "Failed to locate libpci";
return false;
pci_access* access = (libpci_loader.pci_alloc)();
DCHECK(access != NULL);
bool primary_gpu_identified = false;
for (pci_dev* device = access->devices;
device != NULL; device = device->next) {
// Fill the IDs and class fields.
(libpci_loader.pci_fill_info)(device, 33);
// TODO(zmo): there might be other classes that qualify as display devices.
if (device->device_class != 0x0300) // Device class is DISPLAY_VGA.
GPUInfo::GPUDevice gpu;
gpu.vendor_id = device->vendor_id;
gpu.device_id = device->device_id;
if (!primary_gpu_identified) {
primary_gpu_identified = true;
gpu_info->gpu = gpu;
} else {
// TODO(zmo): if there are multiple GPUs, we assume the non Intel
// one is primary. Revisit this logic because we actually don't know
// which GPU we are using at this point.
if (gpu_info->gpu.vendor_id == kVendorIDIntel &&
gpu.vendor_id != kVendorIDIntel) {
gpu_info->gpu = gpu;
} else {
// Detect Optimus or AMD Switchable GPU.
if (gpu_info->secondary_gpus.size() == 1 &&
gpu_info->secondary_gpus[0].vendor_id == kVendorIDIntel) {
if (gpu_info->gpu.vendor_id == kVendorIDNVidia)
gpu_info->optimus = true;
if (gpu_info->gpu.vendor_id == kVendorIDAMD)
gpu_info->amd_switchable = true;
return (primary_gpu_identified);
} // namespace anonymous
bool CollectContextGraphicsInfo(GPUInfo* gpu_info) {
TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "gpu_info_collector::CollectGraphicsInfo");
if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
switches::kGpuNoContextLost)) {
gpu_info->can_lose_context = false;
} else {
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
gpu_info->can_lose_context = false;
// TODO(zmo): need to consider the case where we are running on top
// of desktop GL and GL_ARB_robustness extension is available.
gpu_info->can_lose_context =
(gfx::GetGLImplementation() == gfx::kGLImplementationEGLGLES2);
gpu_info->finalized = true;
bool rt = CollectGraphicsInfoGL(gpu_info);
return rt;
GpuIDResult CollectGpuID(uint32* vendor_id, uint32* device_id) {
DCHECK(vendor_id && device_id);
*vendor_id = 0;
*device_id = 0;
GPUInfo gpu_info;
if (CollectPCIVideoCardInfo(&gpu_info)) {
*vendor_id = gpu_info.gpu.vendor_id;
*device_id = gpu_info.gpu.device_id;
return kGpuIDSuccess;
return kGpuIDFailure;
bool CollectBasicGraphicsInfo(GPUInfo* gpu_info) {
bool rt = CollectPCIVideoCardInfo(gpu_info);
std::string driver_version;
switch (gpu_info->gpu.vendor_id) {
case kVendorIDAMD:
driver_version = CollectDriverVersionATI();
if (!driver_version.empty()) {
gpu_info->driver_vendor = "ATI / AMD";
gpu_info->driver_version = driver_version;
case kVendorIDNVidia:
driver_version = CollectDriverVersionNVidia();
if (!driver_version.empty()) {
gpu_info->driver_vendor = "NVIDIA";
gpu_info->driver_version = driver_version;
case kVendorIDIntel:
// In dual-GPU cases, sometimes PCI scan only gives us the
// integrated GPU (i.e., the Intel one).
driver_version = CollectDriverVersionNVidia();
if (!driver_version.empty()) {
gpu_info->driver_vendor = "NVIDIA";
gpu_info->driver_version = driver_version;
// Machines with more than two GPUs are not handled.
if (gpu_info->secondary_gpus.size() <= 1)
gpu_info->optimus = true;
return rt;
bool CollectDriverInfoGL(GPUInfo* gpu_info) {
std::string gl_version_string = gpu_info->gl_version_string;
if (StartsWithASCII(gl_version_string, "OpenGL ES", true))
gl_version_string = gl_version_string.substr(10);
std::vector<std::string> pieces;
base::SplitStringAlongWhitespace(gl_version_string, &pieces);
// In linux, the gl version string might be in the format of
// GLVersion DriverVendor DriverVersion
if (pieces.size() < 3)
return false;
std::string driver_version = pieces[2];
size_t pos = driver_version.find_first_not_of("0123456789.");
if (pos == 0)
return false;
if (pos != std::string::npos)
driver_version = driver_version.substr(0, pos);
gpu_info->driver_vendor = pieces[1];
gpu_info->driver_version = driver_version;
return true;
void MergeGPUInfo(GPUInfo* basic_gpu_info,
const GPUInfo& context_gpu_info) {
MergeGPUInfoGL(basic_gpu_info, context_gpu_info);
} // namespace gpu