blob: 405287e75ced386f2ef6bb0378b312713d3472a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/network/trust_tokens/suitable_trust_token_origin.h"
#include "services/network/trust_tokens/trust_token_store.h"
namespace network {
class SynchronousTrustTokenKeyCommitmentGetter;
// ExpiryInspectingRecordExpiryDelegate considers a signed redemption record
// (SRR) to have expired if:
// - its expiry timestamp is not in the future, or
// - its associated trust token verification key is not present in the token's
// issuer's most recent key commitment, or
// - its issuer is not a valid Trust Tokens issuer (this means the record has
// been corrupted; signaling that it is expired increases the likelihood that
// the caller will evict it from storage).
class ExpiryInspectingRecordExpiryDelegate
: public TrustTokenStore::RecordExpiryDelegate {
// Constructs a new expiry delegate using |key_commitment_getter|, which must
// outlive this object, to inspect the most recent key commitment of each SRR.
explicit ExpiryInspectingRecordExpiryDelegate(
const SynchronousTrustTokenKeyCommitmentGetter* key_commitment_getter);
const ExpiryInspectingRecordExpiryDelegate&) = delete;
ExpiryInspectingRecordExpiryDelegate& operator=(
const ExpiryInspectingRecordExpiryDelegate&) = delete;
// TrustTokenStore::RecordExpiryDelegate implementation:
bool IsRecordExpired(const SignedTrustTokenRedemptionRecord& record,
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer) override;
const SynchronousTrustTokenKeyCommitmentGetter* key_commitment_getter_;
} // namespace network