blob: edaefe39a9c746c688be91c83d6c2715c655061c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/network_context.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/trust_tokens.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/trust_tokens/proto/public.pb.h"
#include "services/network/trust_tokens/suitable_trust_token_origin.h"
#include "services/network/trust_tokens/trust_token_persister.h"
#include "services/network/trust_tokens/types.h"
namespace network {
// A TrustTokenStore provides operations on persistent state necessary for
// the various steps of the Trust TrustTokens protocol.
// For more information about the protocol, see the explainer at
// TrustTokenStore translates operations germane to different steps
// of token issuance, token redemption, and request signing into
// operations in the key-value representation used by the persistence
// layer.
// For example, it provides operations:
// - checking preconditions for the different protocol steps;
// - storing unblinded, signed tokens; and
// - managing Signed Redemption Records (SRRs) and corresponding key pairs.
// TrustTokenStore's methods do minimal precondition checking and, in
// particular, only selectively verify protocol-level invariants and
// input integrity.
class TrustTokenStore {
class RecordExpiryDelegate {
virtual ~RecordExpiryDelegate() = default;
// Returns whether the given Signed Redemption Record has expired.
// This is implemented with a delegate to abstract away reading
// the values of SRRs (they're opaque to this store).
// |issuer| is the issuer that issued the SRR.
virtual bool IsRecordExpired(const SignedTrustTokenRedemptionRecord& record,
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer) = 0;
// Creates a TrustTokenStore relying on the given persister for underlying
// storage and the given delegate for judging whether signed redemption
// records have expired.
TrustTokenStore(std::unique_ptr<TrustTokenPersister> persister,
std::unique_ptr<RecordExpiryDelegate> expiry_delegate);
virtual ~TrustTokenStore();
// Creates a TrustTokenStore with defaults useful for testing: an in-memory
// persister and never expiring stored SRRs. Callers may provide custom values
// for one argument or both.
static std::unique_ptr<TrustTokenStore> CreateForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<TrustTokenPersister> persister = nullptr,
std::unique_ptr<RecordExpiryDelegate> expiry_delegate = nullptr);
//// Methods related to ratelimits:
// Updates the given issuer's last issuance time to now.
virtual void RecordIssuance(const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer);
// Returns the time since the last call to RecordIssuance for
// issuer |issuer|, or nullopt in the following two cases:
// 1. there is no currently-recorded prior issuance for the
// issuer, or
// 2. the time since the last issuance is negative (because
// of, for instance, corruption or clock skew).
// |issuer| must not be opaque.
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT virtual base::Optional<base::TimeDelta>
TimeSinceLastIssuance(const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer);
// Updates the given (issuer, top-level) origin pair's last redemption time
// to now.
virtual void RecordRedemption(const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer,
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& top_level);
// Returns the time elapsed since the last redemption recorded by
// RecordRedemption for issuer |issuer| and top level |top_level|,
// or nullopt in the following two cases:
// 1. there was no prior redemption for the (issuer,
// top-level origin) pair.
// 2. the time since the last redepmption is negative (because
// of, for instance, corruption or clock skew).
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT virtual base::Optional<base::TimeDelta>
TimeSinceLastRedemption(const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer,
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& top_level);
// Returns whether |issuer| is associated with |top_level|.
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT virtual bool IsAssociated(
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer,
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& top_level);
// If associating |issuer| with |top_level| would exceed the cap on the number
// of issuers allowed to be associated with a given top-level origin, returns
// false. Otherwise, associates |issuer| with |top_level| and returns true.
// TODO( As part of adding solid support for multiple
// issuers, it'd be good to make these associations expire after some
// reasonably long amount of time, so that top-level origins can change their
// minds about their associated issuers.
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT virtual bool SetAssociation(
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer,
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& top_level);
//// Methods related to reading and writing issuer values configured via key
//// commitment queries, such as key commitments and batch sizes:
// Given an issuer's current set |keys| of key commitments, prunes all state
// for |issuer| that does *not* correspond to token verification keys in
// |keys|:
// - removes all stored signed tokens for |issuer| that were signed with
// keys not in |keys|
// The commitments in |keys| must have distinct keys.
virtual void PruneStaleIssuerState(
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer,
const std::vector<mojom::TrustTokenVerificationKeyPtr>& keys);
//// Methods related to reading and writing signed tokens:
// Associates to the given issuer additional signed
// trust tokens with:
// - token bodies given by |token_bodies|
// - signing keys given by |issuing_key|.
// Note: This method makes no assumption about tokens matching an issuer's
// current key commitments; it's the caller's responsibility to avoid using
// tokens issued against non-current keys.
virtual void AddTokens(const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer,
base::span<const std::string> token_bodies,
base::StringPiece issuing_key);
// Returns the number of tokens stored for |issuer|.
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT virtual int CountTokens(
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer);
// Returns all signed tokens from |issuer| signed by keys matching
// the given predicate.
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT virtual std::vector<TrustToken> RetrieveMatchingTokens(
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer,
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const std::string&)> key_matcher);
// If |to_delete| is a currently stored token issued by |issuer|, deletes the
// token.
void DeleteToken(const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer,
const TrustToken& to_delete);
//// Methods concerning Signed Redemption Records (SRRs)
// Sets the cached SRR corresponding to the pair (issuer, top_level)
// to |record|. Overwrites any existing record.
virtual void SetRedemptionRecord(
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer,
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& top_level,
const SignedTrustTokenRedemptionRecord& record);
// Attempts to retrieve the stored SRR for the given pair of (issuer,
// top-level) origins.
// - If the pair has a current (i.e., non-expired) SRR, returns that SRR.
// - Otherwise, returns nullopt.
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT virtual base::Optional<SignedTrustTokenRedemptionRecord>
RetrieveNonstaleRedemptionRecord(const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& issuer,
const SuitableTrustTokenOrigin& top_level);
//// Methods concerning data removal
// Deletes any data stored keyed by matching origins (as issuers or top-level
// origins).
// An origin "matches" |filter| means it compares equal to a member of
// |filter->origins| or its domain-and-registry string---aka "eTLD+1"---is an
// exact match to a member of |filter->domains|.
// If |filter->type| is KEEP_MATCHING, deletes all data for every origin *not*
// matching the filter. (In particular, this will still delete data keyed by
// a pair of origins, one of which matches and one of which does not.)
// |filter| is allowed to be null: nullptr is a wildcard filter indicating
// that all data should be cleared.
// Returns whether any data was deleted.
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT virtual bool ClearDataForFilter(
mojom::ClearDataFilterPtr filter);
std::unique_ptr<TrustTokenPersister> persister_;
std::unique_ptr<RecordExpiryDelegate> record_expiry_delegate_;
} // namespace network