blob: e6877b6198bb79b1380a7338a37efcf32c774b5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Inspired by NSAnimation
#include "base/time.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
class Animation;
// AnimationDelegate
// Implement this interface when you want to receive notifications about the
// state of an animation.
class AnimationDelegate {
// Called when an animation has started.
virtual void AnimationStarted(const Animation* animation) {
// Called when an animation has completed.
virtual void AnimationEnded(const Animation* animation) {
// Called when an animation has progressed.
virtual void AnimationProgressed(const Animation* animation) {
// Called when an animation has been canceled.
virtual void AnimationCanceled(const Animation* animation) {
// Animation
// This class provides a basic implementation of an object that uses a timer
// to increment its state over the specified time and frame-rate. To
// actually do something useful with this you need to subclass it and override
// AnimateToState and optionally GetCurrentValue to update your state.
// The Animation notifies a delegate when events of interest occur.
// The practice is to instantiate a subclass and call Init and any other
// initialization specific to the subclass, and then call |Start|. The
// animation uses the current thread's message loop.
class Animation {
// Initializes everything except the duration.
// Caller must make sure to call SetDuration() if they use this
// constructor; it is preferable to use the full one, but sometimes
// duration can change between calls to Start() and we need to
// expose this interface.
Animation(int frame_rate, AnimationDelegate* delegate);
// Initializes all fields.
Animation(int duration, int frame_rate, AnimationDelegate* delegate);
virtual ~Animation();
// Reset state so that the animation can be started again.
virtual void Reset();
// Called when the animation progresses. Subclasses override this to
// efficiently update their state.
virtual void AnimateToState(double state) = 0;
// Gets the value for the current state, according to the animation
// curve in use. This class provides only for a linear relationship,
// however subclasses can override this to provide others.
virtual double GetCurrentValue() const;
// Start the animation.
void Start();
// Stop the animation.
void Stop();
// Skip to the end of the current animation.
void End();
// Return whether this animation is animating.
bool IsAnimating() const;
// Changes the length of the animation. This resets the current
// state of the animation to the beginning.
void SetDuration(int duration);
// Returns true if rich animations should be rendered.
// Looks at session type (e.g. remote desktop) and accessibility settings
// to give guidance for heavy animations such as "start download" arrow.
static bool ShouldRenderRichAnimation();
// Overriddable, called by Run.
virtual void Step();
// Calculates the timer interval from the constructor list.
base::TimeDelta CalculateInterval(int frame_rate);
// Whether or not we are currently animating.
bool animating_;
int frame_rate_;
base::TimeDelta timer_interval_;
base::TimeDelta duration_;
// Current state, on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0.
double state_;
base::Time start_time_;
AnimationDelegate* delegate_;
base::RepeatingTimer<Animation> timer_;
// Called when the animation's timer expires, calls Step.
void Run();
#endif // APP_ANIMATION_H_