blob: 9e1587e391010cceab26639b7ac2d3b09f2fcf94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "app/win_util.h"
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <dwmapi.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "app/gfx/codec/png_codec.h"
#include "app/gfx/gdi_util.h"
#include "app/l10n_util.h"
#include "app/l10n_util_win.h"
#include "base/base_switches.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/native_library.h"
#include "base/registry.h"
#include "base/scoped_comptr_win.h"
#include "base/scoped_handle.h"
#include "base/scoped_handle_win.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/win_util.h"
#include "grit/app_strings.h"
#include "net/base/mime_util.h"
// Ensure that we pick up this link library.
#pragma comment(lib, "dwmapi.lib")
namespace win_util {
const int kAutoHideTaskbarThicknessPx = 2;
namespace {
const wchar_t kShell32[] = L"shell32.dll";
const char kSHGetPropertyStoreForWindow[] = "SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow";
// Define the type of SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow is SHGPSFW.
REFIID riid,
void** ppv);
// Enforce visible dialog box.
UINT_PTR CALLBACK SaveAsDialogHook(HWND dialog, UINT message,
WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
static const UINT kPrivateMessage = 0x2F3F;
switch (message) {
// Do nothing here. Just post a message to defer actual processing.
PostMessage(dialog, kPrivateMessage, 0, 0);
return TRUE;
case kPrivateMessage: {
// The dialog box is the parent of the current handle.
HWND real_dialog = GetParent(dialog);
// Retrieve the final size.
RECT dialog_rect;
GetWindowRect(real_dialog, &dialog_rect);
// Verify that the upper left corner is visible.
POINT point = { dialog_rect.left, };
HMONITOR monitor1 = MonitorFromPoint(point, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL);
point.x = dialog_rect.right;
point.y = dialog_rect.bottom;
// Verify that the lower right corner is visible.
HMONITOR monitor2 = MonitorFromPoint(point, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL);
if (monitor1 && monitor2)
return 0;
// Some part of the dialog box is not visible, fix it by moving is to the
// client rect position of the browser window.
HWND parent_window = GetParent(real_dialog);
if (!parent_window)
return 0;
WINDOWINFO parent_info;
parent_info.cbSize = sizeof(WINDOWINFO);
GetWindowInfo(parent_window, &parent_info);
SetWindowPos(real_dialog, NULL,
0, 0, // Size.
return 0;
return 0;
} // namespace
std::wstring FormatSystemTime(const SYSTEMTIME& time,
const std::wstring& format) {
// If the format string is empty, just use the default format.
LPCTSTR format_ptr = NULL;
if (!format.empty())
format_ptr = format.c_str();
int buffer_size = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NULL, &time, format_ptr,
NULL, 0);
std::wstring output;
GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NULL, &time, format_ptr,
WriteInto(&output, buffer_size), buffer_size);
return output;
std::wstring FormatSystemDate(const SYSTEMTIME& date,
const std::wstring& format) {
// If the format string is empty, just use the default format.
LPCTSTR format_ptr = NULL;
if (!format.empty())
format_ptr = format.c_str();
int buffer_size = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NULL, &date, format_ptr,
NULL, 0);
std::wstring output;
GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NULL, &date, format_ptr,
WriteInto(&output, buffer_size), buffer_size);
return output;
bool ConvertToLongPath(const std::wstring& short_path,
std::wstring* long_path) {
wchar_t long_path_buf[MAX_PATH];
DWORD return_value = GetLongPathName(short_path.c_str(), long_path_buf,
if (return_value != 0 && return_value < MAX_PATH) {
*long_path = long_path_buf;
return true;
return false;
bool IsDoubleClick(const POINT& origin,
const POINT& current,
DWORD elapsed_time) {
// The CXDOUBLECLK and CYDOUBLECLK system metrics describe the width and
// height of a rectangle around the origin position, inside of which clicks
// within the double click time are considered double clicks.
return (elapsed_time <= GetDoubleClickTime()) &&
(abs(current.x - origin.x) <= (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDOUBLECLK) / 2)) &&
(abs(current.y - origin.y) <= (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDOUBLECLK) / 2));
bool IsDrag(const POINT& origin, const POINT& current) {
// The CXDRAG and CYDRAG system metrics describe the width and height of a
// rectangle around the origin position, inside of which motion is not
// considered a drag.
return (abs(current.x - origin.x) > (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDRAG) / 2)) ||
(abs(current.y - origin.y) > (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDRAG) / 2));
bool ShouldUseVistaFrame() {
if (win_util::GetWinVersion() < win_util::WINVERSION_VISTA)
return false;
// If composition is not enabled, we behave like on XP.
return !!f;
// Open an item via a shell execute command. Error code checking and casting
// explanation:
bool OpenItemViaShell(const FilePath& full_path) {
HINSTANCE h = ::ShellExecuteW(
NULL, NULL, full_path.value().c_str(), NULL,
full_path.DirName().value().c_str(), SW_SHOWNORMAL);
LONG_PTR error = reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(h);
if (error > 32)
return true;
if ((error == SE_ERR_NOASSOC))
return OpenItemWithExternalApp(full_path.value());
return false;
bool OpenItemViaShellNoZoneCheck(const FilePath& full_path) {
SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei = { sizeof(sei) };
sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
sei.lpVerb = NULL;
sei.lpFile = full_path.value().c_str();
if (::ShellExecuteExW(&sei))
return true;
LONG_PTR error = reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(sei.hInstApp);
if ((error == SE_ERR_NOASSOC))
return OpenItemWithExternalApp(full_path.value());
return false;
// Show the Windows "Open With" dialog box to ask the user to pick an app to
// open the file with.
bool OpenItemWithExternalApp(const std::wstring& full_path) {
SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei = { sizeof(sei) };
sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
sei.lpVerb = L"openas";
sei.lpFile = full_path.c_str();
return (TRUE == ::ShellExecuteExW(&sei));
// Get the file type description from the registry. This will be "Text Document"
// for .txt files, "JPEG Image" for .jpg files, etc. If the registry doesn't
// have an entry for the file type, we return false, true if the description was
// found. 'file_ext' must be in form ".txt".
static bool GetRegistryDescriptionFromExtension(const std::wstring& file_ext,
std::wstring* reg_description) {
RegKey reg_ext(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, file_ext.c_str(), KEY_READ);
std::wstring reg_app;
if (reg_ext.ReadValue(NULL, &reg_app) && !reg_app.empty()) {
RegKey reg_link(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, reg_app.c_str(), KEY_READ);
if (reg_link.ReadValue(NULL, reg_description))
return true;
return false;
std::wstring FormatFilterForExtensions(
const std::vector<std::wstring>& file_ext,
const std::vector<std::wstring>& ext_desc,
bool include_all_files) {
const std::wstring all_ext = L"*.*";
const std::wstring all_desc = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_APP_SAVEAS_ALL_FILES);
DCHECK(file_ext.size() >= ext_desc.size());
std::wstring result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < file_ext.size(); ++i) {
std::wstring ext = file_ext[i];
std::wstring desc;
if (i < ext_desc.size())
desc = ext_desc[i];
if (ext.empty()) {
// Force something reasonable to appear in the dialog box if there is no
// extension provided.
include_all_files = true;
if (desc.empty()) {
DCHECK(ext.find(L'.') != std::wstring::npos);
std::wstring first_extension = ext.substr(ext.find(L'.'));
size_t first_separator_index = first_extension.find(L';');
if (first_separator_index != std::wstring::npos)
first_extension = first_extension.substr(0, first_separator_index);
// Find the extension name without the preceeding '.' character.
std::wstring ext_name = first_extension;
size_t ext_index = ext_name.find_first_not_of(L'.');
if (ext_index != std::wstring::npos)
ext_name = ext_name.substr(ext_index);
if (!GetRegistryDescriptionFromExtension(first_extension, &desc)) {
// The extension doesn't exist in the registry. Create a description
// based on the unknown extension type (i.e. if the extension is .qqq,
// the we create a description "QQQ File (.qqq)").
include_all_files = true;
desc = l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_APP_SAVEAS_EXTENSION_FORMAT,
if (desc.empty())
desc = L"*." + ext_name;
result.append(desc.c_str(), desc.size() + 1); // Append NULL too.
result.append(ext.c_str(), ext.size() + 1);
if (include_all_files) {
result.append(all_desc.c_str(), all_desc.size() + 1);
result.append(all_ext.c_str(), all_ext.size() + 1);
result.append(1, '\0'); // Double NULL required.
return result;
bool SaveFileAs(HWND owner,
const std::wstring& suggested_name,
std::wstring* final_name) {
std::wstring file_ext = file_util::GetFileExtensionFromPath(suggested_name);
file_ext.insert(0, L"*.");
std::wstring filter = FormatFilterForExtensions(
std::vector<std::wstring>(1, file_ext),
unsigned index = 1;
return SaveFileAsWithFilter(owner,
bool SaveFileAsWithFilter(HWND owner,
const std::wstring& suggested_name,
const std::wstring& filter,
const std::wstring& def_ext,
bool ignore_suggested_ext,
unsigned* index,
std::wstring* final_name) {
// Having an empty filter makes for a bad user experience. We should always
// specify a filter when saving.
std::wstring file_part = file_util::GetFilenameFromPath(suggested_name);
// The size of the in/out buffer in number of characters we pass to win32
// GetSaveFileName. From MSDN "The buffer must be large enough to store the
// path and file name string or strings, including the terminating NULL
// character. ... The buffer should be at least 256 characters long.".
// _IsValidPathComDlg does a copy expecting at most MAX_PATH, otherwise will
// result in an error of FNERR_INVALIDFILENAME. So we should only pass the
// API a buffer of at most MAX_PATH.
wchar_t file_name[MAX_PATH];
base::wcslcpy(file_name, file_part.c_str(), arraysize(file_name));
// We must do this otherwise the ofn's FlagsEx may be initialized to random
// junk in release builds which can cause the Places Bar not to show up!
ZeroMemory(&save_as, sizeof(save_as));
save_as.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
save_as.hwndOwner = owner;
save_as.hInstance = NULL;
save_as.lpstrFilter = filter.empty() ? NULL : filter.c_str();
save_as.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
save_as.nMaxCustFilter = 0;
save_as.nFilterIndex = *index;
save_as.lpstrFile = file_name;
save_as.nMaxFile = arraysize(file_name);
save_as.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
save_as.nMaxFileTitle = 0;
// Set up the initial directory for the dialog.
std::wstring directory = file_util::GetDirectoryFromPath(suggested_name);
save_as.lpstrInitialDir = directory.c_str();
save_as.lpstrTitle = NULL;
save_as.lpstrDefExt = &def_ext[0];
save_as.lCustData = NULL;
if (win_util::GetWinVersion() < win_util::WINVERSION_VISTA) {
// The save as on Windows XP remembers its last position,
// and if the screen resolution changed, it will be off screen.
save_as.Flags |= OFN_ENABLEHOOK;
save_as.lpfnHook = &SaveAsDialogHook;
// Must be NULL or 0.
save_as.pvReserved = NULL;
save_as.dwReserved = 0;
if (!GetSaveFileName(&save_as)) {
// Zero means the dialog was closed, otherwise we had an error.
DWORD error_code = CommDlgExtendedError();
if (error_code != 0) {
NOTREACHED() << "GetSaveFileName failed with code: " << error_code;
return false;
// Return the user's choice.
*index = save_as.nFilterIndex;
// Figure out what filter got selected from the vector with embedded nulls.
// NOTE: The filter contains a string with embedded nulls, such as:
// JPG Image\0*.jpg\0All files\0*.*\0\0
// The filter index is 1-based index for which pair got selected. So, using
// the example above, if the first index was selected we need to skip 1
// instance of null to get to "*.jpg".
std::vector<std::wstring> filters;
if (!filter.empty() && save_as.nFilterIndex > 0)
SplitString(filter, '\0', &filters);
std::wstring filter_selected;
if (!filters.empty())
filter_selected = filters[(2 * (save_as.nFilterIndex - 1)) + 1];
// Get the extension that was suggested to the user (when the Save As dialog
// was opened). For saving web pages, we skip this step since there may be
// 'extension characters' in the title of the web page.
std::wstring suggested_ext;
if (!ignore_suggested_ext)
suggested_ext = file_util::GetFileExtensionFromPath(suggested_name);
// If we can't get the extension from the suggested_name, we use the default
// extension passed in. This is to cover cases like when saving a web page,
// where we get passed in a name without an extension and a default extension
// along with it.
if (suggested_ext.empty())
suggested_ext = def_ext;
*final_name =
AppendExtensionIfNeeded(*final_name, filter_selected, suggested_ext);
return true;
std::wstring AppendExtensionIfNeeded(const std::wstring& filename,
const std::wstring& filter_selected,
const std::wstring& suggested_ext) {
std::wstring return_value = filename;
// Get the extension the user ended up selecting.
std::wstring selected_ext = file_util::GetFileExtensionFromPath(filename);
if (filter_selected.empty() || filter_selected == L"*.*") {
// If the user selects 'All files' we respect any extension given to us from
// the File Save dialog. We also strip any trailing dots, which matches
// Windows Explorer and is needed because Windows doesn't allow filenames
// to have trailing dots. The GetSaveFileName dialog will not return a
// string with only one or more dots.
size_t index = return_value.find_last_not_of(L'.');
if (index < return_value.size() - 1)
return_value.resize(index + 1);
} else {
// User selected a specific filter (not *.*) so we need to check if the
// extension provided has the same mime type. If it doesn't we append the
// extension.
std::string suggested_mime_type, selected_mime_type;
if (suggested_ext != selected_ext &&
(!net::GetMimeTypeFromExtension(suggested_ext, &suggested_mime_type) ||
!net::GetMimeTypeFromExtension(selected_ext, &selected_mime_type) ||
suggested_mime_type != selected_mime_type)) {
return return_value;
// Adjust the window to fit, returning true if the window was resized or moved.
static bool AdjustWindowToFit(HWND hwnd, const RECT& bounds) {
// Get the monitor.
if (!hmon) {
NOTREACHED() << "Unable to find default monitor";
// No monitor available.
return false;
mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
GetMonitorInfo(hmon, &mi);
gfx::Rect window_rect(bounds);
gfx::Rect monitor_rect(mi.rcWork);
gfx::Rect new_window_rect = window_rect.AdjustToFit(monitor_rect);
if (!new_window_rect.Equals(window_rect)) {
// Window doesn't fit on monitor, move and possibly resize.
SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, new_window_rect.x(), new_window_rect.y(),
new_window_rect.width(), new_window_rect.height(),
return true;
} else {
return false;
void AdjustWindowToFit(HWND hwnd) {
// Get the window bounds.
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &r);
AdjustWindowToFit(hwnd, r);
void CenterAndSizeWindow(HWND parent, HWND window, const SIZE& pref,
bool pref_is_client) {
DCHECK(window && > 0 && > 0);
// Calculate the ideal bounds.
RECT window_bounds;
RECT center_bounds = {0};
if (parent) {
// If there is a parent, center over the parents bounds.
::GetWindowRect(parent, &center_bounds);
} else {
// No parent. Center over the monitor the window is on.
HMONITOR monitor = MonitorFromWindow(window, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
if (monitor) {
mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
GetMonitorInfo(monitor, &mi);
center_bounds = mi.rcWork;
} else {
NOTREACHED() << "Unable to get default monitor";
window_bounds.left = center_bounds.left +
(center_bounds.right - center_bounds.left - / 2;
window_bounds.right = window_bounds.left +; = +
(center_bounds.bottom - - / 2;
window_bounds.bottom = +;
// If we're centering a child window, we are positioning in client
// coordinates, and as such we need to offset the target rectangle by the
// position of the parent window.
if (::GetWindowLong(window, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) {
DCHECK(parent && ::GetParent(window) == parent);
POINT topleft = { window_bounds.left, };
::MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, parent, &topleft, 1);
window_bounds.left = topleft.x; = topleft.y;
window_bounds.right = window_bounds.left +;
window_bounds.bottom = +;
// Get the WINDOWINFO for window. We need the style to calculate the size
// for the window.
WINDOWINFO win_info = {0};
win_info.cbSize = sizeof(WINDOWINFO);
GetWindowInfo(window, &win_info);
// Calculate the window size needed for the content size.
if (!pref_is_client ||
AdjustWindowRectEx(&window_bounds, win_info.dwStyle, FALSE,
win_info.dwExStyle)) {
if (!AdjustWindowToFit(window, window_bounds)) {
// The window fits, reset the bounds.
SetWindowPos(window, 0, window_bounds.left,,
window_bounds.right - window_bounds.left,
window_bounds.bottom -,
} // else case, AdjustWindowToFit set the bounds for us.
} else {
NOTREACHED() << "Unable to adjust window to fit";
bool EdgeHasTopmostAutoHideTaskbar(UINT edge, HMONITOR monitor) {
APPBARDATA taskbar_data = { 0 };
taskbar_data.cbSize = sizeof APPBARDATA;
taskbar_data.uEdge = edge;
HWND taskbar = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR,
return ::IsWindow(taskbar) && (monitor != NULL) &&
(MonitorFromWindow(taskbar, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL) == monitor) &&
(GetWindowLong(taskbar, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_TOPMOST);
HANDLE GetSectionFromProcess(HANDLE section, HANDLE process, bool read_only) {
HANDLE valid_section = NULL;
if (!read_only)
access |= FILE_MAP_WRITE;
DuplicateHandle(process, section, GetCurrentProcess(), &valid_section, access,
FALSE, 0);
return valid_section;
bool DoesWindowBelongToActiveWindow(HWND window) {
HWND top_window = ::GetAncestor(window, GA_ROOT);
if (!top_window)
return false;
HWND active_top_window = ::GetAncestor(::GetForegroundWindow(), GA_ROOT);
return (top_window == active_top_window);
void EnsureRectIsVisibleInRect(const gfx::Rect& parent_rect,
gfx::Rect* child_rect,
int padding) {
// We use padding here because it allows some of the original web page to
// bleed through around the edges.
int twice_padding = padding * 2;
// FIRST, clamp width and height so we don't open child windows larger than
// the containing parent.
if (child_rect->width() > (parent_rect.width() + twice_padding))
child_rect->set_width(std::max(0, parent_rect.width() - twice_padding));
if (child_rect->height() > parent_rect.height() + twice_padding)
child_rect->set_height(std::max(0, parent_rect.height() - twice_padding));
// SECOND, clamp x,y position to padding,padding so we don't position child
// windows in hyperspace.
// TODO(mpcomplete): I don't see what the second check in each 'if' does that
// isn't handled by the LAST set of 'ifs'. Maybe we can remove it.
if (child_rect->x() < parent_rect.x() ||
child_rect->x() > parent_rect.right()) {
child_rect->set_x(parent_rect.x() + padding);
if (child_rect->y() < parent_rect.y() ||
child_rect->y() > parent_rect.bottom()) {
child_rect->set_y(parent_rect.y() + padding);
// LAST, nudge the window back up into the client area if its x,y position is
// within the parent bounds but its width/height place it off-screen.
if (child_rect->bottom() > parent_rect.bottom())
child_rect->set_y(parent_rect.bottom() - child_rect->height() - padding);
if (child_rect->right() > parent_rect.right())
child_rect->set_x(parent_rect.right() - child_rect->width() - padding);
void SetChildBounds(HWND child_window, HWND parent_window,
HWND insert_after_window, const gfx::Rect& bounds,
int padding, unsigned long flags) {
// First figure out the bounds of the parent.
RECT parent_rect = {0};
if (parent_window) {
GetClientRect(parent_window, &parent_rect);
} else {
// If there is no parent, we consider the bounds of the monitor the window
// is on to be the parent bounds.
// If the child_window isn't visible yet and we've been given a valid,
// visible insert after window, use that window to locate the correct
// monitor instead.
HWND window = child_window;
if (!IsWindowVisible(window) && IsWindow(insert_after_window) &&
window = insert_after_window;
POINT window_point = { bounds.x(), bounds.y() };
HMONITOR monitor = MonitorFromPoint(window_point,
if (monitor) {
mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
GetMonitorInfo(monitor, &mi);
parent_rect = mi.rcWork;
} else {
NOTREACHED() << "Unable to get default monitor";
gfx::Rect actual_bounds = bounds;
EnsureRectIsVisibleInRect(gfx::Rect(parent_rect), &actual_bounds, padding);
SetWindowPos(child_window, insert_after_window, actual_bounds.x(),
actual_bounds.y(), actual_bounds.width(),
actual_bounds.height(), flags);
gfx::Rect GetMonitorBoundsForRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) {
RECT p_rect = rect.ToRECT();
HMONITOR monitor = MonitorFromRect(&p_rect, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
if (monitor) {
mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
GetMonitorInfo(monitor, &mi);
return gfx::Rect(mi.rcWork);
return gfx::Rect();
bool IsNumPadDigit(int key_code, bool extended_key) {
if (key_code >= VK_NUMPAD0 && key_code <= VK_NUMPAD9)
return true;
// Check for num pad keys without NumLock.
// Note: there is no easy way to know if a the key that was pressed comes from
// the num pad or the rest of the keyboard. Investigating how
// TranslateMessage() generates the WM_KEYCHAR from an
// ALT + <NumPad sequences> it appears it looks at the extended key flag
// (which is on if the key pressed comes from one of the 3 clusters to
// the left of the numeric keypad). So we use it as well.
return !extended_key &&
((key_code >= VK_PRIOR && key_code <= VK_DOWN) || // All keys but 5
// and 0.
(key_code == VK_CLEAR) || // Key 5.
(key_code == VK_INSERT)); // Key 0.
void GrabWindowSnapshot(HWND window_handle,
std::vector<unsigned char>* png_representation) {
// Create a memory DC that's compatible with the window.
HDC window_hdc = GetWindowDC(window_handle);
ScopedHDC mem_hdc(CreateCompatibleDC(window_hdc));
// Create a DIB that's the same size as the window.
RECT content_rect = {0, 0, 0, 0};
::GetWindowRect(window_handle, &content_rect);
content_rect.right++; // Match what PrintWindow wants.
int width = content_rect.right - content_rect.left;
int height = content_rect.bottom -;
gfx::CreateBitmapHeader(width, height, &hdr);
unsigned char *bit_ptr = NULL;
ScopedBitmap bitmap(CreateDIBSection(mem_hdc,
reinterpret_cast<void **>(&bit_ptr),
NULL, 0));
SelectObject(mem_hdc, bitmap);
// Clear the bitmap to white (so that rounded corners on windows
// show up on a white background, and strangely-shaped windows
// look reasonable). Not capturing an alpha mask saves a
// bit of space.
PatBlt(mem_hdc, 0, 0, width, height, WHITENESS);
// Grab a copy of the window
// First, see if PrintWindow is defined (it's not in Windows 2000).
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PrintWindowPointer)(HWND, HDC, UINT);
PrintWindowPointer print_window =
GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"User32.dll"), "PrintWindow"));
// If PrintWindow is defined, use it. It will work on partially
// obscured windows, and works better for out of process sub-windows.
// Otherwise grab the bits we can get with BitBlt; it's better
// than nothing and will work fine in the average case (window is
// completely on screen).
if (print_window)
(*print_window)(window_handle, mem_hdc, 0);
BitBlt(mem_hdc, 0, 0, width, height, window_hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
// We now have a copy of the window contents in a DIB, so
// encode it into a useful format for posting to the bug report
// server.
gfx::PNGCodec::Encode(bit_ptr, gfx::PNGCodec::FORMAT_BGRA,
width, height, width * 4, true,
ReleaseDC(window_handle, window_hdc);
bool IsWindowActive(HWND hwnd) {
return ::GetWindowInfo(hwnd, &info) &&
((info.dwWindowStatus & WS_ACTIVECAPTION) != 0);
bool IsReservedName(const std::wstring& filename) {
// This list is taken from the MSDN article "Naming a file"
// I also added clock$ because GetSaveFileName seems to consider it as a
// reserved name too.
static const wchar_t* const known_devices[] = {
L"con", L"prn", L"aux", L"nul", L"com1", L"com2", L"com3", L"com4", L"com5",
L"com6", L"com7", L"com8", L"com9", L"lpt1", L"lpt2", L"lpt3", L"lpt4",
L"lpt5", L"lpt6", L"lpt7", L"lpt8", L"lpt9", L"clock$"
std::wstring filename_lower = StringToLowerASCII(filename);
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(known_devices); ++i) {
// Exact match.
if (filename_lower == known_devices[i])
return true;
// Starts with "DEVICE.".
if (filename_lower.find(std::wstring(known_devices[i]) + L".") == 0)
return true;
static const wchar_t* const magic_names[] = {
// These file names are used by the "Customize folder" feature of the shell.
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(magic_names); ++i) {
if (filename_lower == magic_names[i])
return true;
return false;
bool IsShellIntegratedExtension(const std::wstring& extension) {
std::wstring extension_lower = StringToLowerASCII(extension);
static const wchar_t* const integrated_extensions[] = {
// See <>.
// Right-clicking on shortcuts can be magical.
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(integrated_extensions); ++i) {
if (extension_lower == integrated_extensions[i])
return true;
// See <>.
// That vulnerability report is not exactly on point, but files become magical
// if their end in a CLSID. Here we block extensions that look like CLSIDs.
if (extension_lower.size() > 0 && == L'{' && - 1) == L'}')
return true;
return false;
// In addition to passing the RTL flags to ::MessageBox if we are running in an
// RTL locale, we need to make sure that LTR strings are rendered correctly by
// adding the appropriate Unicode directionality marks.
int MessageBox(HWND hwnd,
const std::wstring& text,
const std::wstring& caption,
UINT flags) {
if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kNoMessageBox))
return IDOK;
UINT actual_flags = flags;
if (l10n_util::GetTextDirection() == l10n_util::RIGHT_TO_LEFT)
actual_flags |= MB_RIGHT | MB_RTLREADING;
std::wstring localized_text;
const wchar_t* text_ptr = text.c_str();
if (l10n_util::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(text, &localized_text))
text_ptr = localized_text.c_str();
std::wstring localized_caption;
const wchar_t* caption_ptr = caption.c_str();
if (l10n_util::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(caption, &localized_caption))
caption_ptr = localized_caption.c_str();
return ::MessageBox(hwnd, text_ptr, caption_ptr, actual_flags);
gfx::Font GetWindowTitleFont() {
ScopedHFONT caption_font(CreateFontIndirect(&(ncm.lfCaptionFont)));
return gfx::Font::CreateFont(caption_font);
void SetAppIdForWindow(const std::wstring& app_id, HWND hwnd) {
// This functionality is only available on Win7+.
if (win_util::GetWinVersion() != win_util::WINVERSION_WIN7)
// Load Shell32.dll into memory.
// TODO(brg): Remove this mechanism when the Win7 SDK is available in trunk.
std::wstring shell32_filename(kShell32);
FilePath shell32_filepath(shell32_filename);
base::NativeLibrary shell32_library = base::LoadNativeLibrary(
if (!shell32_library)
// Get the function pointer for SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow.
void* function = base::GetFunctionPointerFromNativeLibrary(
if (!function) {
// Set the application's name.
ScopedComPtr<IPropertyStore> pps;
SHGPSFW SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow = static_cast<SHGPSFW>(function);
HRESULT result = SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow(
hwnd, __uuidof(*pps), reinterpret_cast<void**>(pps.Receive()));
if (S_OK == result) {
SetAppIdForPropertyStore(pps, app_id.c_str());
// Cleanup.
} // namespace win_util