blob: 0a49b6c8dccd68563af7c1346d5c2381aa39bab8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Objects that handle file operations for saving files, on the file thread.
// The SaveFileManager owns a set of SaveFile objects, each of which connects
// with a SaveItem object which belongs to one SavePackage and runs on the file
// thread for saving data in order to avoid disk activity on either network IO
// thread or the UI thread. It coordinates the notifications from the network
// and UI.
// The SaveFileManager itself is a singleton object owned by the
// ResourceDispatcherHostImpl.
// The data sent to SaveFileManager have 2 sources, one is from
// ResourceDispatcherHostImpl, run in network IO thread, the all sub-resources
// and save-only-HTML pages will be got from network IO. The second is from
// render process, those html pages which are serialized from DOM will be
// composed in render process and encoded to its original encoding, then sent
// to UI loop in browser process, then UI loop will dispatch the data to
// SaveFileManager on the file thread. SaveFileManager will directly
// call SaveFile's method to persist data.
// A typical saving job operation involves multiple threads:
// Updating an in progress save file
// io_thread
// |----> data from net ---->|
// |
// |
// |----> data from ---->| |
// | render process | |
// ui_thread | |
// file_thread (writes to disk)
// |----> stats ---->|
// ui_thread (feedback for user)
// Cancel operations perform the inverse order when triggered by a user action:
// ui_thread (user click)
// |----> cancel command ---->|
// | | file_thread (close file)
// | |---------------------> cancel command ---->|
// | io_thread (stops net IO
// ui_thread (user close contents) for saving)
// |----> cancel command ---->|
// Render process(stop serializing DOM and sending
// data)
// The SaveFileManager tracks saving requests, mapping from a save ID (unique
// integer created in the IO thread) to the SavePackage for the contents where
// the saving job was initiated. In the event of a contents closure during
// saving, the SavePackage will notify the SaveFileManage to cancel all SaveFile
// jobs.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "content/browser/download/save_types.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace net {
class IOBuffer;
namespace content {
class ResourceContext;
class SaveFile;
class SavePackage;
struct Referrer;
class SaveFileManager : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SaveFileManager> {
// Lifetime management.
CONTENT_EXPORT void Shutdown();
// Called on the IO thread. This generates unique IDs for
// SaveFileResourceHandler objects (there's one per file in a SavePackage).
// Note that this is different from the SavePackage's id.
int GetNextId();
// Save the specified URL. Called on the UI thread and forwarded to the
// ResourceDispatcherHostImpl on the IO thread.
void SaveURL(const GURL& url,
const Referrer& referrer,
int render_process_host_id,
int render_view_id,
SaveFileCreateInfo::SaveFileSource save_source,
const base::FilePath& file_full_path,
ResourceContext* context,
SavePackage* save_package);
// Notifications sent from the IO thread and run on the file thread:
void StartSave(SaveFileCreateInfo* info);
void UpdateSaveProgress(int save_id, net::IOBuffer* data, int size);
void SaveFinished(int save_id,
const GURL& save_url,
int render_process_id,
bool is_success);
// Notifications sent from the UI thread and run on the file thread.
// Cancel a SaveFile instance which has specified save id.
void CancelSave(int save_id);
// Called on the UI thread to remove a save package from SaveFileManager's
// tracking map.
void RemoveSaveFile(int save_id, const GURL& save_url,
SavePackage* package);
// Helper function for deleting specified file.
void DeleteDirectoryOrFile(const base::FilePath& full_path, bool is_dir);
// Runs on file thread to save a file by copying from file system when
// original url is using file scheme.
void SaveLocalFile(const GURL& original_file_url,
int save_id,
int render_process_id);
// Renames all the successfully saved files.
// |final_names| points to a vector which contains pairs of save ids and
// final names of successfully saved files.
void RenameAllFiles(
const FinalNameList& final_names,
const base::FilePath& resource_dir,
int render_process_id,
int render_view_id,
int save_package_id);
// When the user cancels the saving, we need to remove all remaining saved
// files of this page saving job from save_file_map_.
void RemoveSavedFileFromFileMap(const SaveIDList & save_ids);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SaveFileManager>;
// A cleanup helper that runs on the file thread.
void OnShutdown();
// Called only on UI thread to get the SavePackage for a contents's browser
// context.
static SavePackage* GetSavePackageFromRenderIds(int render_process_id,
int review_view_id);
// Register a starting request. Associate the save URL with a
// SavePackage for further matching.
void RegisterStartingRequest(const GURL& save_url,
SavePackage* save_package);
// Unregister a start request according save URL, disassociate
// the save URL and SavePackage.
SavePackage* UnregisterStartingRequest(const GURL& save_url,
int contents_id);
// Look up the SavePackage according to save id.
SavePackage* LookupPackage(int save_id);
// Called only on the file thread.
// Look up one in-progress saving item according to save id.
SaveFile* LookupSaveFile(int save_id);
// Help function for sending notification of canceling specific request.
void SendCancelRequest(int save_id);
// Notifications sent from the file thread and run on the UI thread.
// Lookup the SaveManager for this WebContents' saving browser context and
// inform it the saving job has been started.
void OnStartSave(const SaveFileCreateInfo* info);
// Update the SavePackage with the current state of a started saving job.
// If the SavePackage for this saving job is gone, cancel the request.
void OnUpdateSaveProgress(int save_id,
int64 bytes_so_far,
bool write_success);
// Update the SavePackage with the finish state, and remove the request
// tracking entries.
void OnSaveFinished(int save_id, int64 bytes_so_far, bool is_success);
// For those requests that do not have valid save id, use
// map:(url, SavePackage) to find the request and remove it.
void OnErrorFinished(const GURL& save_url, int contents_id);
// Notifies SavePackage that the whole page saving job is finished.
void OnFinishSavePageJob(int render_process_id,
int render_view_id,
int save_package_id);
// Notifications sent from the UI thread and run on the file thread.
// Deletes a specified file on the file thread.
void OnDeleteDirectoryOrFile(const base::FilePath& full_path, bool is_dir);
// Notifications sent from the UI thread and run on the IO thread
// Initiates a request for URL to be saved.
void OnSaveURL(const GURL& url,
const Referrer& referrer,
int render_process_host_id,
int render_view_id,
ResourceContext* context);
// Handler for a notification sent to the IO thread for generating save id.
void OnRequireSaveJobFromOtherSource(SaveFileCreateInfo* info);
// Call ResourceDispatcherHostImpl's CancelRequest method to execute cancel
// action in the IO thread.
void ExecuteCancelSaveRequest(int render_process_id, int request_id);
// Unique ID for the next SaveFile object.
int next_id_;
// A map of all saving jobs by using save id.
typedef base::hash_map<int, SaveFile*> SaveFileMap;
SaveFileMap save_file_map_;
// Tracks which SavePackage to send data to, called only on UI thread.
// SavePackageMap maps save IDs to their SavePackage.
typedef base::hash_map<int, SavePackage*> SavePackageMap;
SavePackageMap packages_;
// There is a gap between after calling SaveURL() and before calling
// StartSave(). In this gap, each request does not have save id for tracking.
// But sometimes users might want to stop saving job or ResourceDispatcherHost
// calls SaveFinished with save id -1 for network error. We name the requests
// as starting requests. For tracking those starting requests, we need to
// have some data structure.
// First we use a hashmap to map the request URL to SavePackage, then we use a
// hashmap to map the contents id (we actually use render_process_id) to the
// hashmap since it is possible to save the same URL in different contents at
// same time.
typedef base::hash_map<std::string, SavePackage*> StartingRequestsMap;
typedef base::hash_map<int, StartingRequestsMap>
ContentsToStartingRequestsMap contents_starting_requests_;
} // namespace content