blob: 26ae49fdc2f794264e473753fae97654526a8174 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
#include "chromeos/printing/printer_configuration.h"
namespace net {
class URLRequestContextGetter;
namespace chromeos {
namespace printing {
class PpdCache;
// PpdProvider is responsible for mapping printer descriptions to
// CUPS-PostScript Printer Description (PPD) files. It provides PPDs that a
// user previously identified for use, and falls back to querying quirksserver
// based on manufacturer/model of the printer.
// All functions in this class must be called from a sequenced context.
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT PpdProvider : public base::RefCounted<PpdProvider> {
// Possible result codes of a Resolve*() call.
enum CallbackResultCode {
// Looked for a PPD for this configuration, but couldn't find a match.
// Never returned for QueryAvailable().
// Failed to contact an external server needed to finish resolution.
// Other error that is not expected to be transient.
// Construction-time options. Everything in this structure should have
// a sane default.
struct Options {
Options() {}
// Root of the ppd serving hierarchy.
std::string ppd_server_root = "";
// Result of a ResolvePpd() call.
// If the result code is SUCCESS, then:
// string holds the contents of a PPD (that may or may not be gzipped).
// required_filters holds the names of the filters referenced in the ppd.
// Otherwise, these fields will be empty.
using ResolvePpdCallback =
const std::string&,
const std::vector<std::string>& required_filters)>;
// Result of a ResolveManufacturers() call. If the result code is SUCCESS,
// then the vector contains a sorted list of manufacturers for which we have
// at least one printer driver.
using ResolveManufacturersCallback =
base::Callback<void(CallbackResultCode, const std::vector<std::string>&)>;
// Result of a ResolvePrinters() call. If the result code is SUCCESS, then
// the vector contains a sorted list of all printer models from the given
// manufacturer for which we have a driver.
using ResolvePrintersCallback =
base::Callback<void(CallbackResultCode, const std::vector<std::string>&)>;
// Result of a ResolveUsbIds call. If the result code is SUCCESS, then the
// second argument contains the effective make and model of the printer.
// NOT_FOUND means we don't know about this Usb device.
using ResolveUsbIdsCallback =
base::Callback<void(CallbackResultCode, const std::string&)>;
// Create and return a new PpdProvider with the given cache and options.
// A references to |url_context_getter| is taken.
static scoped_refptr<PpdProvider> Create(
const std::string& browser_locale,
scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> url_context_getter,
scoped_refptr<PpdCache> cache,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> disk_task_runner,
const Options& options = Options());
// Get all manufacturers for which we have drivers. Keys of the map will be
// localized in the default browser locale or the closest available fallback.
// |cb| will be called on the invoking thread, and will be sequenced.
virtual void ResolveManufacturers(const ResolveManufacturersCallback& cb) = 0;
// Get all models from a given manufacturer, localized in the default browser
// locale or the closest available fallback. |manufacturer| must be a value
// returned from a successful ResolveManufacturers() call performed from this
// PpdProvider instance.
// |cb| will be called on the invoking thread, and will be sequenced.
virtual void ResolvePrinters(const std::string& manufacturer,
const ResolvePrintersCallback& cb) = 0;
// Given a usb vendor/device id, attempt to get an effective make and model
// string for the given printer.
virtual void ResolveUsbIds(int vendor_id,
int device_id,
const ResolveUsbIdsCallback& cb) = 0;
// Given a |manufacturer| from ResolveManufacturers() and a |printer| from
// a ResolvePrinters() call for that manufacturer, fill in |reference|
// with the information needed to resolve the Ppd for this printer. Returns
// true on success and overwrites the contents of |reference|. On failure,
// |reference| is unchanged.
// Note that, unlike the other functions in this class, |reference| can be
// saved and given to ResolvePpd() in a different PpdProvider instance without
// first resolving manufactuerers or printers.
virtual bool GetPpdReference(const std::string& manufacturer,
const std::string& printer,
Printer::PpdReference* reference) const = 0;
// Given a PpdReference, attempt to get the PPD for printing.
// |cb| will be called on the invoking thread, and will be sequenced.
virtual void ResolvePpd(const Printer::PpdReference& reference,
const ResolvePpdCallback& cb) = 0;
// Hook for testing. Returns true if there are no API calls that have not
// yet completed.
virtual bool Idle() const = 0;
friend class base::RefCounted<PpdProvider>;
virtual ~PpdProvider() {}
} // namespace printing
} // namespace chromeos