blob: 62c9a84b145276cc4c7bd5fbddd526bb7fab2b90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/payments/core/payment_currency_amount.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/payments/payment_request.h"
namespace web {
class NavigationItem;
} // namespace web
namespace payments {
class PaymentDetails;
// Launches a native iOS third party payment app and handles the response
// returned from that payment app. Only one instance of this object can exist
// per browser state. This launcher can only handle one request at a time,
// so any calls this class while another request is processing will fail and
// will cause the in-flight request to fail.
class IOSPaymentInstrumentLauncher : public KeyedService {
~IOSPaymentInstrumentLauncher() override;
// Attempts to launch a third party iOS payment app. Uses |payment_request|
// and |acitive_web_state| to build numerous parameters that get seraliazed
// into a JSON string and then encoded into base-64. |universal_link| is then
// invoked with the built parameters passed in as a query string. If the class
// fails to open the universal link the error callback of |delegate| will
// be invoked. If the class is successful in opening the universal link
// the success callback will be invoked when the payment app calls back into
// Chrome with a payment response. Finally, the class returns a boolean
// indicating if it made an attempt to launch the IOSPaymentInstrument. The
// only instance when the launcher will not attempt a launch is when there is
// another in-flight request already happening.
bool LaunchIOSPaymentInstrument(
payments::PaymentRequest* payment_request,
web::WebState* active_web_state,
GURL& universal_link,
payments::PaymentInstrument::Delegate* delegate);
// Callback for when an iOS payment app sends a response back to Chrome.
// |response| is a base-64 encodeded string. When decoded, |response| is
// is expected to contain the method name of the payment instrument used,
// whether or not the payment app was able to successfully complete its part
// of the transaction, and details that contain information for the merchant
// website to complete the transaction. The details are only parsed if
// the payment app claims to have successfully completed its part of the
// transaction.
void ReceiveResponseFromIOSPaymentInstrument(
const std::string& base_64_response);
// Before invoking ReceieveResponseFromIOSPaymentInstrument, callers can
// use delegate() to ensure that the delegate property is valid.
payments::PaymentInstrument::Delegate* delegate() { return delegate_; }
// Sets the delegate for the current IOSPaymentInstrumentLauncher request.
void set_delegate(payments::PaymentInstrument::Delegate* delegate) {
delegate_ = delegate;
// The payment request ID is exposed in order validate responses from
// third party payment apps.
std::string payment_request_id() { return payment_request_id_; }
friend class PaymentRequestIOSPaymentInstrumentLauncherTest;
// Returns the JSON-serialized dictionary from each method name the merchant
// requested to the corresponding method data. |stringified_method_data| is
// a mapping of the payment method names to the corresponding JSON-stringified
// payment method specific data. This function converts that map into a JSON
// readable object.
base::Value SerializeMethodData(
const std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>>&
// Returns the JSON-serialized top-level certificate chain of the browsing
// context. |item| has information on the browsing state, including the
// SSL certificate needed to build the certificate chain.
base::Value SerializeCertificateChain(web::NavigationItem* item);
// Returns the JSON-serialized array of PaymentDetailsModifier objects.
// |details| is the object that represents the details of a PaymentRequest
// object and contains the vector of PaymentDetailsModifier objects to
// serialize.
base::Value SerializeModifiers(PaymentDetails details);
// Invokes the payment instrument delegate with the appropriate function.
// If |method_name| or |details| are empty then |delegate_| calls
// OnInstrumentDetailsError, otherwise |delegate_| calls
// OnInstrumentDetailsReady. After invoking the delegate function this method
// will also reset |delegate_| and |payment_request_id_|.
void CompleteLaunchRequest(const std::string& method_name,
const std::string& details);
payments::PaymentInstrument::Delegate* delegate_;
std::string payment_request_id_;
} // namespace payments