blob: a91e7321d48a19e9d69e2d3a0f7065563baa41a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/payments/core/payment_options_provider.h"
namespace autofill {
class AutofillProfile;
} // namespace autofill
namespace payments {
class PaymentInstrument;
class PaymentRequest;
class PaymentResponse;
} // namespace payments
namespace payment_request_util {
// Returns a base::Value populated with the properties of |response|. The
// returned value is always a dictionary.
base::Value PaymentResponseToValue(const payments::PaymentResponse& response);
// Helper function to create a name label from an autofill profile. Returns nil
// if the resulting label is empty.
NSString* GetNameLabelFromAutofillProfile(
const autofill::AutofillProfile& profile);
// Helper function to create a shipping address label from an autofill profile.
// Returns nil if the resulting label is empty.
NSString* GetShippingAddressLabelFromAutofillProfile(
const autofill::AutofillProfile& profile);
// Helper function to create a billing address label from an autofill profile.
// Returns nil if the resulting label is empty.
NSString* GetBillingAddressLabelFromAutofillProfile(
const autofill::AutofillProfile& profile);
// Helper function to create a phone number label from an autofill profile.
// Returns nil if the resulting label is empty.
NSString* GetPhoneNumberLabelFromAutofillProfile(
const autofill::AutofillProfile& profile);
// Helper function to create an email label from an autofill profile. Returns
// nil if the resulting label is empty.
NSString* GetEmailLabelFromAutofillProfile(
const autofill::AutofillProfile& profile);
// Helper function to create a notification label for an address cell from an
// autofill profile. Returns nil if the resulting label is empty.
NSString* GetAddressNotificationLabelFromAutofillProfile(
const payments::PaymentRequest& payment_request,
const autofill::AutofillProfile& profile);
// Helper function to create a notification label for what's missing from a
// payment method. Returns nil if the resulting label is empty.
NSString* GetPaymentMethodNotificationLabelFromPaymentMethod(
const payments::PaymentInstrument& payment_method,
const std::vector<autofill::AutofillProfile*>& billing_profiles);
// Returns the title for the shipping section of the payment summary view given
// the shipping type specified in |payment_request|.
NSString* GetShippingSectionTitle(payments::PaymentShippingType shipping_type);
// Returns the error message to be displayed in the shipping address selection
// view given the shipping type specified in |payment_request|.
NSString* GetShippingAddressSelectorErrorMessage(
const payments::PaymentRequest& payment_request);
// Returns the error message to be displayed in the shipping option selection
// view given the shipping type specified in |payment_request|.
NSString* GetShippingOptionSelectorErrorMessage(
const payments::PaymentRequest& payment_request);
// Helper function to create a notification label for a contact info entry from
// an autofill profile. Returns nil if the resulting label is empty.
NSString* GetContactNotificationLabelFromAutofillProfile(
const payments::PaymentRequest& payment_request,
const autofill::AutofillProfile& profile);
} // namespace payment_request_util