blob: 9398ecb90ada776625a69e7e8cb1bd13f2a13c19 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/autofill_profile.h"
#include "components/payments/core/payment_instrument.h"
#include "components/payments/core/payment_response.h"
#include "components/payments/core/web_payment_request.h"
@protocol PaymentResponseHelperConsumer
// Called when the payment method details have been successfully received.
- (void)paymentResponseHelperDidReceivePaymentMethodDetails;
// Called if an error occured when attempting to receive payment method details.
- (void)paymentResponseHelperDidFailToReceivePaymentMethodDetails;
// Called when the payment method details have been successfully received and
// the shipping address and the contact info are normalized, if applicable.
- (void)paymentResponseHelperDidCompleteWithPaymentResponse:
(const payments::PaymentResponse&)paymentResponse;
namespace payments {
class PaymentRequest;
// A helper class to facilitate creation of the PaymentResponse.
class PaymentResponseHelper
: public PaymentInstrument::Delegate,
public base::SupportsWeakPtr<PaymentResponseHelper> {
PaymentResponseHelper(id<PaymentResponseHelperConsumer> consumer,
PaymentRequest* payment_request);
~PaymentResponseHelper() override;
// PaymentInstrument::Delegate
void OnInstrumentDetailsReady(
const std::string& method_name,
const std::string& stringified_details) override;
void OnInstrumentDetailsError() override;
// Called when the AddressNormalizationManager is done, whether any autofill
// profile is actually normalized.
void AddressNormalizationCompleted();
__weak id<PaymentResponseHelperConsumer> consumer_;
// Owns this instance and is guaranteed to outlive it.
PaymentRequest* payment_request_;
// Stored data to use in the payment response once normalization is complete.
std::string method_name_;
std::string stringified_details_;
autofill::AutofillProfile shipping_address_;
autofill::AutofillProfile contact_info_;
} // namespace payments