blob: 77db1145005e0add71e1c5ec0ff2f7ef800906c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@class SessionWindowIOS;
// API for an object that can save and restore session windows. Typically an
// object confoming to this protocol is responsible for a list of tabs, and
// calls to these methopds affect that list.
@protocol SessionWindowRestoring
// Restores the |window| (for example, after a crash). If there is only one tab,
// showing the NTP, then this tab should be clobbered, otherwise, the tabs from
// the restored sessions should be added at the end of the current list of tabs.
// If |initialRestore| is YES, this method does not log metrics for operations
// conducted during the restore and must be called before any observers are
// registered on the TabModel. Returns YES if the single NTP tab is closed.
- (BOOL)restoreSessionWindow:(SessionWindowIOS*)window
// Persists the current list of tabs to disk, either immediately or deferred
// based on the value of |immediately|.
- (void)saveSessionImmediately:(BOOL)immediately;