blob: 57a65b7b555ae881596d6e69a78067aad8367ad0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "device/fido/fido_device_discovery.h"
#include "device/fido/fido_transport_protocol.h"
namespace service_manager {
class Connector;
namespace device {
namespace test {
// Fake FIDO discovery simulating the behavior of the production
// implementations, and can be used to feed U2fRequests with fake/mock FIDO
// devices.
// Most often this class is used together with ScopedFakeFidoDiscoveryFactory:
// ScopedFakeFidoDiscoveryFactory factory;
// auto* fake_hid_discovery = factory.ForgeNextHidDiscovery();
// auto* fake_ble_discovery = factory.ForgeNextBleDiscovery();
// // Run the production code that will eventually call:
// // FidoDeviceDiscovery::Create(
// // FidoTransportProtocol::kUsbHumanInterfaceDevice)
// // hid_instance->Start();
// // FidoDeviceDiscovery::Create(FidoTransportProtocol::kBluetoothLowEnergy)
// // ble_instance->Start();
// // Wait, i.e. spin the message loop until the fake discoveries are started.
// fake_hid_discovery->WaitForCallToStart();
// fake_ble_discovery->WaitForCallToStart();
// // Add devices to be discovered immediately.
// fake_hid_discovery->AddDevice(std::make_unique<MockFidoDevice>(...));
// // Start discoveries (HID succeeds, BLE fails).
// fake_hid_discovery->SimulateStart(true /* success */);
// fake_ble_discovery->SimulateStart(false /* success */);
// // Add devices discovered after doing some heavy lifting.
// fake_hid_discovery->AddDevice(std::make_unique<MockFidoDevice>(...));
// // Destroy the production instance to eventually stop the discovery.
// // hid_instance.reset();
class FakeFidoDiscovery : public FidoDeviceDiscovery,
public base::SupportsWeakPtr<FakeFidoDiscovery> {
enum class StartMode {
// SimulateStarted() needs to be called manually to finish starting the
// discovery after the production code calls Start().
// The discovery is automatically (successfully) started after Start().
explicit FakeFidoDiscovery(FidoTransportProtocol transport,
StartMode mode = StartMode::kManual);
~FakeFidoDiscovery() override;
// Blocks until start is requested.
void WaitForCallToStart();
// Simulates the discovery actually starting.
void SimulateStarted(bool success);
// Combines WaitForCallToStart + SimulateStarted(true).
void WaitForCallToStartAndSimulateSuccess();
// Tests are to directly call Add/RemoveDevice to simulate adding/removing
// devices. Observers are automatically notified.
using FidoDeviceDiscovery::AddDevice;
using FidoDeviceDiscovery::RemoveDevice;
// FidoDeviceDiscovery:
void StartInternal() override;
const StartMode mode_;
base::RunLoop wait_for_start_loop_;
// Overrides FidoDeviceDiscovery::Create to construct FakeFidoDiscoveries while
// this instance is in scope.
class ScopedFakeFidoDiscoveryFactory
: public ::device::internal::ScopedFidoDiscoveryFactory {
using StartMode = FakeFidoDiscovery::StartMode;
~ScopedFakeFidoDiscoveryFactory() override;
// Constructs a fake discovery to be returned from the next call to
// FidoDeviceDiscovery::Create. Returns a raw pointer to the fake so that
// tests can set it up according to taste.
// It is an error not to call the relevant method prior to a call to
// FidoDeviceDiscovery::Create with the respective transport.
FakeFidoDiscovery* ForgeNextHidDiscovery(StartMode mode = StartMode::kManual);
FakeFidoDiscovery* ForgeNextNfcDiscovery(StartMode mode = StartMode::kManual);
FakeFidoDiscovery* ForgeNextBleDiscovery(StartMode mode = StartMode::kManual);
FakeFidoDiscovery* ForgeNextCableDiscovery(
StartMode mode = StartMode::kManual);
std::unique_ptr<FidoDeviceDiscovery> CreateFidoDiscovery(
FidoTransportProtocol transport,
::service_manager::Connector* connector) override;
std::unique_ptr<FakeFidoDiscovery> next_hid_discovery_;
std::unique_ptr<FakeFidoDiscovery> next_nfc_discovery_;
std::unique_ptr<FakeFidoDiscovery> next_ble_discovery_;
std::unique_ptr<FakeFidoDiscovery> next_cable_discovery_;
} // namespace test
} // namespace device