blob: ad68171a61910f198ed457e0003466b8895cf967 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/touch_selection/longpress_drag_selector.h"
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "ui/events/gesture_detection/motion_event.h"
namespace ui {
LongPressDragSelectorClient* client)
: client_(client),
has_longpress_drag_start_anchor_(false) {
LongPressDragSelector::~LongPressDragSelector() {
bool LongPressDragSelector::WillHandleTouchEvent(const MotionEvent& event) {
switch (event.GetAction()) {
case MotionEvent::ACTION_DOWN:
touch_down_position_.SetPoint(event.GetX(), event.GetY());
touch_down_time_ = event.GetEventTime();
has_longpress_drag_start_anchor_ = false;
return false;
case MotionEvent::ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent::ACTION_CANCEL:
return false;
case MotionEvent::ACTION_MOVE:
return false;
if (state_ != DRAG_PENDING && state_ != DRAGGING)
return false;
gfx::PointF position(event.GetX(), event.GetY());
if (state_ == DRAGGING) {
gfx::PointF drag_position = position + longpress_drag_selection_offset_;
client_->OnDragUpdate(*this, drag_position);
return true;
// We can't use |touch_down_position_| as the offset anchor, as
// showing the selection UI may have shifted the motion coordinates.
if (!has_longpress_drag_start_anchor_) {
has_longpress_drag_start_anchor_ = true;
longpress_drag_start_anchor_ = position;
return true;
// Allow an additional slop affordance after the longpress occurs.
gfx::Vector2dF delta = position - longpress_drag_start_anchor_;
if (client_->IsWithinTapSlop(delta))
return true;
gfx::PointF selection_start = client_->GetSelectionStart();
gfx::PointF selection_end = client_->GetSelectionEnd();
bool extend_selection_start = false;
if (std::abs(delta.y()) > std::abs(delta.x())) {
// If initial motion is up/down, extend the start/end selection bound.
extend_selection_start = delta.y() < 0;
} else {
// Otherwise extend the selection bound toward which we're moving.
// Note that, for mixed RTL text, or for multiline selections triggered
// by longpress, this may not pick the most suitable drag target
gfx::Vector2dF start_delta = selection_start - position;
// The vectors must be normalized to make dot product comparison meaningful.
if (!start_delta.IsZero())
start_delta.Scale(1.f / start_delta.Length());
gfx::Vector2dF end_delta = selection_end - position;
if (!end_delta.IsZero())
end_delta.Scale(1.f / start_delta.Length());
// The larger the dot product the more similar the direction.
extend_selection_start =
gfx::DotProduct(start_delta, delta) > gfx::DotProduct(end_delta, delta);
gfx::PointF extent = extend_selection_start ? selection_start : selection_end;
longpress_drag_selection_offset_ = extent - position;
client_->OnDragBegin(*this, extent);
return true;
bool LongPressDragSelector::IsActive() const {
return state_ != INACTIVE && state_ != LONGPRESS_PENDING;
void LongPressDragSelector::OnLongPressEvent(base::TimeTicks event_time,
const gfx::PointF& position) {
// We have no guarantees that the current gesture stream is aligned with the
// observed touch stream. We only know that the gesture sequence is downstream
// from the touch sequence. Using a time/distance heuristic helps ensure that
// the observed longpress corresponds to the active touch sequence.
if (state_ == LONGPRESS_PENDING &&
// Ensure the down event occurs *before* the longpress event. Use a
// small time epsilon to account for floating point time conversion.
(touch_down_time_ < event_time + base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(10)) &&
client_->IsWithinTapSlop(touch_down_position_ - position)) {
void LongPressDragSelector::OnSelectionActivated() {
if (state_ == SELECTION_PENDING)
void LongPressDragSelector::OnSelectionDeactivated() {
void LongPressDragSelector::SetState(SelectionState state) {
if (state_ == state)
const bool was_dragging = state_ == DRAGGING;
const bool was_active = IsActive();
state_ = state;
// TODO(jdduke): Add UMA for tracking relative longpress drag frequency.
if (was_dragging)
if (was_active != IsActive())
} // namespace ui