blob: d28c082eae4a8927ad862684762c6c113d031ac4 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE translationbundle>
<translationbundle lang="en-GB">
<translation id="5423788048750135178">Go to the Chrome menu &gt; Settings &gt; (Advanced) Privacy
and disable "Prefetch page resources".
If this does not resolve the issue, we recommend re-enabling this option
again for improved performance.</translation>
<translation id="6341737370356890233">Go to
the Chrome menu &gt;
<ph name="SETTINGS_TITLE" />
<ph name="ADVANCED_TITLE" />
and deselect "<ph name="NO_PREFETCH_DESCRIPTION" />".
If this does not resolve the issue, we recommend selecting this option
again for improved performance.</translation>