blob: c0fe7151de85a8f893db093459c56de74a705ad2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "chrome/browser/policy/configuration_policy_handler.h"
namespace policy {
// ConfigurationPolicyHandler for the DefaultSearchEncodings policy.
class DefaultSearchEncodingsPolicyHandler
: public TypeCheckingPolicyHandler {
virtual ~DefaultSearchEncodingsPolicyHandler();
// ConfigurationPolicyHandler methods:
virtual void ApplyPolicySettings(const PolicyMap& policies,
PrefValueMap* prefs) OVERRIDE;
// ConfigurationPolicyHandler for the default search policies.
class DefaultSearchPolicyHandler : public ConfigurationPolicyHandler {
virtual ~DefaultSearchPolicyHandler();
// ConfigurationPolicyHandler methods:
virtual bool CheckPolicySettings(const PolicyMap& policies,
PolicyErrorMap* errors) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ApplyPolicySettings(const PolicyMap& policies,
PrefValueMap* prefs) OVERRIDE;
// Calls |CheckPolicySettings()| on each of the handlers in |handlers_|
// and returns whether all of the calls succeeded.
bool CheckIndividualPolicies(const PolicyMap& policies,
PolicyErrorMap* errors);
// Returns whether there is a value for |policy_name| in |policies|.
bool HasDefaultSearchPolicy(const PolicyMap& policies,
const char* policy_name);
// Returns whether any default search policies are specified in |policies|.
bool AnyDefaultSearchPoliciesSpecified(const PolicyMap& policies);
// Returns whether the default search provider is disabled.
bool DefaultSearchProviderIsDisabled(const PolicyMap& policies);
// Returns whether the default search URL is set and valid. On success, both
// outparams (which must be non-NULL) are filled with the search URL.
bool DefaultSearchURLIsValid(const PolicyMap& policies,
const Value** url_value,
std::string* url_string);
// Make sure that the |path| is present in |prefs_|. If not, set it to
// a blank string.
void EnsureStringPrefExists(PrefValueMap* prefs, const std::string& path);
// Make sure that the |path| is present in |prefs_| and is a ListValue. If
// not, set it to an empty list.
void EnsureListPrefExists(PrefValueMap* prefs, const std::string& path);
// The ConfigurationPolicyHandler handlers for each default search policy.
std::vector<TypeCheckingPolicyHandler*> handlers_;
} // namespace policy