blob: fc8a0540cbc13201f58e221cb46ffd297ff160ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_input.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_id.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/url_parse.h"
class Profile;
class SearchTermsData;
class TemplateURL;
// TemplateURLRef -------------------------------------------------------------
// A TemplateURLRef represents a single URL within the larger TemplateURL class
// (which represents an entire "search engine", see below). If
// SupportsReplacement() is true, this URL has placeholders in it, for which
// callers can substitute values to get a "real" URL using ReplaceSearchTerms().
// TemplateURLRefs always have a non-NULL |owner_| TemplateURL, which they
// access in order to get at important data like the underlying URL string or
// the associated Profile.
class TemplateURLRef {
// Magic numbers to pass to ReplaceSearchTerms() for the |accepted_suggestion|
// parameter. Most callers aren't using Suggest capabilities and should just
// NOTE: Because positive values are meaningful, make sure these are negative!
enum AcceptedSuggestion {
// Which kind of URL within our owner we are. This allows us to get at the
// correct string field. Use |INDEXED| to indicate that the numerical
// |index_in_owner_| should be used instead.
enum Type {
// Type to store <content_type, post_data> pair for POST URLs.
// The |content_type|(first part of the pair) is the content-type of
// the |post_data|(second part of the pair) which is encoded in
// "multipart/form-data" format, it also contains the MIME boundary used in
// the |post_data|. See for the details.
typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> PostContent;
// This struct encapsulates arguments passed to
// TemplateURLRef::ReplaceSearchTerms methods. By default, only search_terms
// is required and is passed in the constructor.
struct SearchTermsArgs {
explicit SearchTermsArgs(const string16& search_terms);
// The search terms (query).
string16 search_terms;
// The original (input) query.
string16 original_query;
// The optional assisted query stats, aka AQS, used for logging purposes.
// This string contains impressions of all autocomplete matches shown
// at the query submission time. For privacy reasons, we require the
// search provider to support HTTPS protocol in order to receive the AQS
// param.
// For more details, see .
std::string assisted_query_stats;
// TODO: Remove along with "aq" CGI param.
int accepted_suggestion;
// The 0-based position of the cursor within the query string at the time
// the request was issued. Set to string16::npos if not used.
size_t cursor_position;
// The start-edge margin of the omnibox in pixels, used in extended Instant
// to align the preview contents with the omnibox.
int omnibox_start_margin;
// The URL of the current webpage to be used for experimental zero-prefix
// suggestions.
std::string current_page_url;
// Which omnibox the user used to type the prefix.
AutocompleteInput::PageClassification page_classification;
// True for searches issued with the bookmark bar pref set to shown.
bool bookmark_bar_pinned;
// Additional query params provided by the suggest server.
std::string suggest_query_params;
// If set, ReplaceSearchTerms() will automatically append any extra query
// params specified via the --extra-search-query-params command-line
// argument. Generally, this should be set when dealing with the search or
// instant TemplateURLRefs of the default search engine and the caller cares
// about the query portion of the URL. Since neither TemplateURLRef nor
// indeed TemplateURL know whether a TemplateURL is the default search
// engine, callers instead must set this manually.
bool append_extra_query_params;
// The raw content of an image thumbnail that will be used as a query for
// search-by-image frontend.
std::string image_thumbnail_content;
// When searching for an image, the URL of the original image. Callers
// should leave this empty for images specified via data: URLs.
GURL image_url;
// When searching for an image, the original size of the image.
gfx::Size image_original_size;
// If set, ReplaceSearchTerms() will append a param to the TemplateURLRef to
// update the search results page incrementally even if that is otherwise
// disabled by preferences. See comments on
// SearchTermsData::ForceInstantResultsParam().
bool force_instant_results;
TemplateURLRef(TemplateURL* owner, Type type);
TemplateURLRef(TemplateURL* owner, size_t index_in_owner);
// Returns the raw URL. None of the parameters will have been replaced.
std::string GetURL() const;
// Returns the raw string of the post params. Please see comments in
// prepopulated_engines_schema.json for the format.
std::string GetPostParamsString() const;
// Returns true if this URL supports search term replacement.
bool SupportsReplacement() const;
// Like SupportsReplacement but usable on threads other than the UI thread.
bool SupportsReplacementUsingTermsData(
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data) const;
// Returns a string that is the result of replacing the search terms in
// the url with the specified arguments. We use our owner's input encoding.
// If this TemplateURLRef does not support replacement (SupportsReplacement
// returns false), an empty string is returned.
// If this TemplateURLRef uses POST, and |post_content| is not NULL, the
// |post_params_| will be replaced, encoded in "multipart/form-data" format
// and stored into |post_content|.
std::string ReplaceSearchTerms(
const SearchTermsArgs& search_terms_args,
PostContent* post_content) const;
// TODO(jnd): remove the following ReplaceSearchTerms definition which does
// not have |post_content| parameter once all reference callers pass
// |post_content| parameter.
std::string ReplaceSearchTerms(
const SearchTermsArgs& search_terms_args) const {
return ReplaceSearchTerms(search_terms_args, NULL);
// Just like ReplaceSearchTerms except that it takes SearchTermsData to supply
// the data for some search terms. Most of the time ReplaceSearchTerms should
// be called.
std::string ReplaceSearchTermsUsingTermsData(
const SearchTermsArgs& search_terms_args,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
PostContent* post_content) const;
// Returns true if the TemplateURLRef is valid. An invalid TemplateURLRef is
// one that contains unknown terms, or invalid characters.
bool IsValid() const;
// Like IsValid but usable on threads other than the UI thread.
bool IsValidUsingTermsData(const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data) const;
// Returns a string representation of this TemplateURLRef suitable for
// display. The display format is the same as the format used by Firefox.
string16 DisplayURL() const;
// Converts a string as returned by DisplayURL back into a string as
// understood by TemplateURLRef.
static std::string DisplayURLToURLRef(const string16& display_url);
// If this TemplateURLRef is valid and contains one search term, this returns
// the host/path of the URL, otherwise this returns an empty string.
const std::string& GetHost() const;
const std::string& GetPath() const;
// If this TemplateURLRef is valid and contains one search term, this returns
// the key of the search term, otherwise this returns an empty string.
const std::string& GetSearchTermKey() const;
// Converts the specified term in our owner's encoding to a string16.
string16 SearchTermToString16(const std::string& term) const;
// Returns true if this TemplateURLRef has a replacement term of
// {google:baseURL} or {google:baseSuggestURL}.
bool HasGoogleBaseURLs() const;
// Use the pattern referred to by this TemplateURLRef to match the provided
// |url| and extract |search_terms| from it. Returns true if the pattern
// matches, even if |search_terms| is empty. In this case
// |search_term_component|, if not NULL, indicates whether the search terms
// were found in the query or the ref parameters; and |search_terms_position|,
// if not NULL, contains the position of the search terms in the query or the
// ref parameters. Returns false and an empty |search_terms| if the pattern
// does not match.
bool ExtractSearchTermsFromURL(
const GURL& url,
string16* search_terms,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
url_parse::Parsed::ComponentType* search_term_component,
url_parse::Component* search_terms_position) const;
// Whether the URL uses POST (as opposed to GET).
bool UsesPOSTMethodUsingTermsData(
const SearchTermsData* search_terms_data) const;
bool UsesPOSTMethod() const {
return UsesPOSTMethodUsingTermsData(NULL);
friend class TemplateURL;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLTest, SetPrepopulatedAndParse);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLTest, ParseParameterKnown);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLTest, ParseParameterUnknown);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLTest, ParseURLNoKnownParameters);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLTest, ParseURLTwoParameters);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLTest, ParseURLNestedParameter);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLTest, ReflectsBookmarkBarPinned);
// Enumeration of the known types.
enum ReplacementType {
// Used to identify an element of the raw url that can be replaced.
struct Replacement {
Replacement(ReplacementType type, size_t index)
: type(type), index(index), is_post_param(false) {}
ReplacementType type;
size_t index;
// Indicates the location in where the replacement is replaced. If
// |is_post_param| is false, |index| indicates the byte position in
// |parsed_url_|. Otherwise, |index| is the index of |post_params_|.
bool is_post_param;
// The list of elements to replace.
typedef std::vector<struct Replacement> Replacements;
// Type to store <key, value> pairs for POST URLs.
typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> PostParam;
typedef std::vector<PostParam> PostParams;
// TemplateURLRef internally caches values to make replacement quick. This
// method invalidates any cached values.
void InvalidateCachedValues() const;
// Parses the parameter in url at the specified offset. start/end specify the
// range of the parameter in the url, including the braces. If the parameter
// is valid, url is updated to reflect the appropriate parameter. If
// the parameter is one of the known parameters an element is added to
// replacements indicating the type and range of the element. The original
// parameter is erased from the url.
// If the parameter is not a known parameter, false is returned. If this is a
// prepopulated URL, the parameter is erased, otherwise it is left alone.
bool ParseParameter(size_t start,
size_t end,
std::string* url,
Replacements* replacements) const;
// Parses the specified url, replacing parameters as necessary. If
// successful, valid is set to true, and the parsed url is returned. For all
// known parameters that are encountered an entry is added to replacements.
// If there is an error parsing the url, valid is set to false, and an empty
// string is returned. If the URL has the POST parameters, they will be
// parsed into |post_params| which will be further replaced with real search
// terms data and encoded in "multipart/form-data" format to generate the
// POST data.
std::string ParseURL(const std::string& url,
Replacements* replacements,
PostParams* post_params,
bool* valid) const;
// If the url has not yet been parsed, ParseURL is invoked.
// NOTE: While this is const, it modifies parsed_, valid_, parsed_url_ and
// search_offset_.
void ParseIfNecessary() const;
// Like ParseIfNecessary but usable on threads other than the UI thread.
void ParseIfNecessaryUsingTermsData(
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data) const;
// Extracts the query key and host from the url.
void ParseHostAndSearchTermKey(
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data) const;
// Encode post parameters in "multipart/form-data" format and store it
// inside |post_content|. Returns false if errors are encountered during
// encoding. This method is called each time ReplaceSearchTerms gets called.
bool EncodeFormData(const PostParams& post_params,
PostContent* post_content) const;
// Handles a replacement by using real term data. If the replacement
// belongs to a PostParam, the PostParam will be replaced by the term data.
// Otherwise, the term data will be inserted at the place that the
// replacement points to.
void HandleReplacement(const std::string& name,
const std::string& value,
const Replacement& replacement,
std::string* url) const;
// Replaces all replacements in |parsed_url_| with their actual values and
// returns the result. This is the main functionality of
// ReplaceSearchTermsUsingTermsData().
std::string HandleReplacements(
const SearchTermsArgs& search_terms_args,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
PostContent* post_content) const;
// The TemplateURL that contains us. This should outlive us.
TemplateURL* const owner_;
// What kind of URL we are.
const Type type_;
// If |type_| is |INDEXED|, this |index_in_owner_| is used instead to refer to
// a url within our owner.
const size_t index_in_owner_;
// Whether the URL has been parsed.
mutable bool parsed_;
// Whether the url was successfully parsed.
mutable bool valid_;
// The parsed URL. All terms have been stripped out of this with
// replacements_ giving the index of the terms to replace.
mutable std::string parsed_url_;
// Do we support search term replacement?
mutable bool supports_replacements_;
// The replaceable parts of url (parsed_url_). These are ordered by index
// into the string, and may be empty.
mutable Replacements replacements_;
// Host, path, key and location of the search term. These are only set if the
// url contains one search term.
mutable std::string host_;
mutable std::string path_;
mutable std::string search_term_key_;
mutable url_parse::Parsed::ComponentType search_term_key_location_;
mutable PostParams post_params_;
// Whether the contained URL is a pre-populated URL.
bool prepopulated_;
// Whether search terms are shown in the omnibox on search results pages.
// This is kept as a member so it can be overridden by tests.
bool showing_search_terms_;
// TemplateURLData ------------------------------------------------------------
// The data for the TemplateURL. Separating this into its own class allows most
// users to do SSA-style usage of TemplateURL: construct a TemplateURLData with
// whatever fields are desired, then create an immutable TemplateURL from it.
struct TemplateURLData {
// A short description of the template. This is the name we show to the user
// in various places that use TemplateURLs. For example, the location bar
// shows this when the user selects a substituting match.
string16 short_name;
// The shortcut for this TemplateURL. |keyword| must be non-empty.
void SetKeyword(const string16& keyword);
const string16& keyword() const { return keyword_; }
// The raw URL for the TemplateURL, which may not be valid as-is (e.g. because
// it requires substitutions first). This must be non-empty.
void SetURL(const std::string& url);
const std::string& url() const { return url_; }
// Optional additional raw URLs.
std::string suggestions_url;
std::string instant_url;
std::string image_url;
std::string new_tab_url;
// The following post_params are comma-separated lists used to specify the
// post parameters for the corresponding URL.
std::string search_url_post_params;
std::string suggestions_url_post_params;
std::string instant_url_post_params;
std::string image_url_post_params;
// Optional favicon for the TemplateURL.
GURL favicon_url;
// URL to the OSD file this came from. May be empty.
GURL originating_url;
// Whether this TemplateURL is shown in the default list of search providers.
// This is just a property and does not indicate whether the TemplateURL has a
// TemplateURLRef that supports replacement. Use
// TemplateURL::ShowInDefaultList() to test both.
bool show_in_default_list;
// Whether it's safe for auto-modification code (the autogenerator and the
// code that imports data from other browsers) to replace the TemplateURL.
// This should be set to false for any TemplateURL the user edits, or any
// TemplateURL that the user clearly manually edited in the past, like a
// bookmark keyword from another browser.
bool safe_for_autoreplace;
// The list of supported encodings for the search terms. This may be empty,
// which indicates the terms should be encoded with UTF-8.
std::vector<std::string> input_encodings;
// Unique identifier of this TemplateURL. The unique ID is set by the
// TemplateURLService when the TemplateURL is added to it.
TemplateURLID id;
// Date this TemplateURL was created.
// NOTE: this may be 0, which indicates the TemplateURL was created before we
// started tracking creation time.
base::Time date_created;
// The last time this TemplateURL was modified by a user, since creation.
// NOTE: Like date_created above, this may be 0.
base::Time last_modified;
// True if this TemplateURL was automatically created by the administrator via
// group policy.
bool created_by_policy;
// Number of times this TemplateURL has been explicitly used to load a URL.
// We don't increment this for uses as the "default search engine" since
// that's not really "explicit" usage and incrementing would result in pinning
// the user's default search engine(s) to the top of the list of searches on
// the New Tab page, de-emphasizing the omnibox as "where you go to search".
int usage_count;
// If this TemplateURL comes from prepopulated data the prepopulate_id is > 0.
int prepopulate_id;
// The primary unique identifier for Sync. This set on all TemplateURLs
// regardless of whether they have been associated with Sync.
std::string sync_guid;
// A list of URL patterns that can be used, in addition to |url_|, to extract
// search terms from a URL.
std::vector<std::string> alternate_urls;
// A parameter that, if present in the query or ref parameters of a search_url
// or instant_url, causes Chrome to replace the URL with the search term.
std::string search_terms_replacement_key;
// Private so we can enforce using the setters and thus enforce that these
// fields are never empty.
string16 keyword_;
std::string url_;
// AssociatedExtensionInfo ----------------------------------------------------
// An AssociatedExtensionInfo represents information about the extension that
// added the search engine using the Override Settings API.
struct AssociatedExtensionInfo {
std::string extension_id;
// Whether the search engine is supposed to be default.
bool wants_to_be_default_engine;
// Used to resolve conflicts when there are multiple extensions specifying the
// default search engine. The most recently-installed wins.
base::Time install_time;
// TemplateURL ----------------------------------------------------------------
// A TemplateURL represents a single "search engine", defined primarily as a
// subset of the Open Search Description Document
// ( plus some extensions.
// One TemplateURL contains several TemplateURLRefs, which correspond to various
// different capabilities (e.g. doing searches or getting suggestions), as well
// as a TemplateURLData containing other details like the name, keyword, etc.
// TemplateURLs are intended to be read-only for most users; the only public
// non-const method is the Profile getter, which returns a non-const Profile*.
// The TemplateURLService, which handles storing and manipulating TemplateURLs,
// is made a friend so that it can be the exception to this pattern.
class TemplateURL {
enum Type {
// Regular search engine.
// Installed by extension through Override Settings API.
// The keyword associated with an extension that uses the Omnibox API.
// |profile| may be NULL. This will affect the results of e.g. calling
// ReplaceSearchTerms() on the member TemplateURLRefs.
TemplateURL(Profile* profile, const TemplateURLData& data);
// Generates a favicon URL from the specified url.
static GURL GenerateFaviconURL(const GURL& url);
Profile* profile() { return profile_; }
const TemplateURLData& data() const { return data_; }
const string16& short_name() const { return data_.short_name; }
// An accessor for the short_name, but adjusted so it can be appropriately
// displayed even if it is LTR and the UI is RTL.
string16 AdjustedShortNameForLocaleDirection() const;
const string16& keyword() const { return data_.keyword(); }
const std::string& url() const { return data_.url(); }
const std::string& suggestions_url() const { return data_.suggestions_url; }
const std::string& instant_url() const { return data_.instant_url; }
const std::string& image_url() const { return data_.image_url; }
const std::string& new_tab_url() const { return data_.new_tab_url; }
const std::string& search_url_post_params() const {
return data_.search_url_post_params;
const std::string& suggestions_url_post_params() const {
return data_.suggestions_url_post_params;
const std::string& instant_url_post_params() const {
return data_.instant_url_post_params;
const std::string& image_url_post_params() const {
return data_.image_url_post_params;
const std::vector<std::string>& alternate_urls() const {
return data_.alternate_urls;
const GURL& favicon_url() const { return data_.favicon_url; }
const GURL& originating_url() const { return data_.originating_url; }
bool show_in_default_list() const { return data_.show_in_default_list; }
// Returns true if show_in_default_list() is true and this TemplateURL has a
// TemplateURLRef that supports replacement.
bool ShowInDefaultList() const;
bool safe_for_autoreplace() const { return data_.safe_for_autoreplace; }
const std::vector<std::string>& input_encodings() const {
return data_.input_encodings;
TemplateURLID id() const { return; }
base::Time date_created() const { return data_.date_created; }
base::Time last_modified() const { return data_.last_modified; }
bool created_by_policy() const { return data_.created_by_policy; }
int usage_count() const { return data_.usage_count; }
int prepopulate_id() const { return data_.prepopulate_id; }
const std::string& sync_guid() const { return data_.sync_guid; }
// TODO(beaudoin): Rename this when renaming HasSearchTermsReplacementKey().
const std::string& search_terms_replacement_key() const {
return data_.search_terms_replacement_key;
const TemplateURLRef& url_ref() const { return url_ref_; }
const TemplateURLRef& suggestions_url_ref() const {
return suggestions_url_ref_;
const TemplateURLRef& instant_url_ref() const { return instant_url_ref_; }
const TemplateURLRef& image_url_ref() const { return image_url_ref_; }
const TemplateURLRef& new_tab_url_ref() const { return new_tab_url_ref_; }
// Returns true if |url| supports replacement.
bool SupportsReplacement() const;
// Like SupportsReplacement but usable on threads other than the UI thread.
bool SupportsReplacementUsingTermsData(
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data) const;
// Returns true if this TemplateURL uses Google base URLs and has a keyword
// of "google.TLD". We use this to decide whether we can automatically
// update the keyword to reflect the current Google base URL TLD.
bool IsGoogleSearchURLWithReplaceableKeyword() const;
// Returns true if the keywords match or if
// IsGoogleSearchURLWithReplaceableKeyword() is true for both TemplateURLs.
bool HasSameKeywordAs(const TemplateURL& other) const;
Type GetType() const;
// Returns the id of the extension that added this search engine. Only call
// this for TemplateURLs of type NORMAL_CONTROLLED_BY_EXTENSION or
std::string GetExtensionId() const;
// Returns the total number of URLs comprised in this template, including
// search and alternate URLs.
size_t URLCount() const;
// Gets the search URL at the given index. The alternate URLs, if any, are
// numbered starting at 0, and the primary search URL follows. This is used
// to decode the search term given a search URL (see
// ExtractSearchTermsFromURL()).
const std::string& GetURL(size_t index) const;
// Use the alternate URLs and the search URL to match the provided |url|
// and extract |search_terms| from it. Returns false and an empty
// |search_terms| if no search terms can be matched. The order in which the
// alternate URLs are listed dictates their priority, the URL at index 0 is
// treated as the highest priority and the primary search URL is treated as
// the lowest priority (see GetURL()). For example, if a TemplateURL has
// alternate URL "http://foo/#q={searchTerms}" and search URL
// "http://foo/?q={searchTerms}", and the URL to be decoded is
// "http://foo/?q=a#q=b", the alternate URL will match first and the decoded
// search term will be "b".
bool ExtractSearchTermsFromURL(const GURL& url, string16* search_terms);
// Like ExtractSearchTermsFromURL but usable on threads other than the UI
// thread.
bool ExtractSearchTermsFromURLUsingTermsData(
const GURL& url,
string16* search_terms,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data);
// Returns true if non-empty search terms could be extracted from |url| using
// ExtractSearchTermsFromURL(). In other words, this returns whether |url|
// could be the result of performing a search with |this|.
bool IsSearchURL(const GURL& url);
// Like IsSearchURL but usable on threads other than the UI thread.
bool IsSearchURLUsingTermsData(
const GURL& url,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data);
// Returns true if the specified |url| contains the search terms replacement
// key in either the query or the ref. This method does not verify anything
// else about the URL. In particular, it does not check that the domain
// matches that of this TemplateURL.
// TODO(beaudoin): Rename this to reflect that it really checks for an
// InstantExtended capable URL.
bool HasSearchTermsReplacementKey(const GURL& url) const;
// Given a |url| corresponding to this TemplateURL, identifies the search
// terms and replaces them with the ones in |search_terms_args|, leaving the
// other parameters untouched. If the replacement fails, returns false and
// leaves |result| untouched. This is used by mobile ports to perform query
// refinement.
bool ReplaceSearchTermsInURL(
const GURL& url,
const TemplateURLRef::SearchTermsArgs& search_terms_args,
GURL* result);
// Encodes the search terms from |search_terms_args| so that we know the
// |input_encoding|. Returns the |encoded_terms| and the
// |encoded_original_query|. |encoded_terms| may be escaped as path or query
// depending on |is_in_query|; |encoded_original_query| is always escaped as
// query.
void EncodeSearchTerms(
const TemplateURLRef::SearchTermsArgs& search_terms_args,
bool is_in_query,
std::string* input_encoding,
string16* encoded_terms,
string16* encoded_original_query) const;
friend class TemplateURLService;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TemplateURLTest, ReflectsBookmarkBarPinned);
void CopyFrom(const TemplateURL& other);
void SetURL(const std::string& url);
void SetPrepopulateId(int id);
// Resets the keyword if IsGoogleSearchURLWithReplaceableKeyword() or |force|.
// The |force| parameter is useful when the existing keyword is known to be
// a placeholder. The resulting keyword is generated using
// TemplateURLService::GenerateSearchURL() and
// TemplateURLService::GenerateKeyword().
void ResetKeywordIfNecessary(bool force);
// Uses the alternate URLs and the search URL to match the provided |url|
// and extract |search_terms| from it as well as the |search_terms_component|
// (either REF or QUERY) and |search_terms_component| at which the
// |search_terms| are found in |url|. See also ExtractSearchTermsFromURL().
bool FindSearchTermsInURL(
const GURL& url,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
string16* search_terms,
url_parse::Parsed::ComponentType* search_terms_component,
url_parse::Component* search_terms_position);
Profile* profile_;
TemplateURLData data_;
TemplateURLRef url_ref_;
TemplateURLRef suggestions_url_ref_;
TemplateURLRef instant_url_ref_;
TemplateURLRef image_url_ref_;
TemplateURLRef new_tab_url_ref_;
scoped_ptr<AssociatedExtensionInfo> extension_info_;
// TODO(sky): Add date last parsed OSD file.