blob: 10f600991121c2aff857cab658b80888be6bf710 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <float.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/nqe/network_quality_observation.h"
#include "net/nqe/network_quality_observation_source.h"
#include "net/nqe/weighted_observation.h"
namespace net {
namespace nqe {
namespace internal {
// Stores observations sorted by time.
template <typename ValueType>
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE ObservationBuffer {
ObservationBuffer(double weight_multiplier_per_second,
double weight_multiplier_per_dbm)
: weight_multiplier_per_second_(weight_multiplier_per_second),
tick_clock_(new base::DefaultTickClock()) {
static_assert(kMaximumObservationsBufferSize > 0U,
"Minimum size of observation buffer must be > 0");
DCHECK_LE(0.0, weight_multiplier_per_second_);
DCHECK_GE(1.0, weight_multiplier_per_second_);
DCHECK_LE(0.0, weight_multiplier_per_dbm_);
DCHECK_GE(1.0, weight_multiplier_per_dbm_);
~ObservationBuffer() {}
// Adds |observation| to the buffer. The oldest observation in the buffer
// will be evicted to make room if the buffer is already full.
void AddObservation(const Observation<ValueType>& observation) {
// Evict the oldest element if the buffer is already full.
if (observations_.size() == kMaximumObservationsBufferSize)
// Returns the number of observations in this buffer.
size_t Size() const { return static_cast<size_t>(observations_.size()); }
// Returns the capacity of this buffer.
size_t Capacity() const {
return static_cast<size_t>(kMaximumObservationsBufferSize);
// Clears the observations stored in this buffer.
void Clear() { observations_.clear(); }
// Returns true iff the |percentile| value of the observations in this
// buffer is available. Sets |result| to the computed |percentile|
// value of all observations made on or after |begin_timestamp|. If the
// value is unavailable, false is returned and |result| is not modified.
// Percentile value is unavailable if all the values in observation buffer are
// older than |begin_timestamp|. |current_signal_strength_dbm| is the current
// signal strength in dBm.
// |result| must not be null.
// TODO(tbansal): Move out param |result| as the last param of the function.
bool GetPercentile(base::TimeTicks begin_timestamp,
int32_t current_signal_strength_dbm,
ValueType* result,
int percentile,
const std::vector<NetworkQualityObservationSource>&
disallowed_observation_sources) const {
// Stores weighted observations in increasing order by value.
std::vector<WeightedObservation<ValueType>> weighted_observations;
// Total weight of all observations in |weighted_observations|.
double total_weight = 0.0;
ComputeWeightedObservations(begin_timestamp, current_signal_strength_dbm,
weighted_observations, &total_weight,
if (weighted_observations.empty())
return false;
double desired_weight = percentile / 100.0 * total_weight;
double cumulative_weight_seen_so_far = 0.0;
for (const auto& weighted_observation : weighted_observations) {
cumulative_weight_seen_so_far += weighted_observation.weight;
if (cumulative_weight_seen_so_far >= desired_weight) {
*result = weighted_observation.value;
return true;
// Computation may reach here due to floating point errors. This may happen
// if |percentile| was 100 (or close to 100), and |desired_weight| was
// slightly larger than |total_weight| (due to floating point errors).
// In this case, we return the highest |value| among all observations.
// This is same as value of the last observation in the sorted vector.
*result = - 1).value;
return true;
// Returns true iff the weighted average of the observations in this
// buffer is available. Sets |result| to the computed weighted average value
// of all observations made on or after |begin_timestamp|. If the value is
// unavailable, false is returned and |result| is not modified. The unweighted
// average value is unavailable if all the values in the observation buffer
// are older than |begin_timestamp|. |current_signal_strength_dbm| is the
// current signal strength in dBm. |result| must not be null.
bool GetWeightedAverage(base::TimeTicks begin_timestamp,
int32_t current_signal_strength_dbm,
const std::vector<NetworkQualityObservationSource>&
ValueType* result) const {
// Stores weighted observations in increasing order by value.
std::vector<WeightedObservation<ValueType>> weighted_observations;
// Total weight of all observations in |weighted_observations|.
double total_weight = 0.0;
ComputeWeightedObservations(begin_timestamp, current_signal_strength_dbm,
weighted_observations, &total_weight,
if (weighted_observations.empty())
return false;
// Weighted average is the sum of observations times their respective
// weights, divided by the sum of the weights of all observations.
double total_weight_times_value = 0.0;
for (const auto& weighted_observation : weighted_observations) {
total_weight_times_value +=
(weighted_observation.weight *
ConvertDoubleToValueType(total_weight_times_value / total_weight, result);
return true;
// Returns true iff the unweighted average of the observations in this buffer
// is available. Sets |result| to the computed unweighted average value of
// all observations made on or after |begin_timestamp|. If the value is
// unavailable, false is returned and |result| is not modified. The weighted
// average value is unavailable if all the values in the observation buffer
// are older than |begin_timestamp|. |current_signal_strength_dbm| is the
// current signal strength in dBm. |result| must not be null.
bool GetUnweightedAverage(base::TimeTicks begin_timestamp,
int32_t current_signal_strength_dbm,
const std::vector<NetworkQualityObservationSource>&
ValueType* result) const {
// Stores weighted observations in increasing order by value.
std::vector<WeightedObservation<ValueType>> weighted_observations;
// Total weight of all observations in |weighted_observations|.
double total_weight = 0.0;
ComputeWeightedObservations(begin_timestamp, current_signal_strength_dbm,
weighted_observations, &total_weight,
if (weighted_observations.empty())
return false;
// The unweighted average is the sum of all observations divided by the
// number of observations.
double total_value = 0.0;
for (const auto& weighted_observation : weighted_observations)
total_value += ConvertValueTypeToDouble(weighted_observation.value);
ConvertDoubleToValueType(total_value / weighted_observations.size(),
return true;
void SetTickClockForTesting(std::unique_ptr<base::TickClock> tick_clock) {
tick_clock_ = std::move(tick_clock);
// Maximum number of observations that can be held in the ObservationBuffer.
static const size_t kMaximumObservationsBufferSize = 300;
// Convert different ValueTypes to double to make it possible to perform
// arithmetic operations on them.
double ConvertValueTypeToDouble(base::TimeDelta input) const {
return input.InMilliseconds();
double ConvertValueTypeToDouble(int32_t input) const { return input; }
// Convert double to different ValueTypes.
void ConvertDoubleToValueType(double input, base::TimeDelta* output) const {
*output = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(input);
void ConvertDoubleToValueType(double input, int32_t* output) const {
*output = input;
// Computes the weighted observations and stores them in
// |weighted_observations| sorted by ascending |WeightedObservation.value|.
// Only the observations with timestamp later than |begin_timestamp| are
// considered. |current_signal_strength_dbm| is the current signal strength
// (in dBm) when the observation was taken, and is set to INT32_MIN if the
// signal strength is currently unavailable. This method also sets
// |total_weight| to the total weight of all observations. Should be called
// only when there is at least one observation in the buffer.
void ComputeWeightedObservations(
const base::TimeTicks& begin_timestamp,
int32_t current_signal_strength_dbm,
std::vector<WeightedObservation<ValueType>>& weighted_observations,
double* total_weight,
const std::vector<NetworkQualityObservationSource>&
disallowed_observation_sources) const {
DCHECK_GE(Capacity(), Size());
double total_weight_observations = 0.0;
base::TimeTicks now = tick_clock_->NowTicks();
for (const auto& observation : observations_) {
if (observation.timestamp < begin_timestamp)
bool disallowed = false;
for (const auto& disallowed_source : disallowed_observation_sources) {
if (disallowed_source == observation.source)
disallowed = true;
if (disallowed)
base::TimeDelta time_since_sample_taken = now - observation.timestamp;
double time_weight = pow(weight_multiplier_per_second_,
double signal_strength_weight = 1.0;
if (current_signal_strength_dbm != INT32_MIN &&
observation.signal_strength_dbm != INT32_MIN &&
current_signal_strength_dbm != INT32_MAX &&
observation.signal_strength_dbm != INT32_MAX) {
int32_t signal_strength_weight_diff = std::abs(
current_signal_strength_dbm - observation.signal_strength_dbm);
signal_strength_weight =
pow(weight_multiplier_per_dbm_, signal_strength_weight_diff);
double weight = time_weight * signal_strength_weight;
weight = std::max(DBL_MIN, std::min(1.0, weight));
WeightedObservation<ValueType>(observation.value, weight));
total_weight_observations += weight;
// Sort the samples by value in ascending order.
std::sort(weighted_observations.begin(), weighted_observations.end());
*total_weight = total_weight_observations;
DCHECK_LE(0.0, *total_weight);
DCHECK(weighted_observations.empty() || 0.0 < *total_weight);
// |weighted_observations| may have a smaller size than |observations_|
// since the former contains only the observations later than
// |begin_timestamp|.
DCHECK_GE(observations_.size(), weighted_observations.size());
// Holds observations sorted by time, with the oldest observation at the
// front of the queue.
std::deque<Observation<ValueType>> observations_;
// The factor by which the weight of an observation reduces every second.
// For example, if an observation is 6 seconds old, its weight would be:
// weight_multiplier_per_second_ ^ 6
// Calculated from |kHalfLifeSeconds| by solving the following equation:
// weight_multiplier_per_second_ ^ kHalfLifeSeconds = 0.5
const double weight_multiplier_per_second_;
// The factor by which the weight of an observation reduces for every dbM
// difference in the current signal strength, and the signal strength at
// which the observation was taken.
// For example, if the observation was taken at 90 dBm, and current signal
// strength is 95 dBm, the weight of the observation would be:
// |weight_multiplier_per_dbm_| ^ 5.
const double weight_multiplier_per_dbm_;
std::unique_ptr<base::TickClock> tick_clock_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace nqe
} // namespace net