blob: a7c7520c80a84bba64c54a0e5bc41ec6e8581640 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/cache_storage/cache_storage_scheduler_types.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/cache_storage/cache_storage.mojom.h"
namespace content {
// This enum gets recorded as a histogram. Do not renumber the values.
enum class ErrorStorageType {
kDidCreateNullCache = 0,
kDeleteCacheFailed = 1,
kMatchBackendClosed = 2,
kMatchAllBackendClosed = 3,
kWriteSideDataBackendClosed = 4,
kBatchBackendClosed = 5,
kBatchInvalidSpace = 6,
kBatchDidGetUsageAndQuotaInvalidSpace = 7,
kBatchDidGetUsageAndQuotaUndefinedOp = 8,
kKeysBackendClosed = 9,
kQueryCacheBackendClosed = 10,
kQueryCacheFilterEntryFailed = 11,
kQueryCacheDidReadMetadataNullBlobContext = 12,
kStorageMatchAllBackendClosed = 13,
kWriteSideDataImplBackendClosed = 14,
kPutImplBackendClosed = 15,
kPutDidDeleteEntryBackendClosed = 16,
kMetadataSerializationFailed = 17,
kPutDidWriteHeadersWrongBytes = 18,
kPutDidWriteBlobToCacheFailed = 19,
kDeleteImplBackendClosed = 20,
kKeysImplBackendClosed = 21,
kCreateBackendDidCreateFailed = 22,
kStorageGetAllMatchedEntriesBackendClosed = 23,
kStorageHandleNull = 24,
kMaxValue = kStorageHandleNull,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError MakeErrorStorage(ErrorStorageType type);
enum class CacheStorageSchedulerUMA {
kIsOperationSlow = 0,
kOperationDuration = 1,
kQueueDuration = 2,
kQueueLength = 3,
// The following functions are used to record UMA histograms for the
// scheduler. There are two functions to handle the different argument types
// without triggering template code bloat.
void RecordCacheStorageSchedulerUMA(CacheStorageSchedulerUMA uma_type,
CacheStorageSchedulerClient client_type,
CacheStorageSchedulerOp op_type,
int value);
void RecordCacheStorageSchedulerUMA(CacheStorageSchedulerUMA uma_type,
CacheStorageSchedulerClient client_type,
CacheStorageSchedulerOp op_type,
base::TimeDelta value);
} // namespace content