blob: 14b915670d4b1619c382d6a707744349fa946aac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/settings/chromeos/constants/routes.mojom.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/settings/chromeos/constants/setting.mojom.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/settings/chromeos/os_settings_identifier.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/settings/chromeos/search/search.mojom.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace settings {
class OsSettingsSections;
// Tracks the OS settings page hierarchy. Settings is composed of a group of
// sections containing subpages and/or settings, and this class provides
// metadata for where these subpages/settings reside and what localized strings
// are used to describe them.
// A subpage can either be a direct child of a section or can be a nested
// subpage, meaning that its parent is another subpage.
// A setting can either be embedded as a direct child of a section or can be
// a child of a subpage. Additionally, some settings appear in multiple places.
// For example, the Wi-Fi on/off toggle appears in both the top-level Network
// section as well as the Wi-Fi subpage. In cases like this, we consider the
// "primary" location as the more-targeted one - in this example, the Wi-Fi
// subpage is the primary location of the toggle since it is more specific to
// Wi-Fi, and the alternate location is the one embedded in the Network section.
class Hierarchy {
explicit Hierarchy(const OsSettingsSections* sections);
Hierarchy(const Hierarchy& other) = delete;
Hierarchy& operator=(const Hierarchy& other) = delete;
virtual ~Hierarchy();
class SectionMetadata {
SectionMetadata(mojom::Section section, const Hierarchy* hierarchy);
// Whether the only contents of the section is a link to a subpage.
bool only_contains_link_to_subpage;
// Generates a search result for this section, using the canonical search
// tag as the search result text. |relevance_score| must be passed by the
// client, since this result is being created manually instead of via query
// matching.
mojom::SearchResultPtr ToSearchResult(double relevance_score) const;
mojom::Section section_;
const Hierarchy* hierarchy_;
class SubpageMetadata {
SubpageMetadata(int name_message_id,
mojom::Section section,
mojom::Subpage subpage,
mojom::SearchResultIcon icon,
mojom::SearchResultDefaultRank default_rank,
const std::string& url_path_with_parameters,
const Hierarchy* hierarchy);
// The section in which the subpage appears.
mojom::Section section;
// The parent subpage, if applicable. Only applies to nested subpages.
base::Optional<mojom::Subpage> parent_subpage;
// Generates a search result for this subpage, using the canonical search
// tag as the search result text. |relevance_score| must be passed by the
// client, since this result is being created manually instead of via query
// matching.
mojom::SearchResultPtr ToSearchResult(double relevance_score) const;
mojom::Subpage subpage_;
// Message ID corresponding to the localized string used to describe this
// subpage.
int name_message_id_;
// Icon used for this subpage.
mojom::SearchResultIcon icon_;
// Default rank; used to order returned results.
mojom::SearchResultDefaultRank default_rank_;
// Static URL path, which may need to be modified via
// |modify_url_callback_|.
std::string unmodified_url_path_with_parameters_;
const Hierarchy* hierarchy_;
// The location of a setting, which includes its section and, if applicable,
// its subpage. Some settings are embedded directly into the section and have
// no associated subpage.
using SettingLocation =
std::pair<mojom::Section, base::Optional<mojom::Subpage>>;
struct SettingMetadata {
explicit SettingMetadata(mojom::Section primary_section);
// The primary location, as described above.
SettingLocation primary;
// Alternate locations, as described above. Empty if the setting has no
// alternate location.
std::vector<SettingLocation> alternates;
const SectionMetadata& GetSectionMetadata(mojom::Section section) const;
const SubpageMetadata& GetSubpageMetadata(mojom::Subpage subpage) const;
const SettingMetadata& GetSettingMetadata(mojom::Setting setting) const;
// Generates a list of names of the ancestor sections/subpages for |subpage|.
// The list contains the Settings app name, the section name and, if
// applicable, parent subpage names. Names returned in this list are all
// localized string16s which can be displayed in the UI (e.g., as
// breadcrumbs).
// Example 1 - Wi-Fi Networks subpage (no parent subpage):
// ["Settings", "Network"]
// Example 2 - External storage (has parent subpage):
// ["Settings", "Device", "Storage management"]
std::vector<base::string16> GenerateAncestorHierarchyStrings(
mojom::Subpage subpage) const;
// Same as above, but for settings.
std::vector<base::string16> GenerateAncestorHierarchyStrings(
mojom::Setting setting) const;
std::unordered_map<mojom::Section, SectionMetadata> section_map_;
std::unordered_map<mojom::Subpage, SubpageMetadata> subpage_map_;
std::unordered_map<mojom::Setting, SettingMetadata> setting_map_;
class PerSectionHierarchyGenerator;
// Generates an array with the Settings app name and |section|'s name.
std::vector<base::string16> GenerateHierarchyStrings(
mojom::Section section) const;
virtual std::string ModifySearchResultUrl(
mojom::Section section,
mojom::SearchResultType type,
OsSettingsIdentifier id,
const std::string& url_to_modify) const;
const OsSettingsSections* sections_;
} // namespace settings
} // namespace chromeos