blob: 11d5bfc50cb8d88905eb84f07abedd22fb410c08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
class ArcAppListPrefs;
class Profile;
class SupervisedUserService;
namespace content {
class WebUI;
class WebUIDataSource;
} // namespace content
namespace signin {
class IdentityManager;
} // namespace signin
namespace syncer {
class SyncService;
} // namespace syncer
namespace chromeos {
class CupsPrintersManager;
class KerberosCredentialsManager;
namespace android_sms {
class AndroidSmsService;
} // namespace android_sms
namespace local_search_service {
class LocalSearchService;
} // namespace local_search_service
namespace multidevice_setup {
class MultiDeviceSetupClient;
} // namespace multidevice_setup
namespace phonehub {
class PhoneHubManager;
} // namespace phonehub
namespace settings {
class Hierarchy;
class OsSettingsSections;
class SearchHandler;
class SearchTagRegistry;
// Manager for the Chrome OS settings page. This class is implemented as a
// KeyedService, so one instance of the class is intended to be active for the
// lifetime of a logged-in user, even if the settings app is not opened.
// Main responsibilities:
// (1) Support search queries for settings content. OsSettingsManager is
// responsible for updating the kCroSettings index of the LocalSearchService
// with search tags corresponding to all settings which are available.
// The availability of settings depends on the user's account (e.g.,
// Personalization settings are not available for guest accounts), the state
// of the device (e.g., devices without an external monitor hide some
// display settings), Enterprise settings (e.g., ARC++ is prohibited by some
// policies), and the state of various flags and switches.
// Whenever settings becomes available or unavailable, OsSettingsManager
// updates the search index accordingly.
// (2) Provide static data to the settings app via the loadTimeData framework.
// This includes localized strings required by the settings UI as well as
// flags passed as booleans.
// (3) Add logic supporting message-passing between the browser process (C++)
// and the settings app (JS), via SettingsPageUIHandler objects.
class OsSettingsManager : public KeyedService {
Profile* profile,
local_search_service::LocalSearchService* local_search_service,
multidevice_setup::MultiDeviceSetupClient* multidevice_setup_client,
phonehub::PhoneHubManager* phone_hub_manager,
syncer::SyncService* sync_service,
SupervisedUserService* supervised_user_service,
KerberosCredentialsManager* kerberos_credentials_manager,
ArcAppListPrefs* arc_app_list_prefs,
signin::IdentityManager* identity_manager,
android_sms::AndroidSmsService* android_sms_service,
CupsPrintersManager* printers_manager);
OsSettingsManager(const OsSettingsManager& other) = delete;
OsSettingsManager& operator=(const OsSettingsManager& other) = delete;
~OsSettingsManager() override;
// Provides static data (i.e., localized strings and flag values) to an OS
// settings instance. This function causes |html_source| to export a
// strings.js file which contains a key-value map of the data added by this
// function.
void AddLoadTimeData(content::WebUIDataSource* html_source);
// Adds SettingsPageUIHandlers to an OS settings instance.
void AddHandlers(content::WebUI* web_ui);
// Note: Returns null when the kNewOsSettingsSearch flag is disabled.
SearchHandler* search_handler() { return search_handler_.get(); }
const Hierarchy* hierarchy() const { return hierarchy_.get(); }
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(OsSettingsManagerTest, Initialization);
// KeyedService:
void Shutdown() override;
std::unique_ptr<SearchTagRegistry> search_tag_registry_;
std::unique_ptr<OsSettingsSections> sections_;
std::unique_ptr<Hierarchy> hierarchy_;
std::unique_ptr<SearchHandler> search_handler_;
} // namespace settings
} // namespace chromeos