blob: 94f2083f002117dd82ed0e3cc241f14123503696 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
@class NSError;
@class NSString;
namespace ios {
class SigninErrorProvider;
// Signin error categories.
// Can be used to figure out whether the error is because the user has their
// credentials revoked, deleted or disabled so the appropriate action can be
// taken.
enum class SigninErrorCategory {
AUTHORIZATION_ERROR, // Should be handled by signing out the user.
NETWORK_ERROR, // Should be treated as transient/offline errors.
USER_CANCELLATION_ERROR // Should be treated as a no-op.
enum class SigninError {
CANCELED, // Operation canceled.
MISSING_IDENTITY, // Request is missing identity.
HANDLED_INTERNALLY // Has been displayed to the user already.
// Provides utility methods and constants for interpreting signin errors.
class SigninErrorProvider {
virtual ~SigninErrorProvider();
// Returns what family an error belongs to.
virtual SigninErrorCategory GetErrorCategory(NSError* error);
// Tests if an NSError is user cancellation error.
virtual bool IsCanceled(NSError* error);
// Tests if an NSError is an authorization forbidden error.
virtual bool IsForbidden(NSError* error);
// Tests if an NSError is a bad request error.
virtual bool IsBadRequest(NSError* error);
// Constant in JSON error responses to server requests indicating that
// the authentication was revoked by the server.
virtual NSString* GetInvalidGrantJsonErrorKey();
// Gets the signin error domain.
virtual NSString* GetSigninErrorDomain();
// Gets the error code corresponding to |error|.
virtual int GetCode(SigninError error);
} // namespace ios