blob: eb96ca8c85a578b982d225581f7f1e0f0d0dc993 [file] [log] [blame]
var captionsButtonElement;
var captionsButtonCoordinates;
// As specified in mediaControls.css, this is how long it takes to fade out controls
const controlsFadeOutDurationMs = 300;
// The timeout for the hide-after-no-mouse-movement behavior. Defined (and
// should mirror) the value 'timeWithoutMouseMovementBeforeHidingMediaControls'
// in MediaControls.cpp.
const controlsMouseMovementTimeoutMs = 3000;
function overlayCastButton(videoElement)
var controlID = '-internal-media-controls-overlay-cast-button';
var button = mediaControlsElement(window.internals.shadowRoot(videoElement).firstChild, controlID);
if (!button)
throw 'Failed to find cast button';
return button;
function mediaControlsElement(first, id)
for (var element = first; element; element = element.nextSibling) {
// Not every element in the media controls has a shadow pseudo ID, eg. the
// text nodes for the time values, so guard against exceptions.
try {
if (internals.shadowPseudoId(element) == id)
return element;
} catch (exception) { }
if (element.firstChild) {
var childElement = mediaControlsElement(element.firstChild, id);
if (childElement)
return childElement;
return null;
function mediaControlsButton(element, id)
var controlID = "-webkit-media-controls-" + id;
var button = mediaControlsElement(internals.shadowRoot(element).firstChild, controlID);
if (!button)
throw "Failed to find media control element ID '" + id + "'";
return button;
function mediaControlsButtonCoordinates(element, id)
var button = mediaControlsButton(element, id);
var buttonBoundingRect = button.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = buttonBoundingRect.left + buttonBoundingRect.width / 2;
var y = + buttonBoundingRect.height / 2;
return new Array(x, y);
function mediaControlsButtonDimensions(element, id)
var button = mediaControlsButton(element, id);
var buttonBoundingRect = button.getBoundingClientRect();
return new Array(buttonBoundingRect.width, buttonBoundingRect.height);
function textTrackDisplayElement(parentElement, id, cueNumber)
var textTrackContainerID = "-webkit-media-text-track-container";
var containerElement = mediaControlsElement(internals.shadowRoot(parentElement).firstChild, textTrackContainerID);
if (!containerElement)
throw "Failed to find text track container element";
if (!id)
return containerElement;
if (arguments[1] != 'cue')
var controlID = "-webkit-media-text-track-" + arguments[1];
var controlID = arguments[1];
var displayElement = mediaControlsElement(containerElement.firstChild, controlID);
if (!displayElement)
throw "No text track cue with display id '" + controlID + "' is currently visible";
if (cueNumber) {
for (i = 0; i < cueNumber; i++)
displayElement = displayElement.nextSibling;
if (!displayElement)
throw "There are not " + cueNumber + " text track cues visible";
return displayElement;
function testClosedCaptionsButtonVisibility(expected)
try {
captionsButtonElement = mediaControlsButton(mediaElement, "toggle-closed-captions-button");
captionsButtonCoordinates = mediaControlsButtonCoordinates(mediaElement, "toggle-closed-captions-button");
} catch (exception) {
consoleWrite("Failed to find a closed captions button or its coordinates: " + exception);
if (expected)
if (expected == true) {
consoleWrite("** Caption button should be visible and enabled.");
testExpected("captionsButtonCoordinates[0]", 0, ">");
testExpected("captionsButtonCoordinates[1]", 0, ">");
testExpected("captionsButtonElement.disabled", false);
} else {
consoleWrite("** Caption button should not be visible.");
testExpected("captionsButtonCoordinates[0]", 0, "<=");
testExpected("captionsButtonCoordinates[1]", 0, "<=");
function clickCCButton()
consoleWrite("*** Click the CC button.");
eventSender.mouseMoveTo(captionsButtonCoordinates[0], captionsButtonCoordinates[1]);
function runAfterHideMediaControlsTimerFired(func, mediaElement)
if (mediaElement.paused)
throw "The media element is not playing";
// Compute the time it'll take until the controls will be invisible -
// assuming playback has been started prior to invoking this
// function. Allow 500ms slack.
var hideTimeoutMs = controlsMouseMovementTimeoutMs + controlsFadeOutDurationMs + 500;
if (!mediaElement.loop && hideTimeoutMs >= 1000 * (mediaElement.duration - mediaElement.currentTime))
throw "The media will end before the controls have been hidden";
setTimeout(func, hideTimeoutMs);