blob: 91ddbc737e3becfecf9e589216b0cc0e685c20ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/cert/ct_log_verifier.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "crypto/secure_hash.h"
#include "net/base/hash_value.h"
#include "net/cert/ct_log_verifier_util.h"
#include "net/cert/merkle_consistency_proof.h"
#include "net/cert/signed_certificate_timestamp.h"
#include "net/cert/signed_tree_head.h"
#include "net/test/ct_test_util.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
// Calculate the power of two nearest to, but less than, |n|.
// |n| must be at least 2.
uint64_t CalculateNearestPowerOfTwo(uint64_t n) {
DCHECK_GT(n, 1u);
uint64_t ret = UINT64_C(1) << 63;
while (ret >= n)
ret >>= 1;
return ret;
// A single consistency proof. Contains the old and new tree sizes
// (snapshot1 and snapshot2), the length of the proof (proof_length) and
// at most 3 proof nodes (all test proofs will be for a tree of size 8).
struct ProofTestVector {
uint64_t snapshot1;
uint64_t snapshot2;
size_t proof_length;
const char* const proof[3];
// All test data replicated from
// A hash of the empty string.
const uint8_t kSHA256EmptyTreeHash[32] = {
0xe3, 0xb0, 0xc4, 0x42, 0x98, 0xfc, 0x1c, 0x14, 0x9a, 0xfb, 0xf4,
0xc8, 0x99, 0x6f, 0xb9, 0x24, 0x27, 0xae, 0x41, 0xe4, 0x64, 0x9b,
0x93, 0x4c, 0xa4, 0x95, 0x99, 0x1b, 0x78, 0x52, 0xb8, 0x55};
// Root hashes from building the sample tree of size 8 leaf-by-leaf.
// The first entry is the root at size 0, the last is the root at size 8.
const char* const kSHA256Roots[8] = {
// A collection of consistency proofs between various sub-trees of the tree
// defined by |kSHA256Roots|.
const ProofTestVector kSHA256Proofs[4] = {
// Empty consistency proof between trees of the same size (1).
{1, 1, 0, {"", "", ""}},
// Consistency proof between tree of size 1 and tree of size 8, with 3
// nodes in the proof.
// Consistency proof between tree of size 6 and tree of size 8, with 3
// nodes in the proof.
// Consistency proof between tree of size 2 and tree of size 5, with 2
// nodes in the proof.
"bc1a0643b12e4d2d7c77918f44e0f4f79a838b6cf9ec5b5c283e1f4d88599e6b", ""}}};
// Decodes a hexadecimal string into the binary data it represents.
std::string HexToBytes(const std::string& hex_data) {
std::vector<uint8_t> output;
std::string result;
if (base::HexStringToBytes(hex_data, &output))
result.assign(output.begin(), output.end());
return result;
std::string GetEmptyTreeHash() {
return std::string(std::begin(kSHA256EmptyTreeHash),
// Creates a ct::MerkleConsistencyProof and returns the result of
// calling log->VerifyConsistencyProof with that proof and snapshots.
bool VerifyConsistencyProof(scoped_refptr<const CTLogVerifier> log,
uint64_t old_tree_size,
const std::string& old_tree_root,
uint64_t new_tree_size,
const std::string& new_tree_root,
const std::vector<std::string>& proof) {
return log->VerifyConsistencyProof(
ct::MerkleConsistencyProof(log->key_id(), proof, old_tree_size,
old_tree_root, new_tree_root);
class CTLogVerifierTest : public ::testing::Test {
CTLogVerifierTest() {}
void SetUp() override {
log_ = CTLogVerifier::Create(ct::GetTestPublicKey(), "testlog",
"", "");
ASSERT_EQ(ct::GetTestPublicKeyId(), log_->key_id());
ASSERT_EQ("", log_->dns_domain());
// Given a consistency proof between two snapshots of the tree, asserts that
// it verifies and no other combination of snapshots and proof nodes verifies.
void VerifierConsistencyCheck(int snapshot1,
int snapshot2,
const std::string& root1,
const std::string& root2,
const std::vector<std::string>& proof) {
// Verify the original consistency proof.
VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, root1, snapshot2, root2, proof))
<< " " << snapshot1 << " " << snapshot2;
if (proof.empty()) {
// For simplicity test only non-trivial proofs that have root1 != root2
// snapshot1 != 0 and snapshot1 != snapshot2.
// Wrong snapshot index: The proof checking code should not accept
// as a valid proof a proof for a tree size different than the original
// size it was produced for.
// Test that this is not the case for off-by-one changes.
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1 - 1, root1, snapshot2,
root2, proof));
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1 + 1, root1, snapshot2,
root2, proof));
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1 ^ 2, root1, snapshot2,
root2, proof));
// Test that the proof is not accepted for trees with wrong tree height.
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, root1, snapshot2 * 2,
root2, proof));
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, root1, snapshot2 / 2,
root2, proof));
// Test that providing the wrong input root fails checking an
// otherwise-valid proof.
const std::string wrong_root("WrongRoot");
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, root1, snapshot2,
wrong_root, proof));
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, wrong_root, snapshot2,
root2, proof));
// Test that swapping roots fails checking an otherwise-valid proof (that
// the right root is used for each calculation).
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, root2, snapshot2,
root1, proof));
// Variations of wrong proofs, all of which should be rejected.
std::vector<std::string> wrong_proof;
// Empty proof.
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, root1, snapshot2,
root2, wrong_proof));
// Modify a single element in the proof.
for (size_t j = 0; j < proof.size(); ++j) {
wrong_proof = proof;
wrong_proof[j] = GetEmptyTreeHash();
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, root1, snapshot2,
root2, wrong_proof));
// Add garbage at the end of the proof.
wrong_proof = proof;
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, root1, snapshot2,
root2, wrong_proof));
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, root1, snapshot2,
root2, wrong_proof));
// Remove a node from the end.
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, root1, snapshot2,
root2, wrong_proof));
// Add garbage in the beginning of the proof.
wrong_proof.insert(wrong_proof.end(), proof.begin(), proof.end());
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, root1, snapshot2,
root2, wrong_proof));
wrong_proof[0] = proof[0];
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, snapshot1, root1, snapshot2,
root2, wrong_proof));
scoped_refptr<const CTLogVerifier> log_;
TEST_F(CTLogVerifierTest, VerifiesCertSCT) {
ct::LogEntry cert_entry;
scoped_refptr<ct::SignedCertificateTimestamp> cert_sct;
EXPECT_TRUE(log_->Verify(cert_entry, *cert_sct.get()));
TEST_F(CTLogVerifierTest, VerifiesPrecertSCT) {
ct::LogEntry precert_entry;
scoped_refptr<ct::SignedCertificateTimestamp> precert_sct;
EXPECT_TRUE(log_->Verify(precert_entry, *precert_sct.get()));
TEST_F(CTLogVerifierTest, FailsInvalidTimestamp) {
ct::LogEntry cert_entry;
scoped_refptr<ct::SignedCertificateTimestamp> cert_sct;
// Mangle the timestamp, so that it should fail signature validation.
cert_sct->timestamp = base::Time::Now();
EXPECT_FALSE(log_->Verify(cert_entry, *cert_sct.get()));
TEST_F(CTLogVerifierTest, FailsInvalidLogID) {
ct::LogEntry cert_entry;
scoped_refptr<ct::SignedCertificateTimestamp> cert_sct;
// Mangle the log ID, which should cause it to match a different log before
// attempting signature validation.
cert_sct->log_id.assign(cert_sct->log_id.size(), '\0');
EXPECT_FALSE(log_->Verify(cert_entry, *cert_sct.get()));
TEST_F(CTLogVerifierTest, VerifiesValidSTH) {
ct::SignedTreeHead sth;
TEST_F(CTLogVerifierTest, DoesNotVerifyInvalidSTH) {
ct::SignedTreeHead sth;
sth.sha256_root_hash[0] = '\x0';
TEST_F(CTLogVerifierTest, VerifiesValidEmptySTH) {
ct::SignedTreeHead sth;
TEST_F(CTLogVerifierTest, DoesNotVerifyInvalidEmptySTH) {
ct::SignedTreeHead sth;
// Test that excess data after the public key is rejected.
TEST_F(CTLogVerifierTest, ExcessDataInPublicKey) {
std::string key = ct::GetTestPublicKey();
key += "extra";
scoped_refptr<const CTLogVerifier> log = CTLogVerifier::Create(
key, "testlog", "", "");
TEST_F(CTLogVerifierTest, VerifiesConsistencyProofEdgeCases_EmptyProof) {
std::vector<std::string> empty_proof;
std::string root1(GetEmptyTreeHash()), root2(GetEmptyTreeHash());
// Snapshots that are always consistent, because they are either
// from an empty tree to a non-empty one or for trees of the same
// size.
EXPECT_TRUE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, 0, root1, 0, root2, empty_proof));
EXPECT_TRUE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, 0, root1, 1, root2, empty_proof));
EXPECT_TRUE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, 1, root1, 1, root2, empty_proof));
// Invalid consistency proofs.
// Time travel to the past.
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, 1, root1, 0, root2, empty_proof));
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, 2, root1, 1, root2, empty_proof));
// Proof between two trees of different size can never be empty.
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, 1, root1, 2, root2, empty_proof));
TEST_F(CTLogVerifierTest, VerifiesConsistencyProofEdgeCases_MismatchingRoots) {
std::vector<std::string> empty_proof;
std::string root2;
const std::string empty_tree_hash(GetEmptyTreeHash());
// Roots don't match.
VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, 0, empty_tree_hash, 0, root2, empty_proof));
VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, 1, empty_tree_hash, 1, root2, empty_proof));
VerifiesConsistencyProofEdgeCases_MatchingRootsNonEmptyProof) {
const std::string empty_tree_hash(GetEmptyTreeHash());
std::vector<std::string> proof;
// Roots match and the tree size is either the same or the old tree size is 0,
// but the proof is not empty (the verification code should not accept
// proofs with redundant nodes in this case).
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, 0, empty_tree_hash, 0,
empty_tree_hash, proof));
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, 0, empty_tree_hash, 1,
empty_tree_hash, proof));
EXPECT_FALSE(VerifyConsistencyProof(log_, 1, empty_tree_hash, 1,
empty_tree_hash, proof));
TEST_F(CTLogVerifierTest, VerifiesValidConsistencyProofs) {
std::vector<std::string> proof;
std::string root1, root2;
// Known good proofs.
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kSHA256Proofs); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < kSHA256Proofs[i].proof_length; ++j) {
const char* const v = kSHA256Proofs[i].proof[j];
const uint64_t snapshot1 = kSHA256Proofs[i].snapshot1;
const uint64_t snapshot2 = kSHA256Proofs[i].snapshot2;
const char* const old_root = kSHA256Roots[snapshot1 - 1];
const char* const new_root = kSHA256Roots[snapshot2 - 1];
VerifierConsistencyCheck(snapshot1, snapshot2, HexToBytes(old_root),
HexToBytes(new_root), proof);
const char kLeafPrefix[] = {'\x00'};
// Reference implementation of RFC6962.
// This allows generation of arbitrary-sized Merkle trees and consistency
// proofs between them for testing the consistency proof validation
// code.
class TreeHasher {
static std::string HashLeaf(const std::string& leaf) {
SHA256HashValue sha256;
memset(, 0, sizeof(;
std::unique_ptr<crypto::SecureHash> hash(
hash->Update(kLeafPrefix, 1);
hash->Update(, leaf.size());
hash->Finish(, sizeof(;
return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
// Reference implementation of Merkle hash, for cross-checking.
// Recursively calculates the hash of the root given the leaf data
// specified in |inputs|.
std::string ReferenceMerkleTreeHash(std::string* inputs, uint64_t input_size) {
if (!input_size)
return GetEmptyTreeHash();
if (input_size == 1)
return TreeHasher::HashLeaf(inputs[0]);
const uint64_t split = CalculateNearestPowerOfTwo(input_size);
return ct::internal::HashNodes(
ReferenceMerkleTreeHash(&inputs[0], split),
ReferenceMerkleTreeHash(&inputs[split], input_size - split));
// Reference implementation of snapshot consistency. Returns a
// consistency proof between two snapshots of the tree designated
// by |inputs|.
// Call with have_root1 = true.
std::vector<std::string> ReferenceSnapshotConsistency(std::string* inputs,
uint64_t snapshot2,
uint64_t snapshot1,
bool have_root1) {
std::vector<std::string> proof;
if (snapshot1 == 0 || snapshot1 > snapshot2)
return proof;
if (snapshot1 == snapshot2) {
// Consistency proof for two equal subtrees is empty.
if (!have_root1) {
// Record the hash of this subtree unless it's the root for which
// the proof was originally requested. (This happens when the snapshot1
// tree is balanced.)
proof.push_back(ReferenceMerkleTreeHash(inputs, snapshot1));
return proof;
// 0 < snapshot1 < snapshot2
const uint64_t split = CalculateNearestPowerOfTwo(snapshot2);
std::vector<std::string> subproof;
if (snapshot1 <= split) {
// Root of snapshot1 is in the left subtree of snapshot2.
// Prove that the left subtrees are consistent.
subproof =
ReferenceSnapshotConsistency(inputs, split, snapshot1, have_root1);
proof.insert(proof.end(), subproof.begin(), subproof.end());
// Record the hash of the right subtree (only present in snapshot2).
proof.push_back(ReferenceMerkleTreeHash(&inputs[split], snapshot2 - split));
} else {
// Snapshot1 root is at the same level as snapshot2 root.
// Prove that the right subtrees are consistent. The right subtree
// doesn't contain the root of snapshot1, so set have_root1 = false.
subproof = ReferenceSnapshotConsistency(&inputs[split], snapshot2 - split,
snapshot1 - split, false);
proof.insert(proof.end(), subproof.begin(), subproof.end());
// Record the hash of the left subtree (equal in both trees).
proof.push_back(ReferenceMerkleTreeHash(&inputs[0], split));
return proof;
class CTLogVerifierTestUsingReferenceGenerator
: public CTLogVerifierTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<uint64_t> {};
const uint64_t kReferenceTreeSize = 256;
// Tests that every possible valid consistency proof for a tree of a given size
// verifies correctly. Also checks that invalid variations of each proof fail to
// verify (see VerifierConsistencyCheck).
VerifiesValidConsistencyProof) {
std::vector<std::string> data;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kReferenceTreeSize; ++i)
data.push_back(std::string(1, static_cast<char>(i)));
const uint64_t tree_size = GetParam();
const std::string tree_root = ReferenceMerkleTreeHash(, tree_size);
for (uint64_t snapshot = 1; snapshot <= tree_size; ++snapshot) {
const std::string snapshot_root =
ReferenceMerkleTreeHash(, snapshot);
const std::vector<std::string> proof =
ReferenceSnapshotConsistency(, tree_size, snapshot, true);
VerifierConsistencyCheck(snapshot, tree_size, snapshot_root, tree_root,
// Test verification of consistency proofs between all tree sizes from 1 to 128.
(kReferenceTreeSize / 2) + 1));
} // namespace
} // namespace net