blob: 8c17d39f29eff12eae1f9b1ad7ff7056c9f8e89e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/wm/public/window_types.h"
namespace display {
class Display;
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
namespace ui {
class Window;
namespace ash {
namespace mus {
class AshTestImplMus;
class RootWindowController;
class WmTestHelper;
// Base class for window manager tests that want to configure
// WindowTreeClient without a client to mus.
class WmTestBase : public testing::Test {
~WmTestBase() override;
// TODO(sky): temporary until is fixed.
bool SupportsMultipleDisplays() const;
// Update the display configuration as given in |display_spec|.
// See test::DisplayManagerTestApi::UpdateDisplay for more details.
void UpdateDisplay(const std::string& display_spec);
ui::Window* GetPrimaryRootWindow();
ui::Window* GetSecondaryRootWindow();
display::Display GetPrimaryDisplay();
display::Display GetSecondaryDisplay();
// Creates a top level window visible window in the appropriate container.
// NOTE: you can explicitly destroy the returned value if necessary, but it
// will also be automatically destroyed when the WindowTreeClient is
// destroyed.
ui::Window* CreateTestWindow(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
ui::Window* CreateTestWindow(const gfx::Rect& bounds,
ui::wm::WindowType window_type);
ui::Window* CreateFullscreenTestWindow();
// Creates a window parented to |parent|. The returned window is visible.
ui::Window* CreateChildTestWindow(ui::Window* parent,
const gfx::Rect& bounds);
// testing::Test:
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
friend class AshTestImplMus;
bool setup_called_ = false;
bool teardown_called_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<WmTestHelper> test_helper_;
} // namespace mus
} // namespace ash