blob: f7afe72c3b449ed80396f12f54744cce005f38cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/cert/ct_verifier.h"
#include "net/cert/signed_tree_head.h"
#include "net/cert/sth_observer.h"
namespace net {
class CTLogVerifier;
class X509Certificate;
namespace ct {
struct SignedCertificateTimestamp;
} // namespace ct
} // namespace net
namespace certificate_transparency {
// Tracks the state of an individual Certificate Transparency Log's Merkle Tree.
// A CT Log constantly issues Signed Tree Heads, for which every older STH must
// be incorporated into the current/newer STH. As new certificates are logged,
// new SCTs are produced, and eventually, those SCTs are incorporated into the
// log and a new STH is produced, with there being an inclusion proof between
// the SCTs and the new STH, and a consistency proof between the old STH and the
// new STH.
// This class receives STHs provided by/observed by the embedder, with the
// assumption that STHs have been checked for consistency already. As SCTs are
// observed, their status is checked against the latest STH to ensure they were
// properly logged. If an SCT is newer than the latest STH, then this class
// verifies that when an STH is observed that should have incorporated those
// SCTs, the SCTs (and their corresponding entries) are present in the log.
// To accomplish this, this class needs to be notified of when new SCTs are
// observed (which it does by implementing net::CTVerifier::Observer) and when
// new STHs are observed (which it does by implementing net::ct::STHObserver).
// Once connected to sources providing that data, the status for a given SCT
// can be queried by calling GetLogEntryInclusionCheck.
class SingleTreeTracker : public net::CTVerifier::Observer,
public net::ct::STHObserver {
// TODO(eranm): This enum will expand to include check success/failure,
// see
enum SCTInclusionStatus {
// SCT was not observed by this class and is not currently pending
// inclusion check. As there's no evidence the SCT this status relates
// to is verified (it was never observed via OnSCTVerified), nothing
// is done with it.
// SCT was observed but the STH known to this class is not old
// enough to check for inclusion, so a newer STH is needed first.
// SCT is known and there's a new-enough STH to check inclusion against.
// Actual inclusion check has to be performed.
explicit SingleTreeTracker(scoped_refptr<const net::CTLogVerifier> ct_log);
~SingleTreeTracker() override;
// net::ct::CTVerifier::Observer implementation.
// TODO(eranm): Extract CTVerifier::Observer to SCTObserver
// Performs an inclusion check for the given certificate if the latest
// STH known for this log is older than sct.timestamp + Maximum Merge Delay,
// enqueues the SCT for future checking later on.
// Should only be called with SCTs issued by the log this instance tracks.
// TODO(eranm): Make sure not to perform any synchronous, blocking operation
// here as this callback is invoked during certificate validation.
void OnSCTVerified(net::X509Certificate* cert,
const net::ct::SignedCertificateTimestamp* sct) override;
// net::ct::STHObserver implementation.
// After verification of the signature over the |sth|, uses this
// STH for future inclusion checks.
// Must only be called for STHs issued by the log this instance tracks.
void NewSTHObserved(const net::ct::SignedTreeHead& sth) override;
// Returns the status of a given log entry that is assembled from
// |cert| and |sct|. If |cert| and |sct| were not previously observed,
// |sct| is not an SCT for |cert| or |sct| is not for this log,
// SCT_NOT_OBSERVED will be returned.
SCTInclusionStatus GetLogEntryInclusionStatus(
net::X509Certificate* cert,
const net::ct::SignedCertificateTimestamp* sct);
// Holds the latest STH fetched and verified for this log.
net::ct::SignedTreeHead verified_sth_;
// The log being tracked.
scoped_refptr<const net::CTLogVerifier> ct_log_;
// List of log entries pending inclusion check.
// TODO(eranm): Rather than rely on the timestamp, extend to to use the
// whole MerkleTreeLeaf (RFC6962, section 3.4.) as a key. See
// and
std::map<base::Time, SCTInclusionStatus> entries_status_;
} // namespace certificate_transparency