blob: d4c225784253cde2bbde6fd17b8dddfdc08abcbf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h"
#include "components/pdf/renderer/pdf_accessibility_tree.h"
#include "components/strings/grit/components_strings.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_accessibility.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_frame.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_view.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/renderer_ppapi_host.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace pdf {
namespace {
// Don't try to apply font size thresholds to automatically identify headings
// if the median font size is not at least this many points.
const double kMinimumFontSize = 5;
// Don't try to apply line break thresholds to automatically identify
// line breaks if the median line break is not at least this many points.
const double kMinimumLineSpacing = 5;
// Ratio between the font size of one text run and the median on the page
// for that text run to be considered to be a heading instead of normal text.
const double kHeadingFontSizeRatio = 1.2;
// Ratio between the line spacing between two lines and the median on the
// page for that line spacing to be considered a paragraph break.
const double kParagraphLineSpacingRatio = 1.2;
gfx::RectF ToGfxRectF(const PP_FloatRect& r) {
return gfx::RectF(r.point.x, r.point.y, r.size.width, r.size.height);
content::RendererPpapiHost* host,
PP_Instance instance)
: host_(host),
zoom_(1.0) {
PdfAccessibilityTree::~PdfAccessibilityTree() {
void PdfAccessibilityTree::SetAccessibilityViewportInfo(
const PP_PrivateAccessibilityViewportInfo& viewport_info) {
zoom_ = viewport_info.zoom;
CHECK_GT(zoom_, 0);
scroll_ = ToVector2dF(viewport_info.scroll);
scroll_.Scale(1.0 / zoom_);
offset_ = ToVector2dF(viewport_info.offset);
offset_.Scale(1.0 / zoom_);
content::RenderAccessibility* render_accessibility = GetRenderAccessibility();
if (render_accessibility && tree_.size() > 1) {
ui::AXNode* root = tree_.root();
ui::AXNodeData root_data = root->data();
root_data.transform = base::WrapUnique(MakeTransformFromViewInfo());
void PdfAccessibilityTree::SetAccessibilityDocInfo(
const PP_PrivateAccessibilityDocInfo& doc_info) {
if (!GetRenderAccessibility())
doc_info_ = doc_info;
doc_node_ = CreateNode(ui::AX_ROLE_GROUP);
// Because all of the coordinates are expressed relative to the
// doc's coordinates, the origin of the doc must be (0, 0). Its
// width and height will be updated as we add each page so that the
// doc's bounding box surrounds all pages.
doc_node_->location = gfx::RectF(0, 0, 1, 1);
void PdfAccessibilityTree::SetAccessibilityPageInfo(
const PP_PrivateAccessibilityPageInfo& page_info,
const std::vector<PP_PrivateAccessibilityTextRunInfo>& text_runs,
const std::vector<PP_PrivateAccessibilityCharInfo>& chars) {
content::RenderAccessibility* render_accessibility = GetRenderAccessibility();
if (!render_accessibility)
uint32_t page_index = page_info.page_index;
CHECK_GE(page_index, 0U);
CHECK_LT(page_index, doc_info_.page_count);
ui::AXNodeData* page_node = CreateNode(ui::AX_ROLE_REGION);
IDS_PDF_PAGE_INDEX, page_index + 1));
gfx::RectF page_bounds = ToRectF(page_info.bounds);
page_node->location = page_bounds;
double heading_font_size_threshold = 0;
double line_spacing_threshold = 0;
ui::AXNodeData* para_node = nullptr;
ui::AXNodeData* static_text_node = nullptr;
std::string static_text;
uint32_t char_index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < text_runs.size(); ++i) {
// Get the text of the next text run
const auto& text_run = text_runs[i];
std::string chars_utf8 = GetTextRunCharsAsUTF8(text_run, chars, char_index);
std::vector<int32_t> char_offsets = GetTextRunCharOffsets(
text_run, chars, char_index);
static_text += chars_utf8;
char_index += text_run.len;
// If we don't have a paragraph, create one.
if (!para_node) {
para_node = CreateNode(ui::AX_ROLE_PARAGRAPH);
if (heading_font_size_threshold > 0 &&
text_run.font_size > heading_font_size_threshold) {
para_node->role = ui::AX_ROLE_HEADING;
para_node->AddIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_HIERARCHICAL_LEVEL, 2);
para_node->AddStringAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_HTML_TAG, "h2");
// This node is for the text inside the paragraph, it includes
// the text of all of the text runs.
static_text_node = CreateNode(ui::AX_ROLE_STATIC_TEXT);
// Add this text run to the current static text node.
ui::AXNodeData* inline_text_box_node = CreateNode(
inline_text_box_node->AddStringAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_NAME, chars_utf8);
gfx::RectF text_run_bounds = ToGfxRectF(text_run.bounds);
text_run_bounds += page_bounds.OffsetFromOrigin();
inline_text_box_node->location = text_run_bounds;
if (i == text_runs.size() - 1) {
static_text_node->AddStringAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_NAME, static_text);
double line_spacing =
text_runs[i + 1].bounds.point.y - text_run.bounds.point.y;
if (text_run.font_size != text_runs[i + 1].font_size ||
(line_spacing_threshold > 0 &&
line_spacing > line_spacing_threshold)) {
static_text_node->AddStringAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_NAME, static_text);
para_node = nullptr;
static_text_node = nullptr;
if (page_index == doc_info_.page_count - 1)
void PdfAccessibilityTree::Finish() {
doc_node_->transform = base::WrapUnique(MakeTransformFromViewInfo());
ui::AXTreeUpdate update;
update.root_id = doc_node_->id;
for (const auto& node : nodes_)
CHECK(tree_.Unserialize(update)) << update.ToString() << tree_.error();
content::RenderAccessibility* render_accessibility = GetRenderAccessibility();
if (render_accessibility)
void PdfAccessibilityTree::ComputeParagraphAndHeadingThresholds(
const std::vector<PP_PrivateAccessibilityTextRunInfo>& text_runs,
double* out_heading_font_size_threshold,
double* out_line_spacing_threshold) {
// Scan over the font sizes and line spacing within this page and
// set heuristic thresholds so that text larger than the median font
// size can be marked as a heading, and spacing larger than the median
// line spacing can be a paragraph break.
std::vector<double> font_sizes;
std::vector<double> line_spacings;
for (size_t i = 0; i < text_runs.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
const auto& cur = text_runs[i].bounds;
const auto& prev = text_runs[i - 1].bounds;
if (cur.point.y > prev.point.y + prev.size.height / 2)
line_spacings.push_back(cur.point.y - prev.point.y);
if (font_sizes.size() > 2) {
std::sort(font_sizes.begin(), font_sizes.end());
double median_font_size = font_sizes[font_sizes.size() / 2];
if (median_font_size > kMinimumFontSize) {
*out_heading_font_size_threshold =
median_font_size * kHeadingFontSizeRatio;
if (line_spacings.size() > 4) {
std::sort(line_spacings.begin(), line_spacings.end());
double median_line_spacing = line_spacings[line_spacings.size() / 2];
if (median_line_spacing > kMinimumLineSpacing) {
*out_line_spacing_threshold =
median_line_spacing * kParagraphLineSpacingRatio;
std::string PdfAccessibilityTree::GetTextRunCharsAsUTF8(
const PP_PrivateAccessibilityTextRunInfo& text_run,
const std::vector<PP_PrivateAccessibilityCharInfo>& chars,
int char_index) {
std::string chars_utf8;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < text_run.len; ++i) {
base::WriteUnicodeCharacter(chars[char_index + i].unicode_character,
return chars_utf8;
std::vector<int32_t> PdfAccessibilityTree::GetTextRunCharOffsets(
const PP_PrivateAccessibilityTextRunInfo& text_run,
const std::vector<PP_PrivateAccessibilityCharInfo>& chars,
int char_index) {
std::vector<int32_t> char_offsets(text_run.len);
double offset = 0.0;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < text_run.len; ++j) {
offset += chars[char_index + j].char_width;
char_offsets[j] = floor(offset);
return char_offsets;
gfx::Vector2dF PdfAccessibilityTree::ToVector2dF(const PP_Point& p) {
return gfx::Vector2dF(p.x, p.y);
gfx::RectF PdfAccessibilityTree::ToRectF(const PP_Rect& r) {
return gfx::RectF(r.point.x, r.point.y, r.size.width, r.size.height);
ui::AXNodeData* PdfAccessibilityTree::CreateNode(ui::AXRole role) {
content::RenderAccessibility* render_accessibility = GetRenderAccessibility();
ui::AXNodeData* node = new ui::AXNodeData();
node->id = render_accessibility->GenerateAXID();
node->role = role;
node->state = 1 << ui::AX_STATE_READ_ONLY;
// All nodes other than the first one have coordinates relative to
// the first node.
if (nodes_.size() > 0)
node->offset_container_id = nodes_[0]->id;
return node;
float PdfAccessibilityTree::GetDeviceScaleFactor() const {
content::RenderFrame* render_frame =
return render_frame->GetRenderView()->GetDeviceScaleFactor();
content::RenderAccessibility* PdfAccessibilityTree::GetRenderAccessibility() {
content::RenderFrame* render_frame =
return render_frame ? render_frame->GetRenderAccessibility() : nullptr;
gfx::Transform* PdfAccessibilityTree::MakeTransformFromViewInfo() {
gfx::Transform* transform = new gfx::Transform();
float scale_factor = zoom_ / GetDeviceScaleFactor();
transform->Scale(scale_factor, scale_factor);
return transform;
// AXTreeSource implementation.
bool PdfAccessibilityTree::GetTreeData(ui::AXTreeData* tree_data) const {
return false;
ui::AXNode* PdfAccessibilityTree::GetRoot() const {
return tree_.root();
ui::AXNode* PdfAccessibilityTree::GetFromId(int32_t id) const {
return tree_.GetFromId(id);
int32_t PdfAccessibilityTree::GetId(const ui::AXNode* node) const {
return node->id();
void PdfAccessibilityTree::GetChildren(
const ui::AXNode* node,
std::vector<const ui::AXNode*>* out_children) const {
for (int i = 0; i < node->child_count(); ++i)
ui::AXNode* PdfAccessibilityTree::GetParent(const ui::AXNode* node) const {
return node->parent();
bool PdfAccessibilityTree::IsValid(const ui::AXNode* node) const {
return node != nullptr;
bool PdfAccessibilityTree::IsEqual(const ui::AXNode* node1,
const ui::AXNode* node2) const {
return node1 == node2;
const ui::AXNode* PdfAccessibilityTree::GetNull() const {
return nullptr;
void PdfAccessibilityTree::SerializeNode(
const ui::AXNode* node, ui::AXNodeData* out_data) const {
*out_data = node->data();
} // namespace pdf