blob: d63f11f7852b44c328b0cef7f855a0c0b1eef8de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "ui/compositor/compositor_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace cc {
class DisplayItemList;
namespace gfx {
class Canvas;
class SkPictureRecorder;
namespace ui {
class ClipTransformRecorder;
class CompositingRecorder;
class PaintRecorder;
class COMPOSITOR_EXPORT PaintContext {
// Construct a PaintContext that may only re-paint the area in the
// |invalidation|.
PaintContext(gfx::Canvas* canvas, const gfx::Rect& invalidation);
// Construct a PaintContext that may only re-paint the area in the
// |invalidation|.
PaintContext(cc::DisplayItemList* list,
float device_scale_factor,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
const gfx::Rect& invalidation);
// Construct a PaintContext that will re-paint everything (no consideration
// for invalidation).
explicit PaintContext(gfx::Canvas* canvas);
PaintContext(const PaintContext& other);
// Clone a PaintContext with an additional |offset|.
PaintContext CloneWithPaintOffset(const gfx::Vector2d& offset) const {
return PaintContext(*this, offset);
// Clone a PaintContext that has no consideration for invalidation.
PaintContext CloneWithoutInvalidation() const {
return PaintContext(canvas_);
// When true, IsRectInvalidated() can be called, otherwise its result would be
// invalid.
bool CanCheckInvalidated() const { return !invalidation_.IsEmpty(); }
// When true, the |bounds| touches an invalidated area, so should be
// re-painted. When false, re-painting can be skipped. Bounds should be in
// the local space with offsets up to the painting root in the PaintContext.
bool IsRectInvalidated(const gfx::Rect& bounds) const {
return invalidation_.Intersects(bounds + offset_);
void Visited(void* visited) const {
if (!root_visited_)
root_visited_ = visited;
void* RootVisited() const { return root_visited_; }
const gfx::Vector2d& PaintOffset() const { return offset_; }
const gfx::Rect& InvalidationForTesting() const { return invalidation_; }
// The Recorder classes need access to the internal canvas and friends, but we
// don't want to expose them on this class so that people must go through the
// recorders to access them.
friend class ClipTransformRecorder;
friend class CompositingRecorder;
friend class PaintRecorder;
PaintContext& operator=(const PaintContext& other) = delete;
// Clone a PaintContext with an additional |offset|.
PaintContext(const PaintContext& other, const gfx::Vector2d& offset);
gfx::Canvas* canvas_;
cc::DisplayItemList* list_;
scoped_ptr<SkPictureRecorder> recorder_;
// The device scale of the frame being painted. Used to determine which bitmap
// resources to use in the frame.
float device_scale_factor_;
// The bounds of the area being painted. Not all of it may be invalidated from
// the previous frame.
gfx::Rect bounds_;
// Invalidation in the space of the paint root (ie the space of the layer
// backing the paint taking place).
gfx::Rect invalidation_;
// Offset from the PaintContext to the space of the paint root and the
// |invalidation_|.
gfx::Vector2d offset_;
// Used to verify that the |invalidation_| is only used to compare against
// rects in the same space.
mutable void* root_visited_;
// Used to verify that paint recorders are not nested. True while a paint
// recorder is active.
mutable bool inside_paint_recorder_;
} // namespace ui