blob: 5248a391d216bcab164147f583f2ae456f53a06a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file describes various types used to describe and filter notifications
// that pass through the NotificationService.
// It is written as an enum inside a class so that it can be forward declared.
// You're not allowed to forward declare an enum, and we want to forward
// declare this since it's required by NotificationObserver which is included
// by a lot of header files.
// Since this class encapsulates an integral value, it should be passed by
// value.
class NotificationType {
enum Type {
// General -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Special signal value to represent an interest in all notifications.
// Not valid when posting a notification.
ALL = 0,
// The app is done processing user actions, now is a good time to do
// some background work.
// Means that the app has just started doing something in response to a
// user action, and that background processes shouldn't run if avoidable.
// This is sent when the user does a gesture resulting in a noteworthy
// action taking place. This is typically used for logging. The source is
// the profile, and the details is a wstring identifying the action.
// NavigationController ----------------------------------------------------
// A new pending navigation has been created. Pending entries are created
// when the user requests the navigation. We don't know if it will actually
// happen until it does (at this point, it will be "committed." Note that
// renderer- initiated navigations such as link clicks will never be
// pending.
// This notification is called after the pending entry is created, but
// before we actually try to navigate. The source will be the
// NavigationController that owns the pending entry, and there are no
// details.
// A new non-pending navigation entry has been created. This will
// correspond to one NavigationController entry being created (in the case
// of new navigations) or renavigated to (for back/forward navigations).
// The source will be the navigation controller doing the commit. The
// details will be NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails.
// Indicates that the NavigationController given in the Source has
// decreased its back/forward list count by removing entries from either
// the front or back of its list. This is usually the result of going back
// and then doing a new navigation, meaning all the "forward" items are
// deleted.
// This normally happens as a result of a new navigation. It will be
// followed by a NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED message for the new page that
// caused the pruning. It could also be a result of removing an item from
// the list to fix up after interstitials.
// The details are NavigationController::PrunedDetails.
// Indicates that a NavigationEntry has changed. The source will be the
// NavigationController that owns the NavigationEntry. The details will be
// a NavigationController::EntryChangedDetails struct.
// This will NOT be sent on navigation, interested parties should also
// listen for NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED to handle that case. This will be
// sent when the entry is updated outside of navigation (like when a new
// title comes).
// Other load-related (not from NavigationController) ----------------------
// A content load is starting. The source will be a
// Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the load
// is occurring. No details are expected for this notification.
// A content load has stopped. The source will be a
// Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the load
// is occurring. Details in the form of a LoadNotificationDetails object
// are optional.
// A frame is staring a provisional load. The source is a
// Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the load
// occurs. Details is a bool specifying if the load occurs in the main
// frame (or a sub-frame if false).
// Content was loaded from an in-memory cache. The source will be a
// Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the load
// occurred. Details in the form of a LoadFromMemoryCacheDetails object
// are provided.
// A provisional content load has failed with an error. The source will be
// a Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the
// load occurred. Details in the form of a ProvisionalLoadDetails object
// are provided.
// A response has been received for a resource request. The source will be
// a Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the
// request was issued. Details in the form of a ResourceRequestDetails
// object are provided.
// A redirect was received while requesting a resource. The source will be
// a Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the
// request was issued. Details in the form of a ResourceRedirectDetails
// are provided.
// SSL ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Updating the SSL security indicators (the lock icon and such) proceeds
// in two phases:
// 1) The internal SSL state for a host or tab changes. When this happens,
// the SSLManager broadcasts an SSL_INTERNAL_STATE_CHANGED notification.
// 2) The SSLManager for each tab receives this notification and might or
// might not update the navigation entry for its tab, depending on
// whether the change in state affects that tab. If the SSLManager does
// change the navigation entry, then the SSLManager broadcasts an
// SSL_VISIBLE_STATE_CHANGED notification to the user interface can
// redraw properly.
// The SSL state of a page has changed in some visible way. For example,
// if an insecure resource is loaded on a secure page. Note that a
// toplevel load commit will also update the SSL state (since the
// NavigationEntry is new) and this message won't always be sent in that
// case. Listen to this notification if you need to refresh SSL-related UI
// elements.
// There is no source or details.
// The SSL state of the browser has changed in some internal way. For
// example, the user might have explicitly allowed some broken certificate
// or a secure origin might have included some insecure content. Listen to
// this notifiation if you need to keep track of our internal SSL state.
// The source will be the navigation controller associated with the state
// change. There are no details.
// Lets resource handlers and other interested observers know when the
// message filter is being deleted and can no longer be used. This will
// also get sent if the renderer crashes (and in that case, it'll be sent
// twice).
// Lets interested observers know when a WorkerProcessHost is being deleted
// and can no longer be used.
// Views -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notification that a view was removed from a view hierarchy. The source
// is the view, the details is the parent view.
// Browser-window ----------------------------------------------------------
// This message is sent after a window has been opened. The source is a
// Source<Browser> containing the affected Browser. No details are
// expected.
// This message is sent soon after BROWSER_OPENED, and indicates that
// the Browser's |window_| is now non-NULL. The source is a Source<Browser>
// containing the affected Browser. No details are expected.
// This message is sent when a browser is closing. The source is a
// Source<Browser> containing the affected Browser. Details is a boolean
// that if true indicates that the application will be closed as a result of
// this browser window closure (i.e. this was the last opened browser
// window on win/linux). This is sent prior to BROWSER_CLOSED, and may be
// sent more than once for a particular browser.
// This message is sent after a window has been closed. The source is a
// Source<Browser> containing the affected Browser. Details is a boolean
// that if true indicates that the application will be closed as a result of
// this browser window closure (i.e. this was the last opened browser
// window on win/linux). Note that the boolean pointed to by details is
// only valid for the duration of this call.
// This message is sent when the last window considered to be an
// "application window" has been closed. Dependent/dialog/utility windows
// can use this as a way to know that they should also close. No source or
// details are passed.
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// This message is sent when the application is made active (Mac OS X only
// at present). No source or details are passed.
// This message is sent when the application is terminating (Mac OS X only
// at present). No source or details are passed.
// This is sent when the user has chosen to exit the app, but before any
// browsers have closed. This is only sent if the user chooses the exit menu
// item, not if Chrome exists by some other means (such as the user closing
// the last window). The source and details are unspecified.
// Indicates that a top window has been closed. The source is the HWND
// that was closed, no details are expected.
// Indicates that a devtools window is closing. The source is the Profile*
// and the details is the inspected RenderViewHost*.
// Sent when an info bubble has been created but not yet shown. The source
// is the InfoBubble.
// Sent when the language (English, French...) for a page has been detected.
// The details Details<std::string> contain the ISO 639-1 language code and
// the source is Source<TabContents>.
// Sent when a page has been translated. The source is the tab for that page
// (Source<TabContents>) and the details are the language the page was
// originally in and the language it was translated to
// (std::pair<std::string, std::string>).
// Sent after the renderer returns a snapshot of tab contents.
// The source (Source<RenderViewHost>) is the RenderViewHost for which the
// snapshot was generated and the details (Details<const SkBitmap>) is the
// actual snapshot.
// Send after the code is run in specified tab.
// The user has changed the browser theme.
// Sent when the renderer returns focus to the browser, as part of focus
// traversal. The source is the browser, there are no details.
// Application-modal dialogs -----------------------------------------------
// Sent after an application-modal dialog has been shown. The source
// is the dialog.
// Sent after an application-modal dialog has been closed. The source
// is the dialog.
// Tabs --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when a tab is added to a TabContentsDelegate. The source is the
// TabContentsDelegate and the details is the TabContents.
// This notification is sent after a tab has been appended to the
// tab_strip. The source is a Source<NavigationController> with a pointer
// to controller for the added tab. There are no details.
// This message is sent before a tab has been closed. The source is a
// Source<NavigationController> with a pointer to the controller for the
// closed tab. No details are expected.
// See also TAB_CLOSED.
// Notification that a tab has been closed. The source is the
// NavigationController with no details.
// This notification is sent when a render view host has connected to a
// renderer process. The source is a Source<TabContents> with a pointer to
// the TabContents. A TAB_CONTENTS_DISCONNECTED notification is
// guaranteed before the source pointer becomes junk. No details are
// expected.
// This notification is sent when a TabContents swaps its render view host
// with another one, possibly changing processes. The source is a
// Source<TabContents> with a pointer to the TabContents. A
// TAB_CONTENTS_DISCONNECTED notification is guaranteed before the
// source pointer becomes junk. No details are expected.
// This message is sent after a TabContents is disconnected from the
// renderer process. The source is a Source<TabContents> with a pointer to
// the TabContents (the pointer is usable). No details are expected.
// This notification is sent after TabContents' title is updated. The source
// is a Source<TabContents> with a pointer to the TabContents. No details
// are expected.
// This message is sent when a new InfoBar has been added to a TabContents.
// The source is a Source<TabContents> with a pointer to the TabContents
// the InfoBar was added to. The details is a Details<InfoBarDelegate> with
// a pointer to an object implementing the InfoBarDelegate interface for
// the InfoBar that was added.
// This message is sent when an InfoBar is about to be removed from a
// TabContents. The source is a Source<TabContents> with a pointer to the
// TabContents the InfoBar was removed from. The details is a
// Details<InfoBarDelegate> with a pointer to an object implementing the
// InfoBarDelegate interface for the InfoBar that was removed.
// This message is sent when an InfoBar is replacing another infobar in a
// TabContents. The source is a Source<TabContents> with a pointer to the
// TabContents the InfoBar was removed from. The details is a
// Details<std::pair<InfoBarDelegate*, InfoBarDelegate*> > with a pointer
// to the old and new InfoBarDelegates, respectively.
// This is sent when an externally hosted tab is created. The details
// contain the ExternalTabContainer that contains the tab
// This is sent when an externally hosted tab is closed. No details are
// expected.
// Indicates that the new page tab has finished loading. This is used for
// performance testing to see how fast we can load it after startup, and is
// only called once for the lifetime of the browser. The source is unused.
// Details is an integer: the number of milliseconds elapsed between
// starting and finishing all painting.
// Used to fire notifications about how long various events took to
// complete. E.g., this is used to get more fine grained timings from the
// new tab page. Details is a MetricEventDurationDetails.
// This notification is sent when a TabContents is being hidden, e.g. due
// to switching away from this tab. The source is a Source<TabContents>.
// This notification is sent when a TabContents is being destroyed. Any
// object holding a reference to a TabContents can listen to that
// notification to properly reset the reference. The source is a
// Source<TabContents>.
// This notification is sent when TabContents::SetAppExtension is invoked.
// The source is the TabContents SetAppExtension was invoked on.
// A RenderViewHost was created for a TabContents. The source is the
// associated TabContents, and the details is the RenderViewHost
// pointer.
// Stuff inside the tabs ---------------------------------------------------
// This message is sent after a constrained window has been closed. The
// source is a Source<ConstrainedWindow> with a pointer to the closed child
// window. (The pointer isn't usable, except for identification.) No
// details are expected.
// Indicates that a RenderProcessHost was created and its handle is now
// available. The source will be the RenderProcessHost that corresponds to
// the process.
// Indicates that a RenderProcessHost is destructing. The source will be the
// RenderProcessHost that corresponds to the process.
// Indicates that a render process was closed (meaning it exited, but the
// RenderProcessHost might be reused). The source will be the corresponding
// RenderProcessHost. The details will be a RendererClosedDetails struct.
// This may get sent along with RENDERER_PROCESS_TERMINATED.
// Indicates that a render process has become unresponsive for a period of
// time. The source will be the RenderWidgetHost that corresponds to the
// hung view, and no details are expected.
// This is sent to notify that the RenderViewHost displayed in a
// TabContents has changed. Source is the TabContents for which the change
// happened, details is the previous RenderViewHost (can be NULL when the
// first RenderViewHost is set).
// Indicates that the render view host has received a new accessibility tree
// from the render view. The source is the RenderViewHost, the details
// are not used.
// This is sent when a RenderWidgetHost is being destroyed. The source is
// the RenderWidgetHost, the details are not used.
// Sent from ~RenderViewHost. The source is the TabContents.
// Sent from RenderViewHost::ClosePage. The hosted RenderView has
// processed the onbeforeunload handler and is about to be sent a
// ViewMsg_ClosePage message to complete the tear-down process. The source
// is the RenderViewHost sending the message, and no details are provided.
// Note: This message is not sent in response to RenderView closure
// initiated by window.close().
// Indicates a RenderWidgetHost has been hidden or restored. The source is
// the RWH whose visibility changed, the details is a bool set to true if
// the new state is "visible."
// Notification from TabContents that we have received a response from the
// renderer in response to a dom automation controller action.
// Sent when the bookmark bubble hides. The source is the profile, the
// details unused.
// This notification is sent when the result of a find-in-page search is
// available with the browser process. The source is a Source<TabContents>
// with a pointer to the TabContents. Details encompass a
// FindNotificationDetail object that tells whether the match was found or
// not found.
// This is sent when the users preference for when the bookmark bar should
// be shown changes. The source is the profile, and the details are
// NoDetails.
// This is sent when the user's preference (for when the extension shelf
// should be shown) changes. The source is the profile, and the details are
// NoDetails.
// Sent just before the installation confirm dialog is shown. The source
// is the ExtensionInstallUI, the details are NoDetails.
// Used to monitor web cache usage by notifying whenever the
// CacheManagerHost observes new UsageStats. The source will be the
// RenderProcessHost that corresponds to the new statistics. Details are a
// UsageStats object sent by the renderer, and should be copied - ptr not
// guaranteed to be valid after the notification.
// The focused element inside a page has changed. The source is the render
// view host for the page, there are no details.
// BackgroundContents ------------------------------------------------------
// The background contents navigated to a new location. The source is the
// BackgroundContents, and the details are contained RenderViewHost.
// The background contents is being deleted. The source is the
// BackgroundContents, and the details are the contained RendeViewHost.
// Child Processes ---------------------------------------------------------
// This notification is sent when a child process host has connected to a
// child process. There is no usable source, since it is sent from an
// ephemeral task; register for AllSources() to receive this notification.
// The details are in a Details<ChildProcessInfo>.
// This message is sent after a ChildProcessHost is disconnected from the
// child process. There is no usable source, since it is sent from an
// ephemeral task; register for AllSources() to receive this notification.
// The details are in a Details<ChildProcessInfo>.
// This message is sent when a child process disappears unexpectedly.
// There is no usable source, since it is sent from an ephemeral task;
// register for AllSources() to receive this notification. The details are
// in a Details<ChildProcessInfo>.
// This message indicates that an instance of a particular child was
// created in a page. (If one page contains several regions rendered by
// the same child, this notification will occur once for each region
// during the page load.)
// There is no usable source, since it is sent from an ephemeral task;
// register for AllSources() to receive this notification. The details are
// in a Details<ChildProcessInfo>.
// This is sent when network interception is disabled for a plugin, or the
// plugin is unloaded. This should only be sent/received on the browser IO
// thread or the plugin thread. The source is the plugin that is disabling
// interception. No details are expected.
// This is sent when a login prompt is shown. The source is the
// Source<NavigationController> for the tab in which the prompt is shown.
// Details are a LoginNotificationDetails which provide the LoginHandler
// that should be given authentication.
// This is sent when authentication credentials have been supplied (either
// by the user or by an automation service), but before we've actually
// received another response from the server. The source is the
// Source<NavigationController> for the tab in which the prompt was shown.
// Details are an AuthSuppliedLoginNotificationDetails which provide the
// LoginHandler that should be given authentication as well as the supplied
// username and password.
// This is sent when an authentication request has been dismissed without
// supplying credentials (either by the user or by an automation service).
// The source is the Source<NavigationController> for the tab in which the
// prompt was shown. Details are a LoginNotificationDetails which provide
// the LoginHandler that should be cancelled.
// Saved Pages -------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when a SavePackage finishes successfully. The source is the
// SavePackage, and Details are a GURL containing address of downloaded
// page.
// History -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when a history service is created on the main thread. This is sent
// after history is created, but before it has finished loading. Use
// HISTORY_LOADED is you need to know when loading has completed.
// The source is the profile that the history service belongs to, and the
// details is the pointer to the newly created HistoryService object.
// Sent when a history service has finished loading. The source is the
// profile that the history service belongs to, and the details is the
// HistoryService.
// Sent when a URL that has been typed has been added or modified. This is
// used by the in-memory URL database (used by autocomplete) to track
// changes to the main history system.
// The source is the profile owning the history service that changed, and
// the details is history::URLsModifiedDetails that lists the modified or
// added URLs.
// Sent when the user visits a URL.
// The source is the profile owning the history service that changed, and
// the details is history::URLVisitedDetails.
// Sent when one or more URLs are deleted.
// The source is the profile owning the history service that changed, and
// the details is history::URLsDeletedDetails that lists the deleted URLs.
// Sent by history when the favicon of a URL changes. The source is the
// profile, and the details is history::FavIconChangeDetails (see
// history_notifications.h).
// Sent by history if there is a problem reading the profile. The details
// is an int that's one of the message IDs in the string table. The active
// browser window should notify the user of this error.
// Sent before a Profile is destroyed. The details are
// none and the source is a Profile*.
// Thumbnails---------------------------------------------------------------
// Set by ThumbnailStore when it was finished loading data from disk on
// startup.
// Sent by the ThumbnailGenerator whenever a render widget host
// updates its backing store. The source is the
// ThumbnailGenerator, and the details are the RenderWidgetHost
// that notified the ThumbnailGenerator that its backing store was
// updated.
// Bookmarks ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when the starred state of a URL changes. A URL is starred if there
// is at least one bookmark for it. The source is a Profile and the details
// is history::URLsStarredDetails that contains the list of URLs and
// whether they were starred or unstarred.
// Sent when the bookmark bar model finishes loading. This source is the
// Profile, and the details aren't used.
// Sent when SpellCheckHost has been reloaded. The source is the profile,
// the details are NoDetails.
// Sent when a new word has been added to the custom dictionary. The source
// is the SpellCheckHost, the details are NoDetails.
// Sent by the profile when the automatic spell correction setting has been
// toggled. It exists as a notification rather than just letting interested
// parties listen for the pref change because some objects may outlive the
// profile. Source is profile, details is NoDetails.
// Sent when the bookmark bubble is shown for a particular URL. The source
// is the profile, the details the URL.
// Non-history storage services --------------------------------------------
// Notification that the TemplateURLModel has finished loading from the
// database. The source is the TemplateURLModel, and the details are
// NoDetails.
// Notification triggered when a web application has been installed or
// uninstalled. Any application view should reload its data. The source is
// the profile. No details are provided.
// This is sent to a pref observer when a pref is changed. The source is the
// PrefService and the details a std::wstring of the changed path.
// Sent when a default request context has been created, so calling
// Profile::GetDefaultRequestContext() will not return NULL. This is sent
// on the thread where Profile::GetRequestContext() is first called, which
// should be the UI thread.
// Autocomplete ------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent by the autocomplete controller at least once per query, each time
// new matches are available, subject to rate-limiting/coalescing to reduce
// the number of updates. The details hold the AutocompleteResult that
// observers should use if they want to see the updated matches.
// Sent by the autocomplete controller immediately after synchronous matches
// become available, and thereafter at the same time that
// AutocompleteResult that observers should use if they want to see the
// up-to-date matches.
// This is sent when an item of the Omnibox popup is selected. The source
// is the profile.
// Sent by the autocomplete edit when it is destroyed.
// Sent when the main Google URL has been updated. Some services cache
// this value and need to update themselves when it changes. See
// google_util::GetGoogleURLAndUpdateIfNecessary().
// Printing ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Notification from PrintJob that an event occured. It can be that a page
// finished printing or that the print job failed. Details is
// PrintJob::EventDetails.
// Shutdown ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent on the browser IO thread when an URLRequestContext is released by
// its owning Profile. The source is a pointer to the URLRequestContext.
// Sent when WM_ENDSESSION has been received, after the browsers have been
// closed but before browser process has been shutdown. The source/details
// are all source and no details.
// Personalization ---------------------------------------------------------
// User Scripts ------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when there are new user scripts available. The details are a
// pointer to SharedMemory containing the new scripts.
// User Style Sheet --------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when the user style sheet has changed.
// Extensions --------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when the known installed extensions have all been loaded. In
// testing scenarios this can happen multiple times if extensions are
// unloaded and reloaded. The source is a Profile.
// Sent when a new extension is loaded. The details are an Extension, and
// the source is a Profile.
// Sent when attempting to load a new extension, but they are disabled. The
// details are an Extension*, and the source is a Profile*.
// Sent when an extension is about to be installed so we can (in the case of
// themes) alert the user with a loading dialog. The source is the download
// manager and the details are the download url.
// Sent when an extension install turns out to not be a theme.
// Sent when a new theme is installed. The details are an Extension, and the
// source is a Profile.
// Sent when new extensions are installed. The details are an Extension, and
// the source is a Profile.
// An error occured during extension install. The details are a string with
// details about why the install failed.
// Sent when an extension is unloaded. This happens when an extension is
// uninstalled or disabled. The details are an Extension, and the source is
// a Profile.
// Note that when this notification is sent, ExtensionsService has already
// removed the extension from its internal state.
// Same as above, but for a disabled extension.
// Sent after a new ExtensionFunctionDispatcher is created. The details are
// an ExtensionFunctionDispatcher* and the source is a Profile*. This is
// similar in timing to EXTENSION_HOST_CREATED, but also fires when an
// extension view which is hosted in TabContents* is created.
// Sent before an ExtensionHost is destroyed. The details are
// an ExtensionFunctionDispatcher* and the source is a Profile*. This is
// similar in timing to EXTENSION_HOST_DESTROYED, but also fires when an
// extension view which is hosted in TabContents* is destroyed.
// Sent after a new ExtensionHost is created. The details are
// an ExtensionHost* and the source is an ExtensionProcessManager*.
// Sent before an ExtensionHost is destroyed. The details are
// an ExtensionHost* and the source is a Profile*.
// Sent by an ExtensionHost when it finished its initial page load.
// The details are an ExtensionHost* and the source is a Profile*.
// Sent by an ExtensionHost when its render view requests closing through
// window.close(). The details are an ExtensionHost* and the source is a
// Profile*.
// Sent after an extension render process is created and fully functional.
// The details are an ExtensionHost*.
// Sent when extension render process ends (whether it crashes or closes).
// The details are an ExtensionHost* and the source is a Profile*. Not sent
// during browser shutdown.
// Sent when the contents or order of toolstrips in the shelf model change.
// Sent when a background page is ready so other components can load.
// Sent when a pop-up extension view is ready, so that notification may
// be sent to pending callbacks. Note that this notification is sent
// after all onload callbacks have been invoked in the main frame.
// The details is the ExtensionHost* hosted within the popup, and the source
// is a Profile*.
// Sent when a browser action's state has changed. The source is the
// ExtensionAction* that changed. There are no details.
// Sent when the count of page actions has changed. Note that some of them
// may not apply to the current page. The source is a LocationBar*. There
// are no details.
// Sent when a page action's visibility has changed. The source is the
// ExtensionAction* that changed. The details are a TabContents*.
// Sent by an extension to notify the browser about the results of a unit
// test.
// Sent when an bookmarks extensions API function was successfully invoked.
// The source is the id of the extension that invoked the function, and the
// details are a pointer to the const BookmarksFunction in question.
// Sent when an omnibox extension has sent back omnibox suggestions. The
// source is the profile, and the details are a
// std::pair<int suggest_id, ListValue suggestions_array>
// The source is the extension object that changed. Details is a bool*
// with the new visibility.
// Privacy Blacklist -------------------------------------------------------
// Sent on the IO thread when a non-visual resource (like a cookie)
// is blocked by a privacy blacklist. The details are a const URLRequest,
// and the source is a const ChromeURLRequestContext.
// Debugging ---------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO(mpcomplete): Sent to diagnose a bug. Remove when fixed.
// Desktop Notifications ---------------------------------------------------
// This notification is sent when a balloon is connected to a renderer
// process to render the balloon contents. The source is a
// Source<BalloonHost> with a pointer to the the balloon. A
// NOTIFY_BALLOON_DISCONNECTED is guaranteed before the source pointer
// becomes junk. No details expected.
// This message is sent after a balloon is disconnected from the renderer
// process. The source is a Source<BalloonHost> with a pointer to the
// balloon host (the pointer is usable). No details are expected.
// Web Database Service ----------------------------------------------------
// This notification is sent whenever autofill entries are
// changed. The detail of this notification is a list of changes
// represented by a vector of AutofillChange. Each change
// includes a change type (add, update, or remove) as well as the
// key of the entry that was affected.
// Sent when an AutoFillProfile has been added/removed/updated in the
// WebDatabase. The detail is an AutofillProfileChange.
// Sent when an Autofill CreditCard has been added/removed/updated in the
// WebDatabase. The detail is an AutofillCreditCardChange.
// This notification is sent whenever the web database service has finished
// loading the web database. No details are expected.
// Purge Memory ------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent on the IO thread when the system should try to reduce the amount of
// memory in use, no source or details are passed. See memory_purger.h .cc.
// Upgrade notifications ---------------------------------------------------
// Sent when Chrome detects that it has been upgraded behind the scenes.
// NOTE: The detection mechanism is asynchronous, so this event may arrive
// quite some time after the upgrade actually happened. No details are
// expected.
// Sent when Chrome believes an update has been installed and available for
// long enough with the user shutting down to let it take effect. See
// for details on how long it waits. No details are
// expected.
// Accessibility Notifications ---------------------------------------------
// Notification that a window in the browser UI (not the web content)
// was opened, for propagating to an accessibility extension.
// Details will be an AccessibilityWindowInfo.
// Notification that a window in the browser UI was closed.
// Details will be an AccessibilityWindowInfo.
// Notification that a control in the browser UI was focused.
// Details will be an AccessibilityControlInfo.
// Notification that a control in the browser UI had its action taken,
// like pressing a button or toggling a checkbox.
// Details will be an AccessibilityControlInfo.
// Notification that text box in the browser UI had text change.
// Details will be an AccessibilityControlInfo.
// Notification that a pop-down menu was opened, for propagating
// to an accessibility extension.
// Details will be an AccessibilityMenuInfo.
// Notification that a pop-down menu was closed, for propagating
// to an accessibility extension.
// Details will be an AccessibilityMenuInfo.
// Content Settings --------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when content settings change. The source is a HostContentSettings
// object, the details are ContentSettingsNotificationsDetails.
// Sync --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when the sync backend has been paused.
// Sent when the sync backend has been resumed.
// The sync service has started the configuration process.
// The sync service is finished the configuration process.
// Cookies -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when a cookie changes. The source is a Profile object, the details
// are a ChromeCookieDetails object.
// Misc --------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Sent when a chromium os user logs in.
// Sent when user image is updated.
// Sent when a chromium os user attempts to log in. The source is
// all and the details are AuthenticationNotificationDetails.
// Sent when a panel state changed.
// Sent when the wizard's content view is destroyed. The source and details
// are not used.
// Sent when the screen lock state has changed. The source is
// ScreenLocker and the details is a bool specifing that the
// screen is locked. When details is a false, the source object
// is being deleted, so the receiver shouldn't use the screen locker
// object.
// Sent before the repost form warning is brought up.
// The source is a NavigationController.
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
// Sent when a bookmark's context menu is shown. Used to notify
// tests that the context menu has been created and shown.
// Sent when the zoom level changes. The source is the profile, details the
// host as a std::string (see HostZoomMap::GetZoomLevel for details on the
// host as it not always just the host).
// Password Store ----------------------------------------------------------
// This notification is sent whenenever login entries stored in the password
// store are changed. The detail of this notification is a list of changes
// represented by a vector of PasswordStoreChange. Each change includes a
// change type (ADD, UPDATE, or REMOVE) as well as the
// |webkit_glue::PasswordForm|s that were affected.
// Count (must be last) ----------------------------------------------------
// Used to determine the number of notification types. Not valid as
// a type parameter when registering for or posting notifications.
// TODO(erg): Our notification system relies on implicit conversion.
NotificationType(Type v) : value(v) {} // NOLINT
bool operator==(NotificationType t) const { return value == t.value; }
bool operator!=(NotificationType t) const { return value != t.value; }
// Comparison to explicit enum values.
bool operator==(Type v) const { return value == v; }
bool operator!=(Type v) const { return value != v; }
Type value;
inline bool operator==(NotificationType::Type a, NotificationType b) {
return a == b.value;
inline bool operator!=(NotificationType::Type a, NotificationType b) {
return a != b.value;