blob: fc52aeb48bf33ba857ee3904c8def751ba5d4d3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gfx/rect.h"
#include "printing/page_overlays.h"
#include "printing/page_range.h"
#include "printing/page_setup.h"
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
#import <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
typedef struct HDC__* HDC;
typedef struct _devicemodeW DEVMODE;
namespace printing {
// OS-independent print settings.
class PrintSettings {
// Reinitialize the settings to the default values.
void Clear();
#ifdef WIN32
// Reads the settings from the selected device context. Calculates derived
// values like printable_area_.
void Init(HDC hdc,
const DEVMODE& dev_mode,
const PageRanges& new_ranges,
const std::wstring& new_device_name,
bool selection_only);
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Reads the settings from the given PMPrinter and PMPageFormat.
void Init(PMPrinter printer, PMPageFormat page_format,
const PageRanges& new_ranges, bool print_selection_only);
// Set printer printable area in in device units.
void SetPrinterPrintableArea(gfx::Size const& physical_size_device_units,
gfx::Rect const& printable_area_device_units,
int units_per_inch);
// Equality operator.
// NOTE: printer_name is NOT tested for equality since it doesn't affect the
// output.
bool Equals(const PrintSettings& rhs) const;
const std::wstring& printer_name() const { return printer_name_; }
void set_device_name(const std::wstring& device_name) {
device_name_ = device_name;
const std::wstring& device_name() const { return device_name_; }
int dpi() const { return dpi_; }
const PageSetup& page_setup_device_units() const {
return page_setup_device_units_;
int device_units_per_inch() const {
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
return 72;
#else // defined(OS_MACOSX)
return dpi();
#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Multi-page printing. Each PageRange describes a from-to page combination.
// This permits printing selected pages only.
PageRanges ranges;
// By imaging to a width a little wider than the available pixels, thin pages
// will be scaled down a little, matching the way they print in IE and Camino.
// This lets them use fewer sheets than they would otherwise, which is
// presumably why other browsers do this. Wide pages will be scaled down more
// than this.
double min_shrink;
// This number determines how small we are willing to reduce the page content
// in order to accommodate the widest line. If the page would have to be
// reduced smaller to make the widest line fit, we just clip instead (this
// behavior matches MacIE and Mozilla, at least)
double max_shrink;
// Desired visible dots per inch rendering for output. Printing should be
// scaled to ScreenDpi/dpix*desired_dpi.
int desired_dpi;
// The various overlays (headers and footers).
PageOverlays overlays;
// Indicates if the user only wants to print the current selection.
bool selection_only;
// Indicates whether we should use browser-controlled page overlays
// (header, footer, margins etc). If it is false, the overlays are
// controlled by the renderer.
bool use_overlays;
// Cookie generator. It is used to initialize PrintedDocument with its
// associated PrintSettings, to be sure that each generated PrintedPage is
// correctly associated with its corresponding PrintedDocument.
static int NewCookie();
// Settings that can't be changed without side-effects.
// Printer name as shown to the user.
std::wstring printer_name_;
// Printer device name as opened by the OS.
std::wstring device_name_;
// Page setup in device units.
PageSetup page_setup_device_units_;
// Printer's device effective dots per inch in both axis.
int dpi_;
// Is the orientation landscape or portrait.
bool landscape_;
} // namespace printing