blob: 98abf289606598df0090c1f6d3493bd2ca93d221 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include "base/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
// AnimationContainer is used by Animation to manage the underlying timer.
// Internally each Animation creates a single AnimationContainer. You can
// group a set of Animations into the same AnimationContainer by way of
// Animation::SetContainer. Grouping a set of Animations into the same
// AnimationContainer ensures they all update and start at the same time.
// AnimationContainer is ref counted. Each Animation contained within the
// AnimationContainer own it.
class AnimationContainer : public base::RefCounted<AnimationContainer> {
// The observer is notified after every update of the animations managed by
// the container.
class Observer {
// Invoked on every tick of the timer managed by the container and after
// all the animations have updated.
virtual void AnimationContainerProgressed(
AnimationContainer* container) = 0;
// Invoked when no more animations are being managed by this container.
virtual void AnimationContainerEmpty(AnimationContainer* container) = 0;
// Interface for the elements the AnimationContainer contains. This is
// implemented by Animation.
class Element {
// Sets the start of the animation. This is invoked from
// AnimationContainer::Start.
virtual void SetStartTime(base::TimeTicks start_time) = 0;
// Invoked when the animation is to progress.
virtual void Step(base::TimeTicks time_now) = 0;
// Returns the time interval of the animation. If an Element needs to change
// this it should first invoke Stop, then Start.
virtual base::TimeDelta GetTimerInterval() const = 0;
virtual ~Element() {}
// Invoked by Animation when it needs to start. Starts the timer if necessary.
// NOTE: This is invoked by Animation for you, you shouldn't invoke this
// directly.
void Start(Element* animation);
// Invoked by Animation when it needs to stop. If there are no more animations
// running the timer stops.
// NOTE: This is invoked by Animation for you, you shouldn't invoke this
// directly.
void Stop(Element* animation);
void set_observer(Observer* observer) { observer_ = observer; }
// The time the last animation ran at.
base::TimeTicks last_tick_time() const { return last_tick_time_; }
// Are there any timers running?
bool is_running() const { return !elements_.empty(); }
friend class base::RefCounted<AnimationContainer>;
typedef std::set<Element*> Elements;
// Timer callback method.
void Run();
// Sets min_timer_interval_ and restarts the timer.
void SetMinTimerInterval(base::TimeDelta delta);
// Returns the min timer interval of all the timers.
base::TimeDelta GetMinInterval();
// Represents one of two possible values:
// . If only a single animation has been started and the timer hasn't yet
// fired this is the time the animation was added.
// . The time the last animation ran at (::Run was invoked).
base::TimeTicks last_tick_time_;
// Set of elements (animations) being managed.
Elements elements_;
// Minimum interval the timers run at.
base::TimeDelta min_timer_interval_;
base::RepeatingTimer<AnimationContainer> timer_;
Observer* observer_;