blob: 350c29abaae6609fbe24862b4fe6526028f1ad00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "app/l10n_util.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include "app/l10n_util_win.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/win_util.h"
#include "grit/app_locale_settings.h"
namespace {
void AdjustLogFont(const std::wstring& font_family,
double font_size_scaler,
LOGFONT* logfont) {
DCHECK(font_size_scaler > 0);
font_size_scaler = std::max(std::min(font_size_scaler, 2.0), 0.7);
logfont->lfHeight = static_cast<long>(font_size_scaler *
static_cast<double>(abs(logfont->lfHeight)) + 0.5) *
(logfont->lfHeight > 0 ? 1 : -1);
// TODO(jungshik): We may want to check the existence of the font.
// If it's not installed, we shouldn't adjust the font.
if (font_family != L"default") {
int name_len = std::min(static_cast<int>(font_family.size()),
memcpy(logfont->lfFaceName,, name_len * sizeof(WORD));
logfont->lfFaceName[name_len] = 0;
bool IsFontPresent(const wchar_t* font_name) {
HFONT hfont = CreateFont(12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
if (hfont == NULL)
return false;
HDC dc = GetDC(0);
HGDIOBJ oldFont = static_cast<HFONT>(SelectObject(dc, hfont));
WCHAR actual_font_name[LF_FACESIZE];
DWORD size_ret = GetTextFace(dc, LF_FACESIZE, actual_font_name);
actual_font_name[LF_FACESIZE - 1] = 0;
SelectObject(dc, oldFont);
ReleaseDC(0, dc);
// We don't have to worry about East Asian fonts with locale-dependent
// names here.
return wcscmp(font_name, actual_font_name) == 0;
} // namespace
namespace l10n_util {
int GetExtendedStyles() {
return !base::i18n::IsRTL() ? 0 : WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL | WS_EX_RTLREADING;
int GetExtendedTooltipStyles() {
return !base::i18n::IsRTL() ? 0 : WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL;
void HWNDSetRTLLayout(HWND hwnd) {
DWORD ex_style = ::GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE);
// We don't have to do anything if the style is already set for the HWND.
if (!(ex_style & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL)) {
ex_style |= WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL;
::SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, ex_style);
// Right-to-left layout changes are not applied to the window immediately
// so we should make sure a WM_PAINT is sent to the window by invalidating
// the entire window rect.
::InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, true);
bool IsLocaleSupportedByOS(const std::string& locale) {
// Block Amharic on Windows XP unless 'Abyssinica SIL' font is present.
// On Win XP, no Ethiopic/Amahric font is availabel out of box. We hard-coded
// 'Abyssinica SIL' in the resource bundle to use in the UI. Check
// for its presence to determine whether or not to support Amharic UI on XP.
return (win_util::GetWinVersion() >= win_util::WINVERSION_VISTA ||
!LowerCaseEqualsASCII(locale, "am") || IsFontPresent(L"Abyssinica SIL"));
bool NeedOverrideDefaultUIFont(std::wstring* override_font_family,
double* font_size_scaler) {
// This is rather simple-minded to deal with the UI font size
// issue for some Indian locales (ml, bn, hi) for which
// the default Windows fonts are too small to be legible. For those
// locales, IDS_UI_FONT_FAMILY is set to an actual font family to
// use while for other locales, it's set to 'default'.
// XP and Vista or later have different font size issues and
// we need separate ui font specifications.
int ui_font_family_id = IDS_UI_FONT_FAMILY;
int ui_font_size_scaler_id = IDS_UI_FONT_SIZE_SCALER;
if (win_util::GetWinVersion() < win_util::WINVERSION_VISTA) {
ui_font_family_id = IDS_UI_FONT_FAMILY_XP;
ui_font_size_scaler_id = IDS_UI_FONT_SIZE_SCALER_XP;
std::wstring ui_font_family = GetString(ui_font_family_id);
int scaler100 = StringToInt(l10n_util::GetString(ui_font_size_scaler_id));
// We use the OS default in two cases:
// 1) The resource bundle has 'default' and '100' for font family and
// font scaler.
// 2) The resource bundle is not available for some reason and
// ui_font_family is empty.
if (ui_font_family == L"default" && scaler100 == 100 ||
return false;
if (override_font_family && font_size_scaler) {
*font_size_scaler = scaler100 / 100.0;
return true;
void AdjustUIFont(LOGFONT* logfont) {
std::wstring ui_font_family;
double ui_font_size_scaler;
if (NeedOverrideDefaultUIFont(&ui_font_family, &ui_font_size_scaler))
AdjustLogFont(ui_font_family, ui_font_size_scaler, logfont);
void AdjustUIFontForWindow(HWND hwnd) {
std::wstring ui_font_family;
double ui_font_size_scaler;
if (NeedOverrideDefaultUIFont(&ui_font_family, &ui_font_size_scaler)) {
LOGFONT logfont;
if (GetObject(GetWindowFont(hwnd), sizeof(logfont), &logfont)) {
AdjustLogFont(ui_font_family, ui_font_size_scaler, &logfont);
HFONT hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&logfont);
if (hfont)
SetWindowFont(hwnd, hfont, FALSE);
} // namespace l10n_util