blob: c0148bf1462d08a3f5511a8779b15f5634d572ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this
// source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
// LICENSE file.
#include "gfx/native_widget_types.h"
namespace gfx {
class Font;
class Rect;
class Size;
namespace views {
class ClientView;
class NonClientFrameView;
class NonClientView;
class Widget;
class WindowDelegate;
// An interface implemented by an object that provides a top level window.
class Window {
virtual ~Window() {}
// Creates an instance of an object implementing this interface.
// TODO(beng): create a version of this function that takes a NativeView, for
// constrained windows.
static Window* CreateChromeWindow(gfx::NativeWindow parent,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
WindowDelegate* window_delegate);
// Returns the preferred size of the contents view of this window based on
// its localized size data. The width in cols is held in a localized string
// resource identified by |col_resource_id|, the height in the same fashion.
// TODO(beng): This should eventually live somewhere else, probably closer to
// ClientView.
static int GetLocalizedContentsWidth(int col_resource_id);
static int GetLocalizedContentsHeight(int row_resource_id);
static gfx::Size GetLocalizedContentsSize(int col_resource_id,
int row_resource_id);
// Closes all windows that aren't identified as "app windows" via
// IsAppWindow. Called during application shutdown when the last "app window"
// is closed.
static void CloseAllSecondaryWindows();
// Used by |CloseAllSecondaryWindows|. If |widget|'s window is a secondary
// window, the window is closed. If |widget| has no window, it is closed.
// Does nothing if |widget| is null.
static void CloseSecondaryWidget(Widget* widget);
// Retrieves the window's bounds, including its frame.
virtual gfx::Rect GetBounds() const = 0;
// Retrieves the restored bounds for the window.
virtual gfx::Rect GetNormalBounds() const = 0;
// Sets the Window's bounds. The window is inserted after |other_window| in
// the window Z-order. If this window is not yet visible, other_window's
// monitor is used as the constraining rectangle, rather than this window's
// monitor.
virtual void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds,
gfx::NativeWindow other_window) = 0;
// Makes the window visible.
virtual void Show() = 0;
// Hides the window. This does not delete the window, it just hides it. This
// always hides the window, it is separate from the stack maintained by
// Push/PopForceHidden.
virtual void HideWindow() = 0;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Hides the window if it hasn't already been force-hidden. The force hidden
// count is tracked, so calling multiple times is allowed, you just have to
// be sure to call PopForceHidden the same number of times.
virtual void PushForceHidden() = 0;
// Decrements the force hidden count, showing the window if we have reached
// the top of the stack. See PushForceHidden.
virtual void PopForceHidden() = 0;
// Prevents the window from being rendered as deactivated the next time it is.
// This state is reset automatically as soon as the window becomes activated
// again. There is no ability to control the state through this API as this
// leads to sync problems.
// For Gtk use WidgetGtk::make_transient_to_parent.
virtual void DisableInactiveRendering() = 0;
// Activate the window, assuming it already exists and is visible.
virtual void Activate() = 0;
// Closes the window, ultimately destroying it. This isn't immediate (it
// occurs after a return to the message loop. Implementors must also make sure
// that invoking Close multiple times doesn't cause bad things to happen,
// since it can happen.
virtual void Close() = 0;
// Maximizes/minimizes/restores the window.
virtual void Maximize() = 0;
virtual void Minimize() = 0;
virtual void Restore() = 0;
// Whether or not the window is currently active.
virtual bool IsActive() const = 0;
// Whether or not the window is currently visible.
virtual bool IsVisible() const = 0;
// Whether or not the window is maximized or minimized.
virtual bool IsMaximized() const = 0;
virtual bool IsMinimized() const = 0;
// Accessors for fullscreen state.
virtual void SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen) = 0;
virtual bool IsFullscreen() const = 0;
// Sets whether or not the window should show its frame as a "transient drag
// frame" - slightly transparent and without the standard window controls.
virtual void SetUseDragFrame(bool use_drag_frame) = 0;
// Returns true if the Window is considered to be an "app window" - i.e.
// any window which when it is the last of its type closed causes the
// application to exit.
virtual bool IsAppWindow() const { return false; }
// Toggles the enable state for the Close button (and the Close menu item in
// the system menu).
virtual void EnableClose(bool enable) = 0;
// Tell the window to update its title from the delegate.
virtual void UpdateWindowTitle() = 0;
// Tell the window to update its icon from the delegate.
virtual void UpdateWindowIcon() = 0;
// Sets whether or not the window is always-on-top.
virtual void SetIsAlwaysOnTop(bool always_on_top) = 0;
// Creates an appropriate NonClientFrameView for this window.
virtual NonClientFrameView* CreateFrameViewForWindow() = 0;
// Updates the frame after an event caused it to be changed.
virtual void UpdateFrameAfterFrameChange() = 0;
// Retrieves the Window's delegate.
virtual WindowDelegate* GetDelegate() const = 0;
// Retrieves the Window's non-client view.
virtual NonClientView* GetNonClientView() const = 0;
// Retrieves the Window's client view.
virtual ClientView* GetClientView() const = 0;
// Retrieves the Window's native window handle.
virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetNativeWindow() const = 0;
// Whether we should be using a native frame.
virtual bool ShouldUseNativeFrame() const = 0;
// Tell the window that something caused the frame type to change.
virtual void FrameTypeChanged() = 0;
} // namespace views
#endif // #ifndef VIEWS_WINDOW_WINDOW_H_