blob: dd4748acd25badd811509517e946358e1fd71b66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <shdeprecated.h>
#include <string>
#include <urlmon.h>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_comptr_win.h"
// Typedefs for IHttpNegotiate methods.
typedef HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE* IHttpNegotiate_BeginningTransaction_Fn)(
IHttpNegotiate* me, LPCWSTR url, LPCWSTR headers, DWORD reserved,
LPWSTR* additional_headers);
typedef HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE* IHttpNegotiate_OnResponse_Fn)(
IHttpNegotiate* me, DWORD response_code, LPCWSTR response_header,
LPCWSTR request_header, LPWSTR* additional_request_headers);
// Typedefs for IBindStatusCallback methods.
typedef HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE* IBindStatusCallback_StartBinding_Fn)(
IBindStatusCallback* me, DWORD reserved, IBinding *binding);
// Typedefs for IInternetProtocolSink methods.
typedef HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE* IInternetProtocolSink_ReportProgress_Fn)(
IInternetProtocolSink* me, ULONG status_code, LPCWSTR status_text);
// Patches methods of urlmon's IHttpNegotiate implementation for the purposes
// of adding to the http user agent header.
// Also patches one of the IBindStatusCallback implementations in urlmon to pick
// up an IBinding during the StartBinding call. The IBinding implementor then
// gets a patch applied to its IInternetProtocolSink's ReportProgress method.
// The patched is there so that the reporting of the MIME type to the IBinding
// implementor can be changed if an X-Chrome-Frame HTTP header is present
// in the response headers. If anyone can suggest a more straightforward way of
// doing this, I would be eternally grateful.
class HttpNegotiatePatch {
// class is not to be instantiated atm.
static bool Initialize();
static void Uninitialize();
// IHttpNegotiate patch methods
static STDMETHODIMP BeginningTransaction(
IHttpNegotiate_BeginningTransaction_Fn original, IHttpNegotiate* me,
LPCWSTR url, LPCWSTR headers, DWORD reserved, LPWSTR* additional_headers);
// IBindStatusCallback patch methods
static STDMETHODIMP StartBinding(IBindStatusCallback_StartBinding_Fn original,
IBindStatusCallback* me, DWORD reserved, IBinding *binding);
// IInternetProtocolSink patch methods
static STDMETHODIMP ReportProgress(
IInternetProtocolSink_ReportProgress_Fn original,
IInternetProtocolSink* me, ULONG status_code, LPCWSTR status_text);
static HRESULT PatchHttpNegotiate(IUnknown* to_patch);
// Attempts to get to the associated browser service for an active request.
HRESULT GetBrowserServiceFromProtocolSink(IInternetProtocolSink* sink,
IBrowserService** browser_service);
// From the latest urlmon.h. Symbol name prepended with LOCAL_ to
// avoid conflict (and therefore build errors) for those building with
// a newer Windows SDK.
// TODO(robertshield): Remove this once we update our SDK version.
// Scans |additional_headers| and |headers| for User-Agent header or grabs
// the default User-Agent if none is found. Append "chromeframe" at the end
// of the string. Returns the original content of |additional_headers| but
// with the new User-Agent header. Somewhat unusual interface is dictated
// because we use it in IHttpNegotiate::BeginningTransaction.
// The function is a public since we want to use it from
// UrlmonUrlRequest::BeginningTransaction for the unusual but yet possible case
// when |headers| contains an User-Agent string.
// TODO(stoyan): Add unit test.
std::string AppendCFUserAgentString(LPCWSTR headers,
LPCWSTR additional_headers);
// Simple class that wraps IHttpNegotiate interface and adds "chromeframe"
// to User-agent Http header.
class UserAgentAddOn : public IHttpNegotiate {
UserAgentAddOn() {}
~UserAgentAddOn() {}
void set_delegate(IHttpNegotiate* delegate) {
delegate_ = delegate;
bool has_delegate() const {
return delegate_ != NULL;
// IHttpNegotiate
STDMETHOD(BeginningTransaction)(LPCWSTR url, LPCWSTR headers, DWORD reserved,
LPWSTR* additional_headers);
STDMETHOD(OnResponse)(DWORD response_code, LPCWSTR response_headers,
LPCWSTR request_headers, LPWSTR* additional_headers);
ScopedComPtr<IHttpNegotiate> delegate_;