blob: 164e194c9fd2edb3533e9f897c7ca8dd564db326 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace file_system_provider {
// Options for creating the provided file system info.
struct MountOptions {
// Only mandatory fields.
MountOptions(const std::string& file_system_id,
const std::string& display_name);
std::string file_system_id;
std::string display_name;
bool writable;
bool supports_notify_tag;
// Contains information about the provided file system instance.
class ProvidedFileSystemInfo {
ProvidedFileSystemInfo(const std::string& extension_id,
const MountOptions& mount_options,
const base::FilePath& mount_path);
const std::string& extension_id() const { return extension_id_; }
const std::string& file_system_id() const { return file_system_id_; }
const std::string& display_name() const { return display_name_; }
bool writable() const { return writable_; }
bool supports_notify_tag() const { return supports_notify_tag_; }
const base::FilePath& mount_path() const { return mount_path_; }
// ID of the extension providing this file system.
std::string extension_id_;
// ID of the file system.
std::string file_system_id_;
// Name of the file system, can be rendered in the UI.
std::string display_name_;
// Whether the file system is writable or just read-only.
bool writable_;
// Supports tags for file/directory change notifications.
bool supports_notify_tag_;
// Mount path of the underlying file system.
base::FilePath mount_path_;
} // namespace file_system_provider
} // namespace chromeos