blob: d4ced74a32c9bac8c462864f32e6b815151b8962 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class ConvertableToTraceFormat;
class TracedValue;
* In debug builds we trace the creation origin of BeginFrameArgs objects. We
* reuse the tracked_objects::Location system to do that.
* However, in release builds we don't want this as it doubles the size of the
* BeginFrameArgs object. As well it adds a number of largish strings to the
* binary. Despite the argument being unused, most compilers are unable to
* optimise it away even when unused. Instead we use the BEGINFRAME_FROM_HERE
* macro to prevent the data even getting referenced.
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define BEGINFRAME_FROM_HERE nullptr
namespace cc {
struct CC_EXPORT BeginFrameArgs {
enum BeginFrameArgsType {
// Not a real type, but used by the IPC system. Should always remain the
// *last* value in this enum.
static const char* TypeToString(BeginFrameArgsType type);
static constexpr uint32_t kStartingSourceId = 0;
// |source_id| for BeginFrameArgs not created by a BeginFrameSource. Used to
// avoid sequence number conflicts of BeginFrameArgs manually fed to an
// observer with those fed to the observer by the its BeginFrameSource.
static constexpr uint32_t kManualSourceId = UINT32_MAX;
static constexpr uint64_t kInvalidFrameNumber = 0;
static constexpr uint64_t kStartingFrameNumber = 1;
// Creates an invalid set of values.
#ifdef NDEBUG
typedef const void* CreationLocation;
typedef const tracked_objects::Location& CreationLocation;
tracked_objects::Location created_from;
// You should be able to find all instances where a BeginFrame has been
// created by searching for "BeginFrameArgs::Create".
// The location argument should **always** be BEGINFRAME_FROM_HERE macro.
static BeginFrameArgs Create(CreationLocation location,
uint32_t source_id,
uint64_t sequence_number,
base::TimeTicks frame_time,
base::TimeTicks deadline,
base::TimeDelta interval,
BeginFrameArgsType type);
// This is the default delta that will be used to adjust the deadline when
// proper draw-time estimations are not yet available.
static base::TimeDelta DefaultEstimatedParentDrawTime();
// This is the default interval to use to avoid sprinkling the code with
// magic numbers.
static base::TimeDelta DefaultInterval();
bool IsValid() const { return interval >= base::TimeDelta(); }
std::unique_ptr<base::trace_event::ConvertableToTraceFormat> AsValue() const;
void AsValueInto(base::trace_event::TracedValue* dict) const;
base::TimeTicks frame_time;
base::TimeTicks deadline;
base::TimeDelta interval;
// |source_id| and |sequence_number| identify a BeginFrame within a single
// process and are set by the original BeginFrameSource that created the
// BeginFrameArgs. When |source_id| of consecutive BeginFrameArgs changes,
// observers should expect the continuity of |sequence_number| to break.
uint64_t sequence_number;
uint32_t source_id; // |source_id| after |sequence_number| for packing.
BeginFrameArgsType type;
bool on_critical_path;
BeginFrameArgs(uint32_t source_id,
uint64_t sequence_number,
base::TimeTicks frame_time,
base::TimeTicks deadline,
base::TimeDelta interval,
BeginFrameArgsType type);
// Sent by a BeginFrameObserver as acknowledgment of completing a BeginFrame.
struct CC_EXPORT BeginFrameAck {
BeginFrameAck(uint32_t source_id,
uint64_t sequence_number,
uint64_t latest_confirmed_sequence_number,
bool has_damage);
// Creates a BeginFrameAck for a manual BeginFrame. Used when clients produce
// a CompositorFrame without prior BeginFrame, e.g. for synchronous drawing.
static BeginFrameAck CreateManualAckWithDamage();
// Sequence number of the BeginFrame that is acknowledged.
uint64_t sequence_number;
// Sequence number of the latest BeginFrame that was positively acknowledged
// (confirmed) by the observer.
// There are two scenarios for a positive acknowledgment:
// a) All of the observer's pending updates led to successful damage (e.g. a
// CompositorFrame or a damaged surface).
// b) The observer did not have any updates and thus did not need to
// produce damage.
// A negative acknowledgment, in contrast, describes a situation in which the
// observer had pending updates, but was unable to successfully produce
// corresponding damage for all its updates in time.
// As a result, |latest_confirmed_sequence_number| describes the "staleness"
// of the last damage that was produced by the observer. Note that even if
// |has_damage == true|, the damage produced as a result of the acknowledged
// BeginFrame may be stale
// (|latest_confirmed_sequence_number < sequence_number|). In such a case, the
// damage that was produced may contain updates from previous BeginFrames or
// only part of this BeginFrame's updates.
// Observers aggregate the |latest_confirmed_sequence_number| of their
// children: The compositor Scheduler indicates the latest BeginFrame that
// both impl and main thread confirmed. Likewise, the DisplayScheduler
// indicates the minimum |latest_confirmed_sequence_number| that all its
// BeginFrameObservers acknowledged.
// TODO(eseckler): Set this in Scheduler / DisplayScheduler and other
// observers according to above comment.
uint64_t latest_confirmed_sequence_number;
// Source identifier of the BeginFrame that is acknowledged. The
// BeginFrameSource that receives the acknowledgment uses this to discard
// BeginFrameAcks for BeginFrames sent by a different source. Such a situation
// may occur when the BeginFrameSource of the observer changes while a
// BeginFrame from the old source is still in flight.
uint32_t source_id; // |source_id| after above fields for packing.
// |true| if the observer has produced damage (e.g. sent a CompositorFrame or
// damaged a surface) as part of responding to the BeginFrame.
bool has_damage;
} // namespace cc